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Key Points From Fayose’s Inauguration Speech & Swearing In Pictures

fayose inaguration speech

Oct 16, 2014 – Key Points From New Ekiti State Governor Ayo Fayose’s Inauguration Speech & Swearing In Photos

  • Fayose Tells Ekiti People To Get Ready For Christmas Rice & Chicken

It is official Ayo Fayose has been sworn in as the new governor of Ekiti State.

He however didn’t take over power in peace. During his inauguration speech, he sounded like an angry lion and blasts the hell out of his opponent and members of All Progressives Congress Party, APC.

See key points from his inauguration speech below.

  • Everyone should observe a minute silence for All Progressives Congress. May their soul rest in perfect peace. They’ve departed our state forever.
  • I am the Governor that eats Boli (roasted plantain) with you and drinks Agbo Jedi (local herbal drink) with you.
  • You have successfully suported me in sending them (APC) back to their masters in Lagos. Not in our history again will they come back to our state.
  • God said to me that I should say with my heart; that i should forgive Ekiti people for removing me in the first place. I declare peace, prosperity employment, progress and stomach infrastructure for the people of Ekiti.
  • That government house you are looking at, when we finish here, I am going to lead you there. You are going to sleep there tonight. Open all the rooms and sleep there.
  • It is difficult for a man to get a second chance. I will banish hunger in your midst. I will work hard to put food on your table.
  • I am going to appoint a special adviser for stomach infrastructure. Tarring your road is wonderful, but food in the stomach is important. Already, I am grooming your chickens for Christmas and I am getting your rice ready.
  • Fayemi had the money and power, but he disconnected himself from the people. We have over 157 state accounts, and none of them has N1million in it.
  • My government was seized in the jugular by the power mongering demagod. The ship of state drifted with neither compass nor navigator. You know them, they are always the first to paint a picture that is different from the truth in the media.
  • The same margin I gave to Adebayo was the same I gave to Fayemi. The only difference is that Fayemi was defeated in the 16 local government areas. It was 16-0.

See more photos from the swearing in ceremony of Ayo Fayose below:

Hear speech…No wonder they call him area fada.  No worry his people love him like that.

I hear his prayerful born again wife is the secret behind his success… What a lucky man!



  1. Dorothy California

    October 16, 2014 at 8:38 PM

    I’m from Ado Ekiti and find his statement very demeaning and insultive
    Instead of creating jobs for our youths u’re talking aabout xmas rice and chicken
    Pls we Ekiti people are not hungry.STOP INSULTING US FAYOSE

    • Hon femi

      October 17, 2014 at 6:12 AM

      Y insulting him,means dat he **** with *** too…*** to Dorothy

  2. Amsterdam

    October 16, 2014 at 10:27 PM

    Ekiti One Chance …how can a governor give a stupid speech like a fool and ilterate Its a Pity for Nigerian Democracy Fayose is a wrong choose for Ekiti People

  3. james

    October 17, 2014 at 12:54 AM

    well people are use to normal speeches like , provide employment for the youth … those days are gone this is the real speech… its an indirect way of saying i will do things i am suppose to do… read in between the line

  4. Lhopey

    October 17, 2014 at 5:43 AM

    You ar the greatezt fool,who think upsidedown…u are 1 of d rebellion we are chansing in ekiti land…jobless man with Ph.d in foolizhnes u had wu wanna employ u maggot

  5. Metu Nyetu

    October 17, 2014 at 7:44 AM

    President Abraham Lincoln, if I’m not making a mistake, shockd his coun3men wen he appointed his fiercest opponent @dat time 2a vr sensitiv role in his govt. One would hav naturally expectd him 2 maintain a cocky air of aloofness afta defeating his opposition. Bt he playd out d vr opposite.

    Bak 2 Ekiti st8, Gov. Fayose’s speech is 4ny, bt I doubt if I lyk it or evn trust it. Targetn disdainfully @ his opponents quickly betrays him as no diffrnt frm d average grudge-bearing Nigerian politician. I jst hop dat d vr many wordz in his boastfl mouth would be matchd wit an equal measure of works.

  6. Chic

    October 17, 2014 at 9:26 AM

    If your Governor says he will give you rice has he not given you job. He is indirectly saying he will create job.

  7. Adebayo Tajudeen

    October 17, 2014 at 9:53 AM

    @Dorothy and lack ***** sensitivity,so i cant blame your ***,you are from Ebila land like fayemi,so keep criticizing

  8. Nelson

    October 17, 2014 at 9:56 AM

    A minute silence for all progressive congress
    Boli (roased plaitain) agbo jedi (local herb medicine)
    Special Adviser for stomach infrastructure. My stomach oooo I can’t laugh.
    Well, I congratulate him on his victory, it’s high time, Tinubu and his cohorts do something reasonable instead of looking for national & state cake to loot. YEYE APC Gej 4 life.

  9. Aj

    October 17, 2014 at 11:29 AM

    pls don’t be surprised this is gov without portfolio n visionless …. very soon the federal power that put him there will remove him bcos leopard wil never change his skin

  10. FX2

    October 17, 2014 at 12:21 PM

    He as said is own mind.

  11. lily

    October 17, 2014 at 12:30 PM

    @james God bless such a gem!@ Dorothy or whatever *****u call yourself,u r not from Ado Ekiti,we don’t bear such name. Fayose is an action governor. He doesn’t need to tell you he will provide jobs before we know he will. Ppl in the past who opens their mouth to tell you they will provide job opportunities,do they? Dorothy,next time use ur mind.

  12. Mayor

    October 17, 2014 at 1:11 PM

    Shame on all Fayose haters,either U̶̲̥̅̊’ like it or not ,Almighty God had crowned him.wat a pitty

  13. Prophet Gbenga Rotimi"KINI IWO NFE"

    October 17, 2014 at 7:54 PM

    Congratulations to Ekiti State, may the Lord grant Mr Ayodele Fayose wisdom and peaceful mind to rule the State in Jesus name(AMEN).
    I believe in GOD, the good people of Ekiti State must remain in prayer for the progress and peace of the State.

  14. ogunseyin oluwadharey

    October 24, 2014 at 1:07 AM

    Gov ayodele fayose,I pray ur regime will not die prematurely and we ekiti pple love u……….to hell wiv d haters

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