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Lagos Church Collapse: Before TB Joshua Blame It On Me By Comrade Jaru

tb joshua church collapse

Oct 8, 2014 – Lagos Nigeria Church Collapse: Before TB Joshua Blame It On Me By Comrade Jaru

The unfortunate incident involving the collapse of a Church founded by Prophet TB Joshua that happened over 2 weeks ago is sad as many lives were lost and many more wounded.

The actual cause of the collapse is still unknown. The Council for the regulation of Engineering in Nigeria has vowed to investigate the matter over allegation of violation of building standards.

Initially, the prophet was so confused to the extend that he didn’t find time to explain the cause of the matter. According to some media reports, he later said it was the enemies of God that caused it.

Just yesterday, I saw it on the media quoting Joshua saying it was caused by UFO. Some reports have it that it was TB Joshua’s fault. Because he turned a 2 story building into 6 story building.

Whatever might have been the cause, what was more surprising was the fact that the Prophet didn’t see it coming talk less of preventing it.

I learnt that most of the victims where from South Africa where a Nigerian plane was recently impounded with 10 million dollars.

I am stopping here before the Prophet prophesies any thing against me.

But can the Prophet too tell us when Nigeria will become a corruption free country?.

About the author: Comrade Abdulbaqi Aliyu Jari Writes From Katsina state



  1. Nifemi Brooklyn

    October 8, 2014 at 3:50 PM

    The man is confused so also his blind followers
    Which UFO

  2. Junivi

    October 8, 2014 at 4:19 PM

    Which ufo i thought he said it is boko haram dis confusion is to much self

  3. burkina faso

    October 8, 2014 at 5:03 PM

    as a democratic country, you can critisize, but do that technically. Journalists are just like refrees in a football pitch -saying things the way they are. If you read carefully the above article, you will find out that the writer sounded like an enemy to SCOAN. In life, there must be a hard time season. When that time visits your neighbour, your job is to console and show love. If you cant do so, dont help to multiply his problems. Even Jesus had a hard time when even some of His apostles betrayed or denied Him. God bless Nigeria!!!

    • Gentle 8

      October 9, 2014 at 10:04 AM

      We are al humans who have love to one another. Why not show that love to the families of the affected victims, the founder of the church T.b.joshua, and stop speaking like the blind people. Beware of the way u speak.

    • yvonne

      October 9, 2014 at 12:43 PM

      Amen bezo

  4. bezo

    October 8, 2014 at 5:21 PM

    all the enemies of scoan will collapse before our own eyes

    • Kristen

      October 8, 2014 at 6:57 PM


  5. Uzoma

    October 8, 2014 at 5:27 PM

    Burkina faso, maybe you did not read TB Joshua’s press release when the unfortunate incident happened. He said it is UFO and later blamed it on Boko Haram. The plane according to him flew over his building several times before the collapse. Let’s assume that is true, planes do hover around waiting for clearance to land and to burn some fuel. Secondly, did the plane fly over only his building? were there no other buildings the plane flew over? why did those buildings not fall?. He was trying to shift blame. The foundation of that building was for two storeys and he tried to add two more. The foundation could not carry it. GREED.

    • Peter65

      November 5, 2014 at 8:27 PM

      Uzoma, please, don’t say what you don’t know, you will be the one to be ashamed when the contrary happens. Stay away from this, God is already on top of the matter. You are warned. Jesus is alive today and forever more.

  6. olomu ufuoma blessing

    October 8, 2014 at 5:53 PM

    Amen bezo

  7. lawrence

    October 8, 2014 at 7:13 PM

    God will rebuild the church again in no condolences to the bereaved families.may God give u the strenght to bear ur loss.may God bless us all Amen.

  8. queen

    October 8, 2014 at 7:36 PM

    AMEN!!!!@Bezo…..I love U!!!

  9. Udyluv

    October 8, 2014 at 8:49 PM

    God no’s beta so plz liv him alone

  10. xtokelly

    October 8, 2014 at 10:25 PM

    God is in control

  11. Promise

    October 9, 2014 at 8:06 AM

    My eye, mouth,and my ear dey open

  12. love

    October 9, 2014 at 10:55 AM

    I pity you people who know how to write and talk about TB JOSHUA who has not done any wrong to you people. why can you Nigerian leave him alone and face the problem of Nigeria. every time TB you guy have to be very carful if not so all of you that say what you don’t know will carry the curse. be warn
    if you don’t like him God who brought him to this world love him.

  13. yvonne

    October 9, 2014 at 12:44 PM

    God help us all

  14. D Hunter

    October 9, 2014 at 8:26 PM

    @ Uzoma, if only I cld just c u personally nw, hehn?… I wld hv bot u a chilled bottle of Malt 4 dis ur comment coz I can c dat u hv brain & u can reason wt it. U spoke my mind dear.
    Which oda way do they wnt God 2 demostra8 2 d World dat dis man was nt called by Him?
    Hw cld sb who professed 2 b a prophet of d almighty Jehovah God, failed to 4 c a calamity dat has claimed nearly 200 souls in his own church untill it happened n den he started aportioning blames unnecessarily?

  15. Pastor micheal

    October 5, 2017 at 9:57 AM

    Show help to the once that are in need the leaders of tomorrow this kids need your help no matter were you are from weather you are black or you are white have you ever thought of this show love to your follow Christians please contact pastor E.O Michel oji on WhatsApp+2348145453929

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