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Dino Melaye Reportedly Dropped Out Of ABU University “His Certificate Is Fake” – Exam Officers

dino melaye university drop out

March 20, 2017 – Nigerian Senator Dino Melaye Is A University Drop Out, DSS Covered Him Up – ABU Exam Officers

Dino Melaye Reportedly Dropped Out Of ABU University “His Certificate Is Fake” – Exam Officers

Saraki’s ally Dino Melaye has come under fire for allegedly falsifying his degree.

According to Sahara Reporter, the Kogi West Senator who has been making mouth on the social media since the story broke is a confirmed “Olodo” who dropped out of Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria.

Some examination officers at the institution claimed he never graduated in the Geography department as stated in his biography.

It was alleged that the Director General of DSS was notified but he covered it up.

Authentic graduates are there looking for genuine ways to serve the country while some confirmed “Olodos” are there making mouth and collecting fat salaries.

No wonder the senate is the way it is today. #yeyeticians



  1. OLA

    March 20, 2017 at 10:24 PM


  2. Omokehinde

    March 20, 2017 at 10:29 PM

    Yeyeticians indeed. Just imagine crooked, criminals, and unpatriotic looters in our National assembly? The forgery of any certificate or document is a serious crime that is more than enough to kick Senator Dino out from the National Assembly, so that good people of Kogi state can elect a real person with an humble and loving heart can take over his position. What about Saraki and Fayose certificates? Sahara Reporters please look into into that because those two are crooks too. Yeye dey smell.

  3. ade adeagle

    March 20, 2017 at 10:43 PM

    all of them should be investigated they are all liars, thieves and corrupt bastards

  4. Jilo

    March 20, 2017 at 10:46 PM

    Dino Melaye you are finished. It is very unfortunate and degrading to your personallty not to have graduated from University. Half education is worst than being an illiterate. Now I see why you are behaving badly whenever you are in the public. Any genuine educated senator could have comported himself/ herself better in the public gathering. Nigerian government should file a criminal charges against you and make you pay back all salaries you have falsely paid by the government.

    Dino Melaye you are a criminal and you should be jailed for forgery and stealing public fund. Fake Senator of Federal Republic.

  5. fifelomo

    March 21, 2017 at 12:41 PM

    Melaye is a bloody criminal.

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