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Pastor Anselm Madubuko & Emmy Kosgei Wedding Holds In Kenya Today “My Son Told Me To Marry Her”

emmy kosgei wedding pictures

August 31, 2013 – Pastor Anselm Madubuko & Emmy Kosgei Wedding Holds In Kenya Today “My Son Told Me To Marry Her”

It seems Apostle Anselm Madubuko is aware of the controversy surrounding his new marriage one year after the death of his wife.

In this recent pre-wedding interview, the man of God said his 25-year-old son recommended Emmy Kosgei, a Kenyan gospel singer to him. The couple will be getting married officially today.

Photos from their traditional wedding ceremony

emmy kosgei traditional wedding

Hear what he said in the interview;

Even before I proposed to her, I called my kids separately and it was my son that even pointed my direction towards her. He told me more about her, saying: ‘Emmy has a pure spirit and I think she is someone you should marry.’

My son is 25 years old. After that, I called my two daughters and they both love her, saying that they can’t imagine she would be their step mum. They approved and told me to go ahead to propose to her.  I did not stop there. I called my elder sister, who is like a mother to me. She commended her too and said she love her music. There was nobody that spoke negatively about her, everybody approved, my family, church members and friends. Everybody was excited and happy about the choice and that is how I know that it is the Will of God.

The couple did their traditional wedding yesterday in Kenya. Today is their big wedding.

Gospel artist Frank Edwards and Midnight crew will be performing at the wedding.

Thanksgiving service will follow at the Revival assembly in Lagos Nigeria on the 15th of September, 2013.

Congrats to the couple.

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  1. Mbala Otuenle

    August 31, 2013 at 3:50 AM

    Kosgei is the happiest woman on earth. We Kenyans are happy for her after 2 children without a husband. she is happy to marry a rich naijerian

  2. Chioma

    August 31, 2013 at 3:55 AM

    I think she is marrying him 4 his money
    des people know Nigerian pastors are rich.
    God dey o

  3. obinna

    August 31, 2013 at 9:49 AM

    i hope you will not listen when your son will tell you to divorce her

  4. Ruth

    August 31, 2013 at 8:47 PM

    @ Mbala Otuenle,i do not know where you got your information from but it is wrong Emmy Kosgei does not have any kids. I wish Emmy and Apostle a happy life together

  5. iron bar

    September 1, 2013 at 2:34 AM

    must u xplain y u married her..may u enjoy ur marriage jare

  6. Michael

    September 1, 2013 at 3:18 AM

    young lady make u no leave this old man o cos he go commit suicide if u dare to..

  7. D Hunter

    September 1, 2013 at 4:11 AM

    @mbala otuenle, If only i had access 2 u right nw, i wld hv gvn u d dirtiest slap of ur lyf 4 spelling d name of my gr8 country Nigeria wrong n using a small letter 2 start it besides, ur nt bin correct abt ur info concerning Emmy havn 2 bastard kids, accdn 2 Ruth.

  8. Emma

    September 2, 2013 at 7:52 AM

    Even if Emmy has two children……. what is the big deal. God has bless her with a husband to take care of her and no one should dispute the will of God. Love is all that matters. Even if everyone disapproves of you and your partner loves you all they are doing is making noise on an empty vessel.

  9. peace

    September 3, 2013 at 12:27 AM

    chioma you are ignorant and arrogant God doesn’t look at country when about to bless you he just blesses you. and d hunter its a spelling error big deal do you make mistakes in you life?the reason why Africa is not moving forward is because everybody is small minded we dont love and support eachother change will never take place unless through us.its great to believe in your country but don’t put other countries down every country has its goodness created by God. besides God saw all the other ladies he didn’t choose them he chose this lady to be his wife if its too bitter vomit it sweetheart xxx

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