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Outrage As FRCN Limits Tenure Of Churches General Overseers, GO In Nigeria To 20 Years & Age To 70

frcn limits go churches 20 years

January 9, 2017 – Outrage As New FRCN Law Limits Tenure Of Churches General Overseers, GO In Nigeria To 20 Years & Age To 70 Years

After the appointment of a new National Overseer for the Redeemed Christian Church of God, in compliance with the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria (FRCN) law, which specifically limited the tenure of general overseers of churches to 20 years or 70 years of age, more pastors are kicking against the new directive on tenure of church’s leaders.

Apostle Psalm Okpe, general overseer, Fresh Oil Ministry, Lagos said:

“If it is true that there is a law restricting the tenure of church leaders to 20 years, then, it is one of the most childish laws I’ve ever seen since I was born. The reason is, what if the general overseer started ministry at 70? The call of God and the law of the land are not the same. The call of God is a personal experience and encounter.”

He stated that there is freedom of worship in Nigeria and, therefore, “I believe such law should not even be heard because that is not the problem the country is facing at the moment. That is not the challenge of the country. We are in a state of emergency, as it were. We are in a state whereby it’s as if the whole system is collapsing and government is sleeping. I think government should be trying to revive the country, instead of passing a law on the church or Christianity, with regards to tenure of leadership.”

Apostle Okpe said government should not play God by deciding who “comes into ministry and who goes out of ministry. It is the call of God. If anybody in the capacity of Daddy Adeboye is resigning, as they claimed, on the weight of his age, I can understand that. I buy into that because he needs this body to do God’s work. I don’t want to agree that it’s because of the law that he is coming up with the new development. As

I said initially, the law, if it exists, is the most childish law I have ever seen since I was born. That is not supposed to be the problem of the government right now. The call of God is not by age and His operations are not tied to age or tenure. So, the government should not assume the position of God. I don’t think it will fly. It won’t work, as far as I am concerned.

Also, Pastor Henry Kpalukwu, general overseer, Glorious Fire Deliverance Ministry, Port Harcourt slammed the tenure law.

“The law is not good at all because it’s going to affect many people. In the days of the prophets, Elijah was a prophet of God until the day he departed the world. Elisha was a prophet of God until the day he died. Moses led the children of Israel until the day he left the world. It was the same thing with Joshua and all prophets of old and the apostles from Jesus Christ were in ministry till God called them to glory.

So, why should such a law be made? As far as the work of God is concerned, it is not by human election.

The call of God is by divine election. For Pastor Adeboye to hand over, for example, it must be a decision from God. God must decide who takes over from him, not the government of Nigeria.

God decides when He wants changes to be made, if necessary. It doesn’t matter how many years a general overseer has been involved in ministry work.

It is his business with God. Church leaders have business with God, not with man. So, whoever is coming out with that kind of idea is trying to incur the wrath of God.”

[Daily Sun]



  1. Endure

    January 9, 2017 at 8:19 AM

    Too many outrageous and abominable things is really happening under Buhari regime. What has political government got to do with the way christian in Nigeria operates in their various denomination? This type of law limiting the tenure of general overseer of churches to 20 years is nothing but an attempt by President Muhammadu Buhari’s ploy to demoralize,undermine and dampen the spirit of the Christian leaders in Nigeria. This senseless bill that was passed,approved and eventually became law was not without the consent of the president. That is purely his stratagem to cramp and limit the freedom of christianity in Nigeria. The gruesome massacred of christians that took place in southern kaduna still have many family reeling and seeking for justice but to no avail. The federal Government has not been able to fix our economic doldrums that have seen many graduates,youths,young men and women rome about on the streets without job. You need to come and see hundreds,in fact multitudes of unemployed youths at the front of our company this morning waiting for any eventuality and job opportunities which they are not sure they will secure at the end of the day. Is this terrible situation not alarming? And is this not also a total shame to Buhari’s administration? Rather than reversing the damaging economy policy Buhari’s administration introduced early last year,the federal Government is busy meddling in the activities of christianity in Nigeria. I must say that, any attempt to disintegrate and lower the spirit of christians in nigeria either through an islamic president, Muhamaddu Buhari or his machinery the Federal Government won’t succeed.

  2. Usman Abdullahi

    January 9, 2017 at 2:12 PM

    I believe this is their personal opinion. They are therefor entitle to it. It is worthy to note that these churches are incorporated [inc] as such, guided by certain rules of engagement.

  3. D Hunter

    January 9, 2017 at 3:27 PM

    The responses by the pastors above has said it all already. What a childish Law indeed!

    The question now is… What about muslims? How long does a mallam ought to serve before retiring? Or was the stupid Law designed for Christians alone?

    Who even made such so called Law in the first place? Whoever made such a Law is an enemy of the Christians and all enemies of the Christians are equally the enemies of God Almighty. Imagine that! What an atangonistic Law!

    I take a stroll…

  4. rejy

    January 9, 2017 at 4:09 PM

    U people have said it all but i think d fire coming from the man of God is to hurt for them being that he is the best pastor ever recorded but one thing i promise them is that this is d case of God and He has to come down in his glory to defend Himself and his prophet from dis evil men of our generation who stands behind law to perpetuates evil all in d bid of tanishing christainity but meanwhile God shall not only come down but He shall do unto them what he did to pheroh and his chariots of war who troubled the childeren of isreal

  5. Jilo

    January 9, 2017 at 6:27 PM

    Folks, you have been saying sort of things about this administration but you have never substantiate your allegation with proof. First, I don’t believe there is any law that limits any General Overseer to 20 years or 70 years of age. The administrator has no business in how Churches appoint their GO or finances. Please, do not let us pull a fight where there is none.

    Pastor Adeboye to me wanted to retire on his own and wanted to do so voluntarily. Why can’t he wait until he is forcefully remove then you can see how people will react. Affairs of Churches must be separated from state. That does not make sense to me. Before we start to throw punches, my question is who wrote the law? Is it under Federal law or State law? It appears that everybody is challenging Buhari who may not even know anything about this rumour.

    The problem about stepping down of Pastor Adeboye is internal. I don’t forget things easily. There had been controversy about replacing him not because of a stupid law. That is just an excuse.

    There are some people in the same Church who wanted to see Pastor Adeboye step down as a GO. It is far from true that Buhari Administration made a finance law to forcefully remove Adeboye please folks think about it deeply, do not bring politics into this. Buhari has no gain whether Adeboye remain as GO or not but I’m very sure there is hostile movement groups among the congregation who want to replace Adeboye at all cost.

    The problem is within the congregation. The founder of that Church Fadayomi, appointed Pastor Adeboye as GO before he died and other Adeboye contemporaries who have been in the same rank with Adeboye wanted to have a taste of being in a position of Adeboye that was why they are coming up with different idea and trying to orchestrate the plan of financial law. Even without this law, if you ask all RGCC member whether they want Pastor Adeboye to remain as GO, you will be surprised more than half of that congregants will vote no.

    • kobiowu

      January 10, 2017 at 4:53 AM

      I think you are making a good point. After all if there is any law to that effect it should not only affect RCCG but all other ministry. Other GOs have not resigned. Perhaps, there are more to this issue as Jilo has rightly analysed.

  6. Endure

    January 9, 2017 at 8:16 PM

    @jilo are sure you’ve thoroughly made your finding as to who enacted that law limiting the tenure of christian overseers to 20 years or 70 years of age in Nigeria? That law was enacted by the federal government and not just a tenure or financial controversial law established within the church of pastor Adeboye. Pastor Adeboye’s camp might be the genesis of the problem of the law but certainly the establishment of this law didn’t come from within that congregation but from the Government. And that is why we are asking why is government interfering with christian religion and not muslim? what is the full meaning of the interference Buhari led-Government is having with christian organisation in Nigeria? Let’s be swift in our power of reasoning. The law that has been established is far reaching in that,it affects other christians denomination in Nigeria and not just pastor Adeboye’s congregation and by that,it is a federal law. Government law as we know it passes through stages before it is eventually adopted and be made a law. That law is in force as we speak. Failure on the part of any christian overseer to step down during the specified years will lead to action against such individual by the Government. Then why should that be so? If their is no hiding agenda within the Nigerian government,why is this unnecessary meddling in christian affair? So @jilo I will urge you to find out exactly who made this law.

  7. AK

    January 10, 2017 at 7:18 AM

    Laws promulgated by the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria will come to stand as it is a Federal government agency. It is like saying people of Nigeria or any organisation in Nigeria will not follow the rules of Road safety commission.

    Whatever the rules says, if it contravenes the constitution of Nigeria as regards rights to freedom of religion which includes modes of practice and its leadership, this can be challenged in the court of law. This type of law creates room for Politics in the church and that comes with division and having allegiance with a particular candidate and we do not need crystal ball to know the domino effect in terms of unity and love in the church of God.

    It is quite unfortunate that the present administration is allowing one of its agencies to orchestrate a rule of division. Well, smart Pastor like Chris Oyakhilome will be smiling in his South Africa base as the laws states General Overseers in Nigeria. This will open floodgates of mass emigration of GO’s going to African nation’s to have permanent headquaters and appoint Nigeria GO’s which will circumvent the rules of the FRCN. It is well. Just passing by.

  8. Endure

    January 10, 2017 at 9:32 AM

    Excellent comment from you @AK.

  9. Ade Ferrari

    January 11, 2017 at 5:35 AM

    Excellent comment from @ Jilo

  10. dan

    January 12, 2017 at 11:06 PM

    Any laws for Imams? Don’t be deceived by Buhari sacking the guy. The deed is done.Smoke screen things! Wise up!

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