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Pasuma Denies Wedding Plan To Flakky Ididowo, Ronke Odusanya “I’ve Dumped Her”

pasuma dating flakky ididowo

Dec 09, 2013 – Pasuma Denies Wedding Plan To Flakky Ididowo, Ronke Odusanya “I’ve Dumped Her”

Fuji musician Wasiu Alabi Pasuma who granted an interview few months back about his plan to marry Nollywood actress Ronke Odusanya alias Flakky Ididowo has denied the wedding report.

In an exclusive phone chat yesterday, Pasuma’s spokesperson said the interview was not recent and that the two have separated long ago.

Here is what the singer said in an interview with Kayode Aponmade:

You have dated some actress in the past.

Yes I have dated one or two actresses.

Which of them have you dated?

That’s personal.

Are you getting married to any of them?

Well I am in a serious relationship with Ronke Odusanya a.k.a Flaky Ididowo, if things work according to plan we might get married soon.

So is it a probability?

If you say so fine, though everything is in God’s hand but I can assure you that we are in a serious relationship.

‘This is an old interview, he’s not planning any marriage at the moment and not with any actress, so there is nothing like that happening.‘ – said Pasuma’s aide



  1. Josephine

    December 9, 2013 at 5:43 PM

    Brother how can u marry when you have plenty women in your cupboard

  2. Aniifey

    December 9, 2013 at 5:43 PM

    In fact they don,t no what there want.

  3. Babatunde

    December 9, 2013 at 5:48 PM

    Ronke Odusanya pls use your now quite moments to wean yourself completely of the memory of having involved yourself in a relation that was mistake, when your relation became public I prayed it was never true because Pasuma kind of personality, a ‘Fuji Street Music’ icon; does not fit into your personality, now that its a true story I pray this does not affect your love life moving foward. Potential responsible admirers of you out there will not be willing to share your history of Pasuma dumped girlfriend relationship; unfotunately.

  4. Anoni

    December 9, 2013 at 9:04 PM

    Ididowo at last.

  5. Awiilo

    December 9, 2013 at 9:39 PM

    I feel sorry for these so call actresses about their are been useless by the so call money miss roads. Pasuma no reach the flakky class in anyway. Just for money she allowed herself to be shamefully dump before the eyes of the public. Well that is part of acting in real life. Work hard for your money cus that is all you get when you used and dump

  6. JT

    December 9, 2013 at 11:09 PM

    I dey laugh


    December 9, 2013 at 11:28 PM

    This Ronke Odusanya lady has disappointed a lot of people including me, I thought you were so smart, looking at you from a distance. how for God’s sake did you fall for a street musician; you see, when you give up your dignity to someone undeserving of it, he will at the end give you treatment of the street because that is the culture he grew out of; that is exactly what Pasuma represents.

    As a parent if my daughter brings the likes of Pasuma close to my house; I’ll not only chase him out, I’ll make efforts to hand him over to the police for attempting to destroy the treasure I’ve made conscious effort to educate.
    Unfortunately we live in a country where every lazy failure shun proper education for street music and having made a little money, begin the destruction of innocent young ladies everywhere. I blame Ronke for this blunder of a relation with “ALAGBE”


      December 10, 2013 at 11:10 AM

      Yorubas were not wrong to describe musicians like Pasuma ‘alagbe’ literilly meaning “Beggers” up till today in yoruba land musicians are called and recognised as beggers of sort. All they do is to sing praize of people to solicit money albeit begging in disguise. Pasuma is a renound begger who made his little fotune from the benevolence of gulible people who take interest in being song praized. Ronke made a huge mistake kowtowing to such caliber of a street music begger. Hope you quickly put the mess behind and move on with a more dignifying personality.

    • Margaret

      December 10, 2013 at 2:33 PM

      Always see pray for pple bcos some disappointment lead to glory u can still have her if u know she is ur wife.

  8. Mayor

    December 10, 2013 at 5:49 AM

    Ronke,thank d wedding plan ddnt work out,thank ur star.bcos ℓ̊​ felt for Ʊ wen ℓ̊​ read d story,Απϑ ℓ̊​ also commented dat Ʊ both don’t match atall.may Lady no one above mstake.let bygone b bygone,rmain focus,may God help Ʊ .ℓ̊​ Luv Ʊ …

  9. imagination

    December 10, 2013 at 6:48 AM

    som pple are so myopic in thinkin. who is Flaky Ididowo? is anytin special about her dat som munmun pple comparin pasuma with her. Yes pasuma is a fuji musician. Does it mean the fuji musicians are not pple to reckon with it in society or wot du u munmun pple mean? if u shd hav som one like pasuma in ur family wont u been given glory 2 Almighty? our bliev in nig. esp. d yorubas is dat if u are nt well educatd u can’t ve fun on ur own afterall dose so call educatd pple are destroyer of many things.


      December 10, 2013 at 3:05 PM

      Its people like you who continue to encourage the likes ‘alagbe’ Pasuma to think they are so important in the society, let’s group all ‘alagbes’ in the class they belong cos that’s where they draw their inspirations from, allow ALAGBE to marry from one of their kind and there’ll be no problems, they best understand their own orientation towards street life so let nobody decieve you I’m a yoruba from ‘ayan household’ so I know what am talking about.
      Ronke may not be anything according to you but her parents chose to send her crossed the University walls unlike Pasuma who learnt the rudiments of life on the street to become a fuji street music icon.

    • Kudaisi

      December 10, 2013 at 4:44 PM

      Imagination or whatever your name can you tell me of any graduate doing fuji music,? even as a partime work. You must get serious and don’t polute the mind of innocent people out there. Fuji music though traditional but belong to the local folks. Pasuma should go get his wife from his kind local folks.

  10. Bezo

    December 11, 2013 at 12:09 AM

    tribal abuse comment removed by author

  11. Bezo

    December 11, 2013 at 12:12 AM

    tribal abuse comment removed by author

  12. Feyikemi

    December 11, 2013 at 12:27 PM

    Bezo or watever u call urself u must b a bastard 4 insulting yorubas if u don’t know wat 2 say u better close ur dirty mouth.IDIOT

  13. bimbola

    December 21, 2013 at 1:28 PM

    Flakky, the union between you and Pasuma was a mistake so don’t ever disappoint me ur fan by thinking about him, or ur union. that will never affect your moving higher and moving forward, many guy are waiting out there to have you so don’t think about the past just focus on the future “i love you”

  14. Amoke

    April 2, 2014 at 7:38 PM

    I wonder why some Silly people will think a lady is too much for a man to date or marry! Flakky can pls get married to her Certificate now! Pasuma is a very reponsible, Sensible, easy going guy and a hardworking young man!! He is every woman’s choice

  15. amuwawagun

    September 13, 2014 at 11:14 AM

    @ Amoke I guess he is indeed a very responsible and easy going person, that explains the 8 kids from different mistresses and why at 46 he has no woman in his home

  16. Nike

    September 21, 2014 at 1:29 PM

    He had dated two actresses and dumped,i hope the rest learn from this and stop dating this player called pasuma.

  17. YEYE

    November 19, 2015 at 10:20 PM

    He be lik say sm pple get crazy 4 head….@amumu wat ever b4 2face marry how many kids him be get outside…..bcos say pasuma na fuji artist now u dey count pikin 4 him abi….my sister flaky dnt mind sm silly idiot here,move on wit ur life n dnt rush urself….no be them go follow stay 4 ur husband house oooo….marry ur own choice oooooo…..I pray God giv u ur main man(amen)

  18. Titi

    August 9, 2017 at 3:14 AM

    Ha Pasuma tell the truth you have no penis you can not take care of her. We know you I had been on the same bed with your images you cannot perform . You are impotent !!!!!! Good that you let her live her life with a full competent man .

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