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Man Divorces Wife For Wearing Jean Trousers, Ex-Banker Says Wife Too Worldly

man divorces wife jean trousers

Sept 9, 2016 – Nigerian Man Divorces Wife For Wearing Jean Trousers, Ex-Banker Says Wife Too Worldly

A former banker, Mr. Ebenezer Olotuyemi, yesterday told an Agege Customary Court, Lagos, that his wife, Osi, was not a godly woman. According to him, his wife has been engaging in worldly activities like wearing of jeans trousers. Olotuyemi also told the court that his wife did not love and respect him.

He prayed the court to dissolve their 16-year-old marriage which is blessed with two children, 10 and 15 years. The former banker, who is the defendant, said that there was no love any longer in the marriage.

He said:

“She is a worldly woman, who doesn’t go to church, and but loves to go out all dressed in jeans trousers.”

However, Osi, who filed for the divorce, complained that she was tired of the marriage.

She said:

“He is too judgmental and he gets too aggressive at every little thing. He is a stubborn and troublesome man.” Osi also said her husband had not been taking responsibility of the children as he left them in her father’s house, for over two months now. “He has threatened my father’s life,” she added.

The court, having seen that both parties consented to the termination of the marriage, adjourned the case till October 11.

The court also told Olotuyemi to write an undertaking that prior to the date of the adjournment, he must not be found around his father-in-law’s house and around the kids, else he would be imprisoned for three months without any option of fine.




  1. betty

    September 9, 2016 at 6:45 AM

    That’s not an excuse to divorce ur wife,all bcos she put on jeans trousers and doesn’t go to church anymore. if not for anything but for d sake of ur kids u guys should settle ur difference out of court.

  2. Big Aunty Koks

    September 9, 2016 at 7:18 AM

    Let the couple go for counselling first because there must be something causing them to be irritable around each other. The reasons given by both parties could be resolved by dialogue and counseling AND prayers if both sides are willing to give one more chance. I pray they explore the possibility because sixteen years is a long time to invest in a relationship and then let go to start all over without making effort to salvage.

  3. red

    September 9, 2016 at 7:59 AM

    Baby girl walk , and keep walking till you’re very far away from his house.
    I don’t want to and will not write and post any RIP on your behalf. Mba a nne. Biko leave.

    The marriage is dead,both of you are done so kindly move on. A broken marriage is a million times better than a dead wife or husband!

    Mr, you’ve also tried oh. Good,go your way and may the Lord save you.
    I picked a point from your wife’s statement that your judgemental and you just proved her right so every other thing now falls in place.

  4. fifelomo

    September 9, 2016 at 9:10 AM

    Both parties are no more interested, quite obvious. They seems to have someborry robbing their backs. But have they thougt about the kids? Its a pity. I just hope this won’t affect the kids? Good luck to them.

  5. fifelomo

    September 9, 2016 at 9:12 AM

    A man’s food is another’s poison. Just yesterday Mama Clearance show us say her head they der.

  6. Maryf

    September 9, 2016 at 9:22 AM

    You must be a very stupid man for divorcing your wife becos of jean trousers that is never an excuse may you have a girl friend outside

  7. Metu Nyetu

    September 9, 2016 at 11:01 AM

    TO START with, I do not think that it is essentially bad for women to wear trousers. What I perceive here is that the woman had probably started hanging out with some glamorous friends who influenced her previous churchly lifestyle, all to the indignation of her husband. It could be that it was some level of tameness and piety in the woman that made the man go for her in the first place, which the man can not see anymore.

    THE FACT THAT IT IS the woman who filed the case makes me to believe this even the more, since there is no reported case of physical assault. The only thing the woman said is that the man is too judgmental. Why would a woman want to divorce her husband for being judgmental? If your fellow human being does not judge you, who will? The worst thing that can ever happen to any human being is to be judged by God Himself, because the person must be condemned! Reader, please permit my digression, I weep for our misguided view of judgement! If we should be true to ourselves, whoever is quick with “Don’t judge” or “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone” is still happy with that bad habit in his/her life, and therefore makes defenses for it.

    BACK TO THE MAN WE HAVE here, he believes that his wife has become too worldly. Well, the message I have for him—if he truly spurns worldly things—is that divorce is even more worldly than wearing trousers. He should do everything within his powers to avert this mal-development. I don’t think the marriage is beyond salvage, since his wife has never provoked him enough to batter her. Marriages these days are frightening.

    • Keeping it real

      September 9, 2016 at 7:31 PM

      @metu great stuff you have here.the people she associate with could be the problem. here’s the thing when he said worldly, meaning (she’s cheating on him ) but never caught her red handed

      • Metu Nyetu

        September 10, 2016 at 6:42 AM


  8. D Hunter

    September 9, 2016 at 12:48 PM

    I mentain that the man might be somewhat right in his decision cos no sensible married woman will dress like the pix above as far as our Nigerian culture is concern.

    In the woman‘s statement, she did not deny any of the allegtions either. And no man wants to keep a worldy, outgoing, disrespectful woman at home for a wife.

    But then, I think, sensible dialogue/councelling can still put things right between them.

    Still strolling…

  9. Mon

    September 9, 2016 at 2:36 PM

    The only problem here is the woman is not servicing her husband the right way,therefore the man has a second thought that she must must be meeting another man,henceforth labelled her as wearing jeans, man just say the truth and shame the devil.

    • red

      September 9, 2016 at 8:04 PM

      Well said dear.All the offensive attitude the woman saw in him can kill.
      He can’t even fend for his kids. All he keep repeating is that she now wear jeans.

  10. sola olaniyi

    September 10, 2016 at 10:22 AM

    This man is not serious at all…guess he have a new lady he wants to bring home

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