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“Nigerian Leaders Are Baphomet Members & Satanic” – Femi Fani Kayode

nigerians baphomet members

December 24, 2013 – “Nigerian Leaders Are Baphomet Members Who Sacrifices Openly To Satan” – Femi Fani Kayode

Former aviation minister Chief Fani Kayode is back with his latest article.

The article aimed at wishing Nigerians Merry Christmas is titled hope springs eternal joy.

Read it below:

There is so much death in this country. So many tears. So much evil. So much betrayal. So much sadness and so many tragedies. So much corruption and deceit. So many shattered dreams, broken hearts and wounded souls. So much injustice and insensitivity. So much greed and want. So much bloodshed, blood-letting and blood-spilling.

Welcome to Nigeria- the Federal Republic of Shattered Dreams. A country in which sadism, failure, iniquity, injustice, wickedness, persecution, cover-ups, lies and abuse of power are enthroned. A land in which “men of God” do not pray but instead sell the anointing and buy private jets. A country where common decency, kindness and human compassion has no place. A nation in which the rulers pay homage to the baphomet and make open sacrifices to Satan.

A country where ignorance and mediocrity is exalted and in which excellence and knowledge is scorned. A nation in which truth has no place and in which those that tell it are hated and treated with contempt. I weep for my country and each day I pray that God delivers her from the blood-sucking and relentless demons that plague and afflict her. Yet, despite all, hope springs eternal.

Today our nation stands at a crossroad and it is left for us to decide which path we choose to take. Do we take the path of despair and dishonour and give up on our country? Or do we rise above it all and latch on to the promises of God for our land and for our people? With biting poverty, mounting hopelessness, a bleeding economy, youth restiveness, unprecedented violence, brazen acts of terrorism and all manner of vices and evil thriving in the land one wonders how things got so bad.

The foundation for our current situation was laid many years ago and since that time we have seen so much suffering and failure at virtually all levels. We were plagued with leaders who lacked vision, who lacked intellect, who lacked sincerity of purpose and who were antagonistic to those that dared to challenge their visionless and purposeless policies. Our country is currently bedevilled with so much negativity that it is easy to look around and just give up. Yet I say that we must never give up because ”hope springs eternal”.

The bible says though the night may be dark yet ”joy comes in the morning”. The wise ones say you cannot have a message without a mess. You cannot have a testimony without a test. You cannot get to the top of the mountain without first going to the bottom of the valley. This is true. And out of Nigeria’s ”mess” shall surely come her ”message”. Out of Nigeria’s ”test” shall surely come her ”testimony”.

We have been to the ”bottom of the valley” and therefore we shall get to the ”top of the mountain”. Our dream for a better Nigeria shall never die and neither can our collective prayers be in vain. I refuse to give up because I know that the God that I serve never fails. He alone rules in the affairs of men. He alone forges the destiny of nations. Out of a deep void and formlessness He ordered the creation of the world. He established it by the power of His word and He gave us dominion over it.

In the same way He created Nigeria for His purpose and for His glory and that purpose and glory shall surely be established. It shall come to pass and it will be manifest to the entire world. We shall see it and we shall be established in it as a nation and as a people. If God can do it for others, He can do it for us too. We can be great and, by the grace of God, we shall be great. This is my dream and this is what I see. And believe me when I tell you that it is prophetic.

A Nigeria where every man and woman, regardless of faith, ethnicity, status or political persuasion finds a common cause and relishes in our collective humanity. A Nigeria where the rich have a conscience and the poor have hope. A Nigeria where joy and peace reign supreme and where bombings and killings are a thing of the past.

A Nigeria where the descendants of Ishmael and Isaac and the adherents of the two great Abrahamic faiths of Islam and Christianity live together in peace, harmony and mutual respect. A Nigeria where the secularity of the state is respected yet where God is revered and honoured by all. A Nigeria where the knowledge and fear of the Living God reigns in the hearts and minds of the people.

A Nigeria where every man is His brother’s keeper, where leaders show compassion to those that they lead, where justice is done to all and where political persecution has no place. A Nigeria where decency is rewarded, where dissent is tolerated, where non-conformity is encouraged and where equity is enthroned. That is the Nigeria of my dream.

A Nigeria where youth unemployment is low and where every individual, no matter how high or low, can aspire to any position and live his or her dream. That is the Nigeria of my dream. A Nigeria where human life and human dignity is sacrosanct and where fairness is the watchword of every soul. That is the Nigeria of my dream.

I have no fears about the future of this great nation because the God that I serve never fails. The bible says the nations are ”as a drop of water before Him”. He sits above the circles of the earth and He counts the earth as His footstool. Yet despite His sheer awesomeness and majesty, with Him lies great compassion and mercy.

Once we return to Him, acknowledge Him, honour Him and are led and guided by Him, He will restore us and shower us with His blessings. The Lord awaits us to make the right choice. We either continue to wallow in self-delusion, wickedness, greed, murder, the persecution of perceived enemies, the abuse of power, evil and insensitivity or we desist from our wicked ways and turn to Him.

I am persuaded that once we make the right choice our date with destiny, as a people and as a nation, will come far sooner than we can possibly imagine. In his book titled ”The Wretched of the Earth” Frantz Fanon said the following- ”each generation must, out of relative obscurity, discover it’s mission and fulfill it or betray it.” Past generations in Nigeria have not lived up to expectation. This is the bitter truth.

Yet there is still hope as long as we have faith. That hope and faith is our blessed assurance and it lives in our minds and hearts. We know that the Lord will fix it. We know that He is ”more than able”. We know that He is a man of war whom none can resist and we know that He restores, redeems and rebuilds even the most broken and wretched walls.

Dr. Martin Luther King jnr., after delivering his celebrated and inspiring ”I have a dream” speech, was felled by an assassin’s bullet on April 4 1968. To those that killed him, his dream died with him. Yet they were wrong. They did not know that great dreams, once birthed, never die. That is why the Word of God said ”if the princes of this world had known they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory”.

If those that murdered Jesus, and the devil that inspired them to do it, had known that He would honour His word and rise up three days later they would not have crucified him. They persecuted Him, they humiliated Him, they beat Him, they tortured Him, they spat on Him and they killed Him yet they could not kill His dream or abort His mission. His dream lived on and became a reality for all mankind to see.

It was the same with Martin Luther King. They killed him but his mission had already been achieved and his vision came to pass 45 years after his sacrificial and selfless death. This is indeed the stuff of which dreams are made. Great things are birthed in great dreams and if you dare to dream nothing is impossible.

I have a dream for Nigeria. I have a dream that one day Nigerians will see themselves as Nigerians before anything else and they will not regard their country and its people as a collection of strange bed-fellows that do not love or trust one another.

Yet this dream can only be fulfilled when those amongst us that call ourselves leaders preach, practice and display discipline, temperance, holiness, morality, restraint, tolerance, mercy and the fear of God in the conduct of our affairs. It can only be made manifest when we stand up and fight against evil, tyranny, injustice, indecency bad governance, the abuse of power , political persecution and sheer wickedness.

Our dream can only be brought to reality when love is the motivating factor in all that we do. The Lord commands us to love our neighbour as we do ourselves. That is the cornerstone and the foundation of our faith and it is in that faith and that resolve that our hope for a better and greater Nigeria lies. I have a dream that Nigeria will be what God wants her to be, a great and powerful nation that is dedicated to the Living God and that will act as a shining example and a beacon of light for all to see.

I assure you that despite the dashed hopes and unbearable suffering of millions of our people over the last 52 years, our dream still lives and the Lord shall not forsake us. Our land and our people may seem blighted, in despair, depressed, repressed and confused. It may appear as if there is no hope for a better tomorrow and that nothing will ever change.

It may seem as if the Lord has forgotten us and it may appear that our story is one of recurrent failure and shattered dreams. Yet this is not so. I have come here today to tell you that, despite all we see and hear, it is not over for us as a people and as a nation. I have come here today to tell you that we as a people have a date with destiny.

I have come here today to tell you that Nigeria and the Nigerian dream lives on and that it shall be made manifest for all to see in the fullness of time. I therefore urge you to be strong, to hold your heads up high, to be proud of who and what you are and to stand firm. The vision is for an appointed time. Though it may tarry it shall not prove false. Just hold on and always remember that, despite all, ”hope springs eternal’. God bless you and God bless Nigeria.

Merry Christmas and happy new year.



  1. Ibana Meu

    December 24, 2013 at 4:08 PM

    Femi we all know that you’re a part of them what about the baphomet ring you use to wear on your last finger. Nigerians are not blind.

  2. Topaya Ubah

    December 24, 2013 at 4:09 PM

    No wonder the country remains the same. It’s ruled by men of the dark

  3. Saphire

    December 24, 2013 at 4:51 PM

    Cant believe thEsE words are coming from the same man who are the main author of the letter tittled b4 it is too late.sent to GEJ by OBJ office…OBJ only signed the letter but the main author was FFA…u are a good writer anyway..i cant deny that.. keep writing sir..and we are ever ready to be reaading…and shared with ur dream….God bless nigeria..merry christmas and happy new year in advance

  4. Mashaun Tope

    December 24, 2013 at 5:01 PM

    We are fully aware of this may God deliver us all

  5. Nma

    December 24, 2013 at 6:42 PM

    The only good write up I’ve ever seen from u.

  6. Tessy

    December 24, 2013 at 7:08 PM

    so surprising dis is coming from you, though i’ve neva liked you but ur words are perfect as it’s coming from a gud writer. One thing is dat Nigerians knows u are also part of them (our leaders). May help “our leaders” and “our nation” to turn to a beta one… Amen

  7. lamido

    December 24, 2013 at 7:29 PM

    All Nigerian leaders including you Femi fani kayode are sons of lucipher their heart full of wickedness none single of them shall inherit God kingdom because they had shed the blood of innocent people.external destruction is waiting for them.

  8. David Osho

    December 24, 2013 at 8:00 PM

    Whaoo, I’m speechless Chief Femi. I commend and applaud your efforts in delivering the great vision the Lord has for Nigeria. Honestly, I join my faith with you by claiming the prophetic paragraph and say: “So Shall It Be” in Jesus Name (amen).

  9. Confidence

    December 24, 2013 at 8:17 PM

    Tnks 4 narating ur drims hope u’l wake up vry soon 2 realise dat as u made ur bed so u’l lie on it.

  10. mercy mwenya maraj

    December 24, 2013 at 8:38 PM

    the Bible says:f evil people re in power crime increases so no wonder all thse bad things re hapenin.pray hard nigerians

  11. Barr ike

    December 24, 2013 at 10:39 PM

    I only need a stronger conviction, 2 b/live that, those ideal dream, proceeded from Chief Dr Tribalist Femi Fani Kayode.i’m sure he’s just a pretender,speaking from both side of the mouth.Did i hear him say he dreams of, “A Nigeria where every man every woman regardless of… ethnicity….”. Did he also mean ibo people as well?, Are ibo’s living in lagos in the dream picture?.Nawaoooooh…!

    • Chima

      December 25, 2013 at 9:17 AM

      Femi is an expert in making contradictory comments and retractions. Dont take him serious; is he fed up defending Yoruba cause . He is now a like Obj a self appointed nationalist

  12. abdul

    December 25, 2013 at 1:20 AM

    Surely God will deliver us one day from all this wicked leaders both past and present.

  13. ad

    December 25, 2013 at 5:27 AM

    …. here he goes again…. FEMI THE SENSELESS AND AIMLESS RANTER

  14. Abiodun Obafemi (MON)

    December 25, 2013 at 8:09 AM

    Regardless of what people say or write about remain the prophet of our time…whose words console,soothe and heal the wounds of millions of traumatised and battered innocent Nigerians…
    And for those acusing this man of been part of the rotten system that put us in this mess, judge not! For this man, Femi Fani Kayode, has settled with his God…Hope indeed springs eternal! God bless you and God bless Nigerian!


    December 25, 2013 at 8:39 AM

    FFK Femi or whatever you’re called, keep quite because you’re a fool.

  16. Nk Gwarzo

    December 25, 2013 at 9:47 AM

    Its obvious they all are but YARADUA is an exception.

  17. Chacha

    December 25, 2013 at 3:07 PM

    No need reading everything! Psychopaths are noted for their extremities–so it is with FKK. So your Baba is also among them? Na wa o. I call it an afterthought of the callous and scheming man you are! Why don’t you just surrender your loots, then go on and apologize to those you laugh at when knifed by the Hausa/Fulani killing machine (or when forcefully evicted from the city they’ve made their homes for years) if we must hear you? Or else shut your gaped-fanged mouth for good! You irritate, badly!

  18. blaze_boy

    December 25, 2013 at 6:31 PM

    Lwkmd f**k FFK forget dis man he’s too tribalistic besides that he was former minister of Aviation what good did u do then now u are dreaming tryna compare urself with MLK of united states pls go n ctfu n stfu we know all dis things our leaders are all bad including u so stfu n go and drink n sleep away thanks I’m done shiiiiiit

  19. Mr. JEM

    December 26, 2013 at 4:03 AM

    Well, one thing I know for sure is, CHANGE is INEVITABLE. Bad Men turns good and vice versa. We only hope for that great change to sweep across the length and breath of this Nation.

  20. Gideon

    December 26, 2013 at 7:56 AM

    Hmmmm is it Femi kayode is dreaming all dis or is it make and believe stuff. U dat support de deportation of people from dia own land. If de dream is one of does act, U and Fashola did to Ibos, l pray let de dream die in JESUS name. AMEN

  21. Shevy

    December 31, 2013 at 4:55 PM

    U beta wake up 4rm ur slumber or die with ur dreams…Hypocrite !

  22. Adaji

    September 5, 2015 at 12:22 PM

    Shut up whatsoever u call ur self cos u are now on satans side,may God have mercy on u and bring back ur senses.

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