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Married Woman Calls Angela Okorie A Prostitute Because Her Husband Is Addicted To Her Photos
November 30, 2016 – Married Woman Calls Angela Okorie A Prostitute Because Her Husband Is Addicted To Making Love To Her Pictures
A fan will like to know what to do to because she has caught her husband on several occasions making love to Nollywood actress Angela Okorie’s Instagram photos.
Masturbation is a disease of the mind, it takes strong discipline and a strong relationship with God to control this sexual addiction.
Perhaps it will be better for him to see a counselor.
Our take:
Please do not fight him for this, kindly ask him for ways you can help him out and if you are not fulfilling your bedroom obligations, pay close attention to it.
Finally, you may want to consider dressing sexy to catch the attention of your man… Step up the game girl and see how it works out.
Angela Okorie… be careful because your sexy photos on the social media is about to ruin a marriage **wink**

Big Daddy
November 30, 2016 at 4:22 PM
Yes she is and that your husband is a foolish man
Tell him to get a life
sola olaniyi
December 1, 2016 at 8:58 AM
if she calls her a prostitute,what will she now now are useless husband?
December 1, 2016 at 8:54 PM
This woman is stupid and ignorant. If her husband is doing what she claims he is doing, it is her fault. She should brush up herself and try to satisfy her husband in bed.
December 1, 2016 at 11:14 PM
Woman step up up game, you caused all this. Change everything about you and let your hussy crave to have you every time.
truth de bitter
December 2, 2016 at 2:08 PM
Wonder why people blame women each time their husband misbehave.its always the woman’s we ever such happens. Guess most of u here are not married. We should never be too quick to judge.what about those that married beauty queen and elegant ladies? Hv we forgotten that some men are just insatiable and want anything under skirt. On this issue, neither is it Angela fault nor the woman. That man has a problem. Give this same man Angela okorie now the next minute he will want genevive.