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#NigeriaDecides: How Nigerian Witches & Wizards Endorsement Caused Jonathan’s Defeat

witches endorse jonathan

March 31st, 2015 – #NigeriaDecides: How Nigerian Witches & Wizards Endorsement Contributed To Jonathan’s Defeat

It was just like yesterday when the association of witches and wizards of Nigeria, WITZAN endorsed President Goodluck Jonathan for 2nd term in office. If you missed the report, read it here

As controversial as the endorsement is, President Goodluck Jonathan didn’t dissociate himself from the group.

Days after the endorsement, the group took to the media again to reinstate their support for GEJ yet he didn’t denounce the spiritual attachment.

The controversial endorsement soon reached Christians across Nigeria leaving many of them in doubt as to who their President is.

Rumour soon hit the media that President Goodluck Jonathan is an occultist and that his wife used her fertility to bring goodluck to him, yet the Oga on top didn’t denounce it.

Since then, the occultic stigma has stayed in the mind of most Christians in the South West and Northern Nigeria with many promising to rather vote a Muslim to power instead of having a leader that is associating himself with the occult world.

The moral of the story.

Ladies and gentlemen, whenever someone is spreading rumour about you, please quickly distance yourself from it. It has a way of damaging one’s reputation.

Other factors that contributed to GEJ’s failure include:

(1) Card reader prevented rigging plan:

In 2011 the vote was considered to be better run but observers said that rigging and fraud still took place.
This time the electoral commission took more steps to prevent rigging, including new biometric voters cards.

(2) Insurgency

GEJ didn’t convince Nigerians that he is capable of handling Boko Haram militant group so many Nigerian dumped him for a retired military man who has better security experience.

(3) Obasanjo’s exit from crumbling PDP
Jonathan’s fall out with Obasanjo forced him out of PDP and that contributed to him losing massively in the South West. Apart from Ekiti state where the election was allegedly rigged with the help of Fayose, Jonathan lost woefully in Ondo, Osun, Oyo, Ogun and Lagos.

(4) Crumbling Economy & Devaluation Of Naira

Jonathan was blamed for the devaluation of Naira that affected the economy of Nigeria adversely and Nigerians didn’t see it as a reason to re-elect Jonathan.

(5) People are tired of PDP

The ruling party has been in power since 1999 and this year, Nigerians unite to try something new.

(6) First Lady Patience Jonathan & Her Blunder

Grammatical blunders is forgivable to Nigerians but insulting their elders didn’t go well with some of them especially in the South West.

Mama Peace caused more harm than good to Jonathan with her wrong choice of words during political campaign.

At a time she called her husband a Messiah, most Christian in Nigeria see this as blasphemy.

Buhari will have to prove himself as the man of change he campaigned to be.



  1. Nifemi Brooklyn

    April 1, 2015 at 1:08 AM

    His dumb advisers like FFK, Okupe and the rest caused most of these mistakes that could have been corrected. For the future, tell him to brush up his educated illiterate wife

  2. R

    April 1, 2015 at 6:17 AM

    Thank God dat Buhari have won lets sit back & see how change will come 2 Nigeria

  3. Annonymous

    April 1, 2015 at 2:10 PM

    We give glory to God. Thank God for this opportunity. Uncle Jona, you went to Redeem, Winners chapel, Olumbaolumba, the traditional obas , witches and wizards, and you called your self a Christian. GEJ, you can not serve God and mammoth, God is a jealous God.its like the true spirit of God has departed from you, you spent so much money to buy people to vote for you. You were doing things you did not do or plan to do in your six years, am sure you are highly disappointed, that is life oh cos there is Gid oh all the blood you and your wife are shearing. GEJ. I will encourage you to give your life to Christ, there is no other way, nobody can safe you neither could anybody help except baba God. Your wife needs to apologise to the family of GMB, Mama wahala and not peace, her mouth had diarrhoea she called, somebody’s husband, father , grandfather, uncle brainless. I bet by the time Patience reach GMB,s age there will be no teeth in her mouth and she would probably be walking with 2 sticks by the time she is 60 yrs of age. I believe you have learnt the lesson of your life that God is great, he disappointed you and your accomplices. A WORD IS ENOUGH FOR THE WISE.

  4. Annonymous

    April 1, 2015 at 2:19 PM

    Where is FFK now? What of that bastard from Ekiti, ile mo Ba nyin. You are not supposed to disrespect your elders.
    You people took politics as if its a thing of do or die.
    What of that tout that called himself GOvenor of EKItI. You all need to apologise to GMB, his family and Nigerians.
    They tried all they could to tarnish and prevent GMB but guess what “THE WILL OF GOD” must be done.
    FANi Kayode has probably gone into hiding. Kudos to Obanikoro and OKupe.

  5. kelv

    April 1, 2015 at 5:19 PM

    President Jonathan strikes me as a kind individual Bt perhaps got eluded with power,d truth is he ought to have done more n d gang sorrounding him including his dear wife did him a lot of harm,they are all short of smartness,d truth is d negative campaign N rain of insults on buhari,only drew him more followers,D so called uneducated gen.buhari prooved to b smarter in his choice of entourage.Jonah did nt pick his friends wisely,Bt his concessions of the election results has gained him more support than his six years in office.It’s amazing to c majority of Nigerians optimistic of d New gelect government.God bless Nigeria.

  6. Chic

    April 2, 2015 at 2:50 PM


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