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My Husband Hates That I’m Now A Born Again Christian, My Marriage Is Shaking…Please Help

husband hates born again christian

Feb 13, 2018 – My Casual Christian Husband Hates That I’m Now A Born Again, My Marriage Is Shaking…Please Help

My name is Peace, and I must confess that right now I’m turn between love for my husband and love for my God.

I have been married for only three years and already I’m scared my marriage might not last except I make some compromises.

I dated Ebere for three years before we finally took the marriage step. Our courtship was beautiful and amazing, well, if you love the things of the world.

But a year after our marriage, I met the Lord and I gave my life to him, I took a conscious decision to forsake all the old ways. The ceaseless parties, the unholy dressing, the alcohol and more.

I got this unexplainable peace immediately I parted ways with those things, but also got a different husband! My husband changed totally, he does not like the new me… The way I dress, the constant church services and my decision not to party with him anymore.

I still dress smartly just not like I used to… He complains that my new faith has even affected our sexual life, according to him, I stopped all the thrills for the conventional. The truth is, I now find some sexual acts unholy and I discussed with him.

He insists he wants the old me. The heavy dresser, the unbeliever, the stay at home on Sundays, but I can’t be that old person for old things have passed away.

I keep praying for the salvation of his soul but my marriage is shaking.

How do I keep my faith and my marriage? Help a sister please… 

[By Goldmyne]



  1. Juwon Lawal

    February 13, 2018 at 5:04 PM

    Your marriage will continue to shake until it crash. ur husband will move on with another woman.
    That you are a born again should not change your romance life.
    Don’t put Jesus ahead of your man.

    • Ama

      February 13, 2018 at 6:52 PM

      The marriage will not continue to crash because she is a born again lady. If the husband moves on with another woman, then he will continue to move until he feels tired of moving. God should be the center of every marriage and even our lives. Changing some of your ways in life is good health wise my dear

    • steve

      February 14, 2018 at 2:18 PM

      u shouldnt comment here,,ure a clown who knw nothing…whatever u put above God will ruin u…

  2. Ama

    February 13, 2018 at 6:50 PM

    My dear continue to pray for a change of heart. If your man is changed then that is who he was before you married him. But you still have to do what you were doing for your husband, except the things you said you were doing and does not do it again. If you want your marriage to strengthen God should be the center of your marriage. Continue to love your husband and pray that things change. Unless there is an abuse or violence then you need to talk to someone to talk to your husband. Being born again doesn’t mean you should not love your husband, and I am glad you do love him. The ceaseless parties, taking lots of alcohol and most things are not healthy to you as a person, ceaseless parties can cause a lot of health issues, because you are not resting. Alcohol drinking ceaselessly can hurt your child bearing and so staying away from some of these is not a bad thing, rather good for your health

  3. Pat

    February 14, 2018 at 2:16 PM

    I am sorry but its like you deceived him. What he has and what you were are two different people. Nothing is wrong in changing yourself but you are in a partnership now. You can not change over night. It has to be gradual and you have to slowly introduce him to your new self. There are many sexual positions you can do that are not unholy. You have to meet him half way or you may loose your marriage. This depends on how strong your marriage is and the love you have for one another. Talk to him but i warn you do not bring your pastors etc into it or he will feel as if you are backing him into a corner and leave. This is between the both of you

  4. Vanessa Gyan

    February 14, 2018 at 2:20 PM

    My dear this is not the time to cry.but actually its the time to go on your knees and pray.its the devil at work.He wants to fustrate you through your husband.The holy bible admonishes us to resist the devil and put on th whole amour of GOD.your faith is been tested be stong.


    February 15, 2018 at 1:12 AM




  6. Bukky K

    February 26, 2018 at 6:37 AM

    You have made best decision by serving God, no looking back because he is restoration of souls.Pray for the salvation of your husband soul he will surely preserve your relationship and maintain it.

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