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Nollywood Loses Out As Foreign Movies Excite Nigerian Cinema Goers

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Nigerians No Longer Interested In Watching Nollywood Movies Cinema As Foreign Movies Take Over

Exclusive report by Pulse NG

Despite spending a lot of money at the cinemas, only a small fraction went to local films

The figures released by the Cinema Exhibitors Association of Nigeria (CEAN) for February 2019 show that Nollywood is losing out.
According to the statistics, Nigerians spent about N266 million at cinemas all over the country. Only N46.8 million went to Nigerian movies from 1st - 28th February. This is minus one week (8th -14th).

Here is the breakdown:

From 1st - 7th February
During this period, the top 20 films grossed a total of N68.2 million. Only N27.9 was spent on local movies.

The top two were foreign movies -“Glass” and “Upside”, The third, a Nigerian movie, million, “Chief Daddy” made N10 million.

This is less than N168 million grossed in the first seven days of January, 2019.

From 15th - 21st of February
Earnings for the third week were N89.7 million with N13.9 going to Nigerian films. The three top movies were all foreign. They were “Alita”, which grossed N40.9 million, “Cold Pursuit” - N9.8 million and “Escape Room” - N8.4 million.

From 22nd - 28th of February
By the third week, there were only two Nigerian movies left in the top 10. A total of N67 million was spent at the movies with just N5million on local films.

This is less than the N68 million Nigerian movie goers spent at cinemas in only one weekend.

This is indeed a very sad news for Nollywood filmmakers.

It is time for a change of strategy.

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  1. Jayde Ibrahim

    March 13, 2019 at 10:04 PM

    Let them improve or lose out forever. They scream too much in their movies.
    It literally upset me

  2. iron bar

    March 14, 2019 at 12:23 AM

    Before nko,if u dont step up the game,u lose the market.let them strategize just like bollywood folks..same issue we had with our soccer league which was booming in the 80s and 90s before they its arsenal and man u.

  3. Rosy

    March 19, 2019 at 5:51 PM

    Nigeria movie producers keep reproducing what we have seen before. What do you expect?

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