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Nigeria’s Got Talent Season 2 Winner Is Robots For Christ

nigeria's got talents season 2 winner

Feb 10, 2014 – Nigeria’s Got Talents Season 2 Winner Is Robots For Christ

The winners of Africa’s number one talent hunt show, Nigeria’s Got Talents is Robots for Christ.

Their endless dedication and commitment has paid off after over 2 months of non stop hard work.

robots for christ

Robots for Christ is a group that comprises of two Benson Idahosa University undergraduate. The group made history after beating nine other contestants to win a whopping 10 million naira.

Nigeria’s Got Talents season 2 grand finale was recorded on the 8th of February (last Saturday) at Dream Studio.

nigeria got talents 2014 winners

The show was aired to millions of viewers across Africa on the 9th of February 2014.

A String’s Daniel Azuke emerged 2nd while David Aduragbemi, the 9-year-old drummer emerged 3rd.

“We can’t express how we feel right now. We are just over joyed and are sincerely grateful to Nigerians for believing in us and voting for us,” said Robots for Christ.

“From their impressive costumes to their very well synchronized dance moves, the Robots for Christ were one act that always impressed us,” said Yibo Koko, one of the judges on the show.

Nigeria’s got talent season 2 winners will join Amarachi Uyanne, season one winner as new Airtel Ambassador.

Watch Robots for Christ performing in the video below:


A big congrats to them.



  1. Igbokwe Victor

    February 10, 2014 at 4:15 PM

    From day one, I know they will win the son. Congrats guys

  2. Yeancah Onaolapo

    February 10, 2014 at 4:16 PM

    I would have preferred David the drummerboy to win because I wanted him to win

  3. Nedu

    February 10, 2014 at 11:19 PM

    What’s d use of dis show? If what I just saw is d talent, then airtel better start donating d money to orphanage. Talking a stroll

  4. betsy

    February 11, 2014 at 7:26 AM

    @ Yeancah b happy for dem ok cs sm tyms GOD’S ways are not our ways congrat guys.

  5. Star

    February 11, 2014 at 8:54 AM

    @Nedu why did u go and show ur own talent let see if u even have any. We show learn to appreciate what others do please. Guys am happy for you.

  6. Star

    February 11, 2014 at 8:56 AM

    @Nedu why didn’t u go and show ur own talent let see if u even have any. We should learn to appreciate what others do please. Guys am happy for you.

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