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Patrick Obahiagbon Blows Grammar On ASUU Strike “Paraphlegic Crinkum Crankum”
August 8, 2013 – Patrick Obahiagbon Blasts Grammar On ASUU Strike 2013 “Paraphlegic Crinkum Crankum”
Nigeria’s funniest House Member, Hon. Patrick Obahiagbon never ceases to amaze us with his drammatic grammar usage.
Check out what he said on the current ASUU strike issue battling higher institutions in the country;
“This ASUU strike is a miasma of a deprecable apothesis of an hemorrhaging plutocracy, cascadinly oozing into a maladorous excresence of mobocracy…
With all tarmangant ossifying proclivities of a kakistocracy, our knowledgia centura is enveloped in a paraphlegic crinkum crankum. Therefore, ASUU, cest in dejavu, dejavu peret ologomabia.”
Nothing so serious I can interpret it…. Oga Patrick said make ASUU officials commot for chair and make correct people enter.LOL
Anybody with a better interpretation?

August 10, 2013 at 3:02 PM
Patrick no be dis grama go solve d problem. Ur grama no go call of d strike. Na ona de squander nigeria money. Make una stop dis nonsense and put hands together with this foolish Asuu make dem call of d strike. Una no go carry wealth go any where. Na vanity be that. Make una listen to poor people.
August 10, 2013 at 3:09 PM
One of the beauty of effective communication is the reciever being able to assimilate the message being passed accross.sir patrick’s assertion is absolute nonsense because the message is nt understood by ASUU and the audience d/4 effective communication did nt take place.This is nt d kind of leaders we need in dis country 4 nation building
August 11, 2013 at 6:58 AM
Instead of this man to say something reasonable everyone will understand.. That’s the essence of communication…
August 12, 2013 at 6:07 AM
i must confess 2 u that those of u who are cursing this innocent honourale are insane and lack home training. he is used 2 his grammar,is part of him. lexicographer had his reasons b4 he wrote dictionary.nobody force u 2 listen 2 him.pls be careful.
August 12, 2013 at 6:30 AM
Hon.Patrick is a fed.govt that he will call off d strike.d man always says d truth but govt won’t listen. if u are saying thruth in this nation,u are automatically a foe 2 d govt. govt doesn’t listen 2 is better 2 say u dont understand his grammar than 4 u 2 conclude that he speaks rubbish. lets be guided in our utterances.
August 12, 2013 at 6:49 AM
students pls exercise patience. u and i know that jonathan regime is an absolute failure. i must tell u that there is a road in ondo state,ikare -okeagbe akoko,u can not ply d road twice without resuiting 2 medication, federal road 4 that matter. shameful dispensation.jonathan should go.pls
August 12, 2013 at 4:14 PM
Why are some Nigerians are so irational and senseless such that, they are ignorant of when ASUU problem started? Only to pour out their nonesense on Jonathan? Probably somebody who can not even control his family talkless of a community. Is it today that ikare-okeagbe akoko road got spoilt? What has you representative done? Also tell your governor to take a clue from gov. Godswill Akpabio. ASUU will call off the strike after a consensus is reached, this is not the only time ASUU has been going on strike.
August 12, 2013 at 5:02 PM
Ά̲̣̣̣̥♏ sure both asuu & federal government jaws go drop wen δε¥ read diss 1….all d profs in asuu will nt b able to decipher diss ingilibo wen our own senator speak..naija
August 13, 2013 at 1:38 AM
bcos sen.patrick start 2 speak grammer una day com plain wat if i start wetin una go talk.d man day express himself.una nir know if he day say mak dem call d strike off.mayb dats d meanin of PARAPHLEGIC CRINKUM CRANKUM.and patrrick i av a question 4 u.wat if vocal ar nt in d dictionary it will b a tremendious tragedy,cos ur faculty of reasonin is leavin ur skull so u beta see ur doctor or avoid reading books b4 talkin.
hutchinson prince
August 13, 2013 at 7:08 AM
Pls oga patrick, on behalf of d students, pple including me, who don’t understand d grammar in just output from ur month which is trying to be inputed in our memory can cause chronic madness for us, so pls sir, reduce d velocity of ur English, is better d grammar (English) give us headache dan madness o. Lol ahahaha, abeg oo, Asuu, don’t mind d english o, u pple should help us na b4 students will take laws into der hands
August 13, 2013 at 11:06 AM
He might be right but let him prove the speech b4 u can jugde him, Maybe what he had said can contribute positive changes 2 asuu
chris bernard
August 20, 2013 at 6:05 PM
Make dictionary ur lover,dats d only way to under his speech
August 27, 2013 at 1:03 PM
you too much but remember say u never do some thing for you state oooo
salihu muhammed
August 28, 2013 at 1:22 PM
some people think they are the best why they are not i don’t think the grammers above are coming from the crinkum crankum of the above to me i may say that the spirit are on there work.
Prophet gentle ogala
September 2, 2013 at 5:11 PM
E no good 4 FG 2 enter agrement with asuu since 2009 to 2013 and fail,God is not happy about dis .dis is dispointment.asuu wil also dispointment FG.FG shouild pls fulfil d promise 4 peace 2rain.
September 11, 2013 at 2:18 PM
He is good in what he does
October 2, 2013 at 9:01 PM
D man is f**king gud, ye guyz shld just keep mute!!!! Go get ur self dictionary.
Awodeyi olaoluwa
October 22, 2013 at 7:10 AM
Mr pat thanks for ur address
October 23, 2013 at 1:31 PM
Mr. Pat. i don’t think even asuu undastand dis ur grammar ooo, pls we need action not grammar.
Evergreen Ohams
May 18, 2015 at 1:04 PM
i dnt tink dis man is responsible 4 any1’s mediocrity. if he cud invest d same noble time u wasted doin frivolities on tryin 2 b much better than evry1 else, gez u hav bt jst d right 2 remain dumb & nt exhibit ur puerile, asinine ratiocination & tabula rasa, impercipent, obtuse and uncultured lunkhead.
August 24, 2015 at 7:36 PM
He is nt yarning rubbish, it wat he read and hes proud abt it. Read urs and blow more, this country needs mre grammer for her head.
Edeh Dickson
August 22, 2017 at 2:53 PM
Well! Hon. shouldn’t have given out this into the world in a hurry without proper edition, because any slight mistake is a slap on the face of the nation! For instance, “This ASSU strike is miasma” should have rather and better put with the indefinite article ‘a’, thus reading; “This ASSU strike is a miasma…”. Let us assume it was a mistake. Again, the phrase, ” of an hemorrhaging plutocracy,” suppose to go with ‘a’ but not ‘an’ article-this is because neither the preceding “hemorrhaging” which serves as an adjective to plutocracy nor “plutocracy” itself begins with a vowel. And any learned person knows that the ‘an’ article goes exclusively for a word which begins with a vowel. My time is failing me…….So, Hon. please, take your time next time and edit your work before sending it into the world. A mistake from a lay man is pardonable by the world, but any from you is a “capital” error!