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How MMM Is Helping Nigerians Overcome Recession Hardship – Opinion Article By Metu Nyetu
November 24, 2016 – How MMM Is Here To Help Nigerians Overcome Recession – Opinion Article By Metu Nyetu
PERMIT me to tell us a story about four lepers that became Israel’s heroes back in the days (2 Kings 7). They were castaways, languishing at the gate of Samaria. There was hunger in the city, for the Syrians had besieged the whole Samaria. The lepers reasoned to themselves that if they went into the city, they would die of hunger. Moreover, they were not to mingle with the general public on account of their disease. On the other hand, if they went out to the Syrians who held their city under siege, chances were that they would be killed. In either case, probable death awaited them.
HENCE THEY DECIDED to take the risk and go out to the Syrians, anyway. If they were killed, so be it. If not, then they could eat of the supplies of the enemy, and stay alive. And that was how they came to the enemy camp and found it was deserted, as though the occupants had fled in a hurry, leaving all their food supplies behind. The lepers ate to their fill before going back to Samaria to inform their fellow countrymen about the good news.
WHY DID I share this passage? Nigerians are in the most dreadful throes of suffering, and I could say that the government had held the citizenry under siege. The govt. does nothing but perpetual looting. Things are worsening per second. People were dying everyday.
MMM THEN COMES to the rescue. The poor man thinks to himself: If I refuse to participate, I would die of hunger. On the other hand, if I participate, I might lose my money and still die of hunger, or I might gain more money and survive for the next day. And so he takes the risk and ventures in, and the government then comes to proscribe it as a Ponzi creation. So they don’t want Nigerians to lose their money? Is it now that the interest of the poor masses has crept into their corrupt hearts?
HYPOCRITES! LEAVE Nigerians alone! We know what is good for us! MMM is the reason why many families have not crashed in this recession. Any one who reads my comment may remember me commenting not so long ago that I was passing through the harshest period of my life. Well, things have changed! And MMM bears the attribute.
THE BEST THAT THE NIGERIAN GOVERNMENT COULD do is advice on how to invest in this scheme so that when it crashes(if it ever does), the pain would be bearable.
Opinion Article By Metu Nyetu

November 25, 2016 at 1:15 AM
I think the federal government have made the right move in labelling or stamping MMM as a ponzi scheme and as a wonder bank with no precise location. The major duty of any government in any country is to protect it citizens from financial disaster . It is the federal government’s sole responsibility to reveal to it citizens the potentially dangerous impact or effect of a scheme that is not registered or regulated by any known financial institution in the country and how it can cost them dearly if they venture into it.
It is true that the country is in deep recession and that of course shouldn’t take out the right of the government to expose a huge scheme that is purely based on deceit,scam and fraud.
If MMM is that reliable,mavdrodi the criminal founder wouldn’t had failed or refused to register his business with the country’s main financial body the (CBN) under the aegis of the federal government so as to provide full insurance coverage for his clients in case it collapsed? This professional scammer has managed to hoodwinked his victims so easily because of his plausibility.
MMM was not allow to gain ground in China this year because the concept behind the so call business is one that can’t contribute to the economic growth of the their country,and for that reason, it was banned. So my brother @Metu I fully understand your take on this issue of MMM but the fact is, MMM is life threatening! It has led to the deaths of many that had their own branch collapsed in other countries like ZIMBABWE and SOUTH AFRICA with a lot of people thrown into tears and mourning.
Similar thing is imminent in our country so therefore,it is now left for any wise person to heed the warning of the federal government to flee from such dreadful game. Even having any dealings with this criminal russian man is suicidal in itself. So my candid advise for anyone involved is,quickly remove your hard earn money from that fraudster before its too late because just very soon MMM is going to deal a very big blow to those participating it.
Gabriel Etenikang
November 25, 2016 at 8:00 AM
My name is Gabriel, i want to disagree with Endure. You see life is all about risk. A situation where the govt. have failed us, you leave us with no option than to take our destiny in our own hands. The government has failed us in many ways. How i use my money is not the business of anybody.
I graduated some years back and no job. Presently people are loosing their jobs because of the wrong policies of government. Companies are shutting down or down sizing.
And suddenly MMM came to the rescue and you say i should not participate. The MMM scheme has benefited me a lot. MMM is more sincere than the Nigerian government. I would rather sink with MMM than with a government that doesn’t have my interest. God bless MMM, together we change the world.
November 25, 2016 at 8:18 AM
Metu, this is a Ponzi scheme as proclaimed by the government because there is no where on this planet where you will invest on a short term and earn 30% of your Principal. Even in western world where people who invest in stock and bond only accrue interest over a period of time because the money has to be invested in some big companies that make huge profit such as Cadbury, Oil & Gas etc. In the history of previous Ponzi scheme in Nigeria none of these have survived for one year before they crashed.
Remember in late 80’s and early 90’s when Umana Umana introduced similar scheme in Porthacourt, Babangida government was forced to close that Bank because the government realized that it was a scheme. Making a #6000 profit on #20,000 investment in a month sounds too good to be true.
I understand people see this as a life saver but backlash, emotional damage and distress that come after the fail scheme or when it crashes will make people feel like had I know, I would have made use of my best judgement.
D Hunter
November 25, 2016 at 12:52 PM
Metu, pls tread with care. I need not tell you that…Not all that glitters is Gold.
I take a stroll…
sola olaniyi
November 25, 2016 at 3:34 PM
Every right thinking person should knows that its only a matter of time before MMM will crash
Metu Nyetu
November 25, 2016 at 10:11 PM
MY TAKE IS not that it is not a Ponzi scheme; it is rather that if it solves the problem that our government has hitherto been unwilling to solve, why do we stand by the side and condemn it? @Endure, you might be surprised to learn that the South African government you quoted had long apologised to MMM and has approved it. They now believe it’s not a scam.
CAUTION IS all that is needed, and MMM duly warns against being too greedy or investing ones whole money in the schem. So what are we saying? The Federal govt only wants to go after the promoters of this scheme not because they have interest in the masses, but because they hate it when the masses are comfortable. That is the plainest truth. And so I am not among those who think the govt is doing their job by outlawing MMM.