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List Of All Nigerian Celebrities, Nollywood Actors & Actresses, Instagram Handles & Twitter Account, Contact Information
List of All Nigerian Actors & Actresses, Their Contact Information & Social Media Profiles
This article contains a comprehensive list of the popular Nigerian actors and actresses with their social media contacts.
It is important to state here that we have only included their Twitter and Instagram contacts while their Facebook contacts are excluded. The reason for this exclusion is the fact that there are many similarly named profiles on Facebook as these actors’ names and there is no verification feature on Facebook like what is obtainable on Twitter and Instagram.
That being said, let us dive in and take a look at the list.
The social media contacts (Twitter and Instagram) of some of Nigeria’s most popular actors are:
- Femi Adebayo
Twitter handle @iamfemi_adebayo
Instagram handle @femiadebayosalami
- Nonso Diobi
Twitter handle @iam_nonsodiobi
Instagram handle @nonsodiobi
- Odunlade Adekola
Twitter handle @Odunomoadekola
Instagram handle @odunomoadekola
- Muyiwa Ademola
Twitter handle @authenticdrama
Instagram @authenticmuy
- Femi Jacobs
Twitter & Instagram handles @FemiJACOBS
- Gbenro Ajibade
Twitter handle @gbenrostyle
- Joseph Benjamin
Twitter handle @iambenjamin
Instagram handle @iamjosephbenjamin
- Odega Francis
Twitter handle @francisodegaof3
- Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje
Twitter handle @adewale
Instagram handle @therealadewale
- Jimoh Aliu
Twitter handle @lismanna
- Fred Amata
Twitter handle @fredoamata
Instagram handle @fredoamata
- Chet Anekwe
Twitter handle @chetanekwe
- Okey Bakassi
Twitter handle @Okey_Bakassi
Instagram handle @okeybakassi
- Saidi Balogun
Twitter & Instagramhandle @saidibalogun
- John Boyega
Twitter handle @JohnBoyega
Instagram handle @johnboyega
- Femi Branch
Twitter handle @femibranch
Instagram handle @femibranch
- Richard Mofe-Damijo
Twitter handle @RMofeDamijo
Instagram handle @mofedamijo
- Yul Edochie
Twitter handle @YulEdochie
Instagram handle @yuledochie
- Chiwetel Ejiofor
Twitter handle @EjioforChiwetel
Instagram handle @chiwetel_ejiofor
- Mike Ezuruonye
Twitter handle @realmikeezu
Instagram handle @mikeezu
- Osita Iheme
Twitter handle @ositaiheme
Instagram @ositaiheme
- Chinedu Ikedieze
Twitter handle @ChineduIkedieze
Instagram handle @chineduikedieze
- Jim Iyke
Twitter handle @jimiykeofficial
Instagram handle @jim.iyke
- Olu Jacobs
Twitter handle @Olujacobs89
Instagram handle @_olujacobs
- Prince Eke
Twitter handle @realprinceeke
Instagram handle @realprinceeke
- Jide Kosoko
Twitter handle @jideprince
Instagram handle @jidekosoko
- Ayo Makun
Twitter handle @AYCOMEDIAN
Instagram handle @aycomedian
- Chuma Mmeka
Twitter handle @ChumaMmeka
- Dele Momodu
Twitter handle @DeleMomodu
Instagram handle @delemomoduovation
- Ramsey Nouah
Twitter handle @RamsyNouah
Instagram handle @ramseynouah
- Ali Nuhu
Twitter handle @alinuhu
Instagram handle @realalinuhu
- Saint Obi
Twitter handle @saintobi
Instagram handle @theofficialsaintobi
- Dele Odule
Twitter handle @deleodule
Instagram handle @deleodule_
- Clem Ohameze
Twitter handle @CLEMOHAMEZE
- John Okafor
Twitter handle @Jokafor_5
Instagram handle @realmribu
- Dayo Okeniyi
Twitter handle @DayoOkeniyi
Instagram handle @dayookeniyi
- Nkem Owoh
Twitter handle @Osuofiaa_
Instagram handle @nkemowohosuofia
- Ime Bishop Umoh
Twitter handle @OkonLagos
Instagram handle @okonlagos
- Babatunde Omidina
Twitter handle @BabaSuwe_01
- David Oyelowo
Twitter handle @David_Oyelowo
Instagram handle @davidoyelowo
- Afeez Oyetoro (Uncle Saka
Twitter handle @AfeezOyetoro
Instagram handle @simplysaka
- Seun Kentebe
Twitter handle @SeunKentebe
Instagram handle @seunkentebe
- Yemi Shodimu
Twitter handle @yshodimu
Instagram handle @yemishodimu
- Tope Tedela
Twitter handle @TopeTedela
Instagram handle @topetedela
- C. Ukeje
Twitter handle @OCtheGreatUkeje
Instagram handle @octhegreatukeje
- Ken Erics
Twitter handle @KenErics
Instagram handle @kenerics
- Alexx Ekubo
Twitter handle @AlexxEkubo
Instagram handle @alexxekubo
- Funke Akindele
Twitter handle @funkeankindele
- Bukunmi Oluwasina
Twitter handle @bukunmimusic
Instagram handle @bukunmioluwasina
- Nafisat Abdullahi
Twitter handle @NafisatOfficial
Instagram handle @nafeesat_official
- Ayo Adesanya
Twitter handle @ayoadesanya11
Instagram handle @ayoadesanya
- Taiwo Ajai Lycett
Twitter handle @taiwoajoilycett
- Regina Askia
Instagram handle @reginaaskia
- Kehinde Bankole
Twitter handle @_kehindebankole
Instagram handle @_kehindebankole
- Monalisa Chinda Coker
Twitter handle @Monalisacode
- Chioma Chukwuka Akpotha
Twitter handle @Omakpotha
- Tonto Dikeh
Twitter handle @TONTOLET
Instagram handle @tontolet
- Rita Dominic
Twitter handle @ritaUdominic
Instagram handle @ritadominic
- Megalyn Echikunwoke
Twitter handle @Megalyn
Instagram handle @megalyn
- Moyo Lawal
Twitter handle @moyolawal
- Ini Edo
Twitter handle @iniedo01
- Uche Jombo Rodriguez
Twitter handle @uchejombo
- Carmen Ejogo
Twitter handle @carmenejogo
Instagram handle @carmenejogo
- Dakore
Twitter handle @theRealDakore
- Sapphire Obi
Twitter handle @sapphireobi
- Omotola Jalade Ekeinde
Twitter handle @Realomosexy
- Tamara Eteimo
Twitter handle @EteimoTamara
- Rita Nzelu
Twitter handle @RITANZELU
- Nse Ikpe Etim
Twitter handle @NseIkpeEtim
- Hadiza Aliyu Gabon
Twitter handle @AdizatouGabon
Instagram handle @adizatou
- Ruth Kadiri
Twitter handle @ruthkadiri
- Regina Daniels
Twitter handle @realreginadani1
Instagram handle @regina.daniels
- Rahama Sadau
Twitter handle @Rahma_sadau
Instagram handle @rahamasadau
- Muma Gee
Twitter handle @MumaGee1
- Uche Elendu
Twitter handle @uche_elendu
- Shan George
Instagram handle @shangeorgefillms
- Kate Henshaw
Twitter handle @HenshawKate
- Osas Ighodaro Ajibade
Twitter handle @OfficialOsas
- Chika Ike
Twitter handle @chikaike
Instagram handle @chikaike
- Uru Eke
Twitter handle @Uru_Eke
- Mercy Johnson
Twitter handle @realmercyj
- Annie Macaulay–Idibia
Twitter handle @AnnieMacaulay1
- Lola Margaret
Twitter handle @margaret2012twt
Instagram handle @lolamargret
- Linda Ejiofor
Twitter handle @LindaEjiofor
- Genevieve Nnaji
Twitter handle @GenevieveNnaji
- Iyabo Ojo
Twitter handle @IYSexxy
Instagram @iyaboojofespris
- Uche Crystal Ogbodo
Twitter handle @ucheogbodo
- Stephanie Okereke
Twitter handle @StephanieLinus
- Sophie Okonedo
Twitter handle @SophieOkonedo
Instagram handle @sophieokonedo
- Angela Okorie
Twitter handle @AngelaOkorie
- Omoni Oboli
Twitter handle @Omonioboli
- Chioma Okoye
Twitter handle @chiomaokoye
Instagram handle @chiooma_okoye
- Yvonne Okoro
Twitter handle @yvonneokoro
- Oge Okoye
Twitter handle @TheRealOgeOkoye
Instagram @ogeokoye
- Moji Olaiya
Twitter handle @mojiolaiya1
Instagram handle @mojisolaabikeade
- Halima Abubakar
Twitter handle @halimabubakar
- Kiki Omeili
Twitter handle @kikiomeili
Instagram handle @kikiomeili
- Racheal Oniga
Instagram handle @racheloniga
- Susan Peters
Twitter handle @RealSusanPeters
- Bimbo Oshin
Twitter handle @oshin_bimbo
Instagram handle @bimbooshin
- Patience Ozokwor
Twitter handle @PatienceOzokwo
- Helen Paul
Twitter handle @itshelenpaul
Instagram handle @itshelenpaul
- Nuella Njubigbo
Twitter handle @Nu_ella
Instagram @ nuella_njubigbo
- Toni Tones
Twitter handle @iamTONITONES
Instagram handle @iamtonitones
- Mary Uranta
Twitter handle @MaryUranta
- Bukky Wright
Twitter handle @MsBukkyWright
Instagram handle @bukkywright
- Luckie Lawson
Twitter handle @LuckieLawson
- Adunni Ade
Twitter handle @iamadunniade
Instagram handle @iamadunniade
- Queen Nwokoye
Twitter handle @QueenNwokoye
Instagram handle @queennwokoye
- Uzo Aduba
Twitter handle @UzoAduba
Instagram handle @uzoaduba
- ChaCha Eke Faani
Twitter handle @ChaChaEke
Instagram handle @chachaekefaani
While there are definitely more actors and actresses of Nigerian descent, this list only contains some of the most popular. In addition, some of these actors and actresses are only active on a few social media platforms and inactive in others; thus, we only included their active social media handles with which you can use to get in contact with them.