Crime News
“Nigerian Politicians Stole $400 Billion In 39 Years” – UN Laments Corruption In Nigeria
Jan 29, 2015 – “Nigerian Leaders Looted $400 Billion In 39 Years” – UN Laments Corruption In Nigeria
Between 1960 and 1999, Nigeria, a wealthy oil nation lost over $400 billion to corrupt, selfish and pot bellied politicians.
This estimate doesn’t include the looted fund in the past 16 years with President Jonathan’s administration taking the gold medal, according to IBB, a former President who was tagged the master of corruption in Nigeria. He is now claiming that his regime did not close to what Jonathan has done in the past years.
Here is the view of a UN official, Antonio Maria Costa, executive director of United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, UNODC, on the implications of the huge resources being plundered by successive administrations. He said it in November 2007.
“Nigeria used to be synonymous with corruption just a few years ago. Unscrupulous leaders pilfered the national coffers and stashed away billions of dollars in foreign bank accounts. By some estimates close to US $400 billion was stolen between 1960 and 1999. Sani Abacha alone is estimated to have stolen the equivalent of 2 – 3 per cent of the country’s GDP for every year that he was President.
“That is a staggering – almost “astronomical” – amount of money because if you were to put 400 billion dollar bills end-to-end, you could make 75 round trips to the moon! Concretely, those 400 billion dollars could have translated into millions of vaccinations for children; thousands of kilometres of roads; hundreds of schools, hospitals and water treatment facilities that never came to be.”
Our graduates are left jobless, poverty level is on the rise… It is a pity.
Wealthy nation with the largest number of poor people in the world, these politicians lack conscience.

January 29, 2015 at 3:53 PM
Arrest them all and lock them up in jail, so the youths can take up power,this is the way to go
January 29, 2015 at 4:19 PM
youth arise vote PDP out of power did mess must stop.
January 29, 2015 at 4:23 PM
Jonathan May Not be the Best, But He has Done What Past Leaders Could Not Do. – Alhaji Shehu Shagari.
The first Executive president of Nigeria Alhaji Shehu Usman Aliyu Shagari has broken his silence after 32years of overthrown by Maj General Muhammadu Buhari
In his rare interview with AIT news reporter in Sokoto state yesterday and the former President said as below:
“Jonathan may not be the best, but I can mention 3 to 4 breakthrough in Nigeria that occurred under his 5 years in office
“Under Jonathan’s administration, train is back in Nigeria after about 30yrs of neglect. In fact, my 27 years old grandchild boarded train for the first time in his life in 2014.
His Administration is the first Government to construct over 125 modern Almajiri schools and 12 Universities in a short frame of time.
He is also first Nigerian leader to construct cargo Airports & ensure all zone in Nigeria has an International airport.
His Administration is also the first Nigerian government to eradicate the high level corruption in the distribution of fertiliser and ghost workers.
And the very first Government to start diversifying Nigeria, economy back to agriculture after Nigeria lost its agricultural glory in the 70s.
Now I may ask Nigerians, what are Buhari’s developmental strides as Nigerian Head of State?” Your Answer is as good as Mine, NONE for his whole time in office. – Hope For Nigeria.
prince of ijesha
January 29, 2015 at 4:40 PM
Hope for Nigeria is pro Gej.
Jonathan has no reasonable achievement other than boko haram killing the innocent for blood sacrifice
Da game behind the game
January 29, 2015 at 4:27 PM
Do the politicians stack the money in Nigeria or mainly in the countries of the members of the United nation security council. Let the truth be known the Nigerian politicians are friends to the western world cos the Nigerian stolen money are used in the western world such as building infrastructures, improving the welfare systems, researches as well as bombs and drones use to kill Africans and at the same time steal there natural resources. Who is fooling who? Election is fast approaching and the west are trying to forecast the presidential candidate that will offer them the best deal rather than providing for the so called artificial country called nigeria.
January 29, 2015 at 6:41 PM
they stole triple times more of this amount. revolution is the only remedy.
Lola O
January 29, 2015 at 7:50 PM
Alhaji Shehu Shagari is a wounded lion. Who says anything good about a person that overthrew his government??? How would you feel if your daughters or granddaughters went to school and did not return, to be boldly kidnapped in broad daylight and sold into slavery and prostitution by some bastards whom the President is not even courageous enough to condemn in public? As for the so-called “agricultural developments”, why is food still soooo expensive and why do you rich Nigerians travel abroad for medical treatment and check-ups? Building more educational institutions is no solution either when thousands of graduates have resorted to internationally acclaimed fraudulent activities and prostitution for the females due to lack of jobs. The quality of education is pathetic due to brain-drain of our intellectuals for more lucrative jobs abroad. The problems are endless. If you have no valuable contributions to this movement for change crusade, Mallam, PLEASE hold your peace, I cannot disrespect an elderly person. Let posterity judge your own administration also for your lukewarm attitude and lack of positive leadership that led to your overthrow. As a young undergraduate at the time, I remember all the Senators and House of Rep members did was lavish money on women in their luxury apartments in Victoria Island, paid for with Nigeria’s money. Long live Nigeria.