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“Nigerian Actresses Are Turning Lesbians, Lesbianism In Nollywood Is End Time Sign” – Ejiro Okurame

nigerian actresses lesbians

Sept 28, 2013 – “Nigerian Actresses Are Turning Lesbians, Lesbianism In Nollywood Is End Time Sign” – Ejiro Okurame

Nigerian Ejiro Okurame Actress Exposed Lesbianism & Sexual Harrassment In Nollywood

In this latest interview, star actress Ejiro Okurame talked at length on her lesbianism experience in Nollywood and how many female movies stars are involved in what she called a demonic lifestyle.

Eji Okurame also narrates her encounter with a lesbian in Abuja among other issues;

Interview excerpt below;

Interviewer: Were you sexually harassed as an upcoming actress?

Ejiro Okurame: I didn’t set myself up to be sexually harassed. However, the issue of sexual harassment is in every organization not just Nollywood. It happens everywhere.

Interviewer: What is your view about lesbianism in the industry?

I think it is demonic. I won’t say much about it because a lot of people are involved. The industry needs divine intervention so God can erase such people from the industry. It has eaten deep and it is affecting us. That’s why we need to seek the presence of God. Lesbianism is a sign of the end of time.

Interviewer: Have you been a victim before?

Ejiro Okurame: No, not really. I think it is when you give room for these things that they occur. I was in Abuja for a particular event when a lady asked me to sit on her laps. I was like ‘what, sit on your laps! For what?’ I left and got my own chair.

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  1. Buchan

    September 28, 2013 at 1:26 AM

    you are right my dear Lesbianism is fast becoming a worldwide epidemic
    girls are now settling for girls since there are now straight forward men to love. It’s very demonic

  2. Don ebuka

    September 28, 2013 at 1:36 AM

    Na god go help us 4 dis evil world

  3. red

    September 28, 2013 at 1:55 AM

    Nigerians are v good at coping bad things from other country just to belong and be talk of d town,they fall badly in emulating d good thing from such place.we are d people that learn and do worst than d master who taught us such evil especially d low esteemed ones.lets just wait and see where this leads us.babe i can’t take my eyes off ur outfit is very beautiful.

  4. iron bar

    September 28, 2013 at 2:06 AM

    baby girl…expose their names if u want it to go away.its getting nasty in that good for nothng nollywood movies

  5. D Hunter

    September 28, 2013 at 3:35 AM

    D whole idea is unimaginable, i mean wat is dis world turnin in2 eh? Hw can a woman nw goes 4 anoda woman of like passion 4 love makin? It has even bin legalised in some countries nw dat same sex can gt married dat is a man 2 man n a woman 2 woman. Madness of d highest oda. D reverse here is dat in Zamfara State, abt 8,000 women were protesting 4 husband scarcity.

  6. don

    September 28, 2013 at 7:40 AM

    God will punish all the homosexuals in this country.

  7. bezo

    September 28, 2013 at 8:27 AM

    She herself na lesbian, as for me I see nothing wrong with lesbianism except gay, bcoz women have to so many part of the body that is very current and men is not like that, it sweet them when they are doing it, but Gay is just a wayward thing, so I hereby suggest the FG should approve the lesbian law and ban the gay

    • Livingston

      September 28, 2013 at 5:45 PM

      If u don’t see anything wrong wth lesbianism, it means u are also one of them and if u don’t repent, believe me, there is no how u will not enter hell.

      • kelly

        September 29, 2013 at 12:31 AM

        Thanks so much Livingston,the trust is that is even not everybody who are suppose to make any comment here,they want to condemn our country o,but Baba God will not Aloud them.

    • Nma

      September 28, 2013 at 8:45 PM

      @ bezo, close your dirty mouth, u are a confusionist.

  8. Verose

    September 28, 2013 at 11:51 AM

    @ red ur ryt. I wonder what is goin wrng wit our society…wen we copy, we do more than those we copied it frm. Too bad

  9. Vector

    September 28, 2013 at 12:51 PM

    If God doz’nt punish diz our generation God wil 2 apologize 2 sodom and gomorrah

  10. Gideon

    September 28, 2013 at 2:43 PM

    Girl find something better and talk about, from Ur words U are Liz, dat kind of environment U went to make Ur fellow women to tell u such with proud is not a normal environment.

  11. bezo

    September 28, 2013 at 3:12 PM

    She herself is a lesbian, I see nothing wrong with lesbianism, lesbianism is ok while gay is not, girls have so many part of the body that is current, while boys is not, I think the FG should stop gay and approve lesbianism! That’s my judgement

    • Mp

      September 28, 2013 at 7:10 PM

      Bezo ure 1 of d anti christ body cus blv me christ is already on his way 2 earth d end is near

  12. Goldtym

    September 28, 2013 at 9:25 PM

    Any way,dy ar lucky dat Jesus Christ died, if nt…i trust God na;in 4 jst “bgayz!” evrywia. Nd as 4 bezo,i pitty u. U nid 2mk a gud research,drink alot of water hv a lng dip slip dm wen u wake up tel us if truly grls enjoy 4ukin demselves. Mugu!

  13. I dey frown

    September 28, 2013 at 10:07 PM

    Bezo,u too mumu.ur english is nothing to write home about.hw can u say FG shld approve of lesbianism n ban homosexuals?
    Atimes i wonder if u re normal.none of dis stupid act shld be practised in nigeria.let them do their rubbish abroad.abeg abeg,as for me,i go do de real thing wit my man.sweeter that way.Fuck all GAYS n Roast in HELL

  14. kazy

    September 28, 2013 at 10:10 PM

    Ermm mr bezo its obvious tat ur state of mind is very shallow and u can’t
    Stand to pass judgement cos u need to ΒƸ̴ judged as well @ tat daft
    Statement of urs! Lesbianism is GAY point of correction.

  15. red

    September 29, 2013 at 2:15 AM

    This means I will not be going to any hospital for d doctor to tell me that. Mr bezo. zombie is point blank mad,I thought I was d. only one who noticed his disturning painfull. life.I was hopelessly disappointed when d pi l paid to trance him out for me complete his work and her me bezo’s so fucking. ashamed of my myself. for stupidly stoop so fucking. low and exchanging words with the words with this whoeverorwhaever for this dirty brain damaged. low life smelling idot.I thought I was talking to one God’s creatures all dis while .i have disgraced and degraded myself.God pls forgive I will never never talk such class to class of bottom feeder.How can RED of all people talk to. such as bezo. I known are not working as in a capital holigan ,but make that my hard earned dollars. that paid to fish u and ur. activist is waiting me.if not d foundation of. who u are will shake really bad and people. That d power of a woman is damn f**king. real.

  16. Esther

    September 29, 2013 at 1:40 PM

    wats dis world turning into, i pray God will help us all in d name of Jesus.

  17. Livingstone Immortality

    January 2, 2016 at 11:53 AM

    I also heard that Tonto Dike is a bisexual.

  18. Livingstone Immortality

    January 2, 2016 at 11:57 AM

    All the lesbian should come to me for councelling and deliverance

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