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Photo: Police Arrests Mother Who Stabbed Her Son To Death In Sango Ota, Neighbour Defends Her

woman stabbed son to death

June 18, 2015 – Picture: Police Arrests Mother Who Stabbed Her Son To Death In Sango Ota Ogun State, Neighbour Says Fetish Father Raped Her

A young woman identified as Tijani Funmilayo who stabbed her son to death on Children’s day has been arrested.

A neighbour who used to patronize Funmi’s boss described her as a very gentle and easy going person. The lady said Funmi’s biological father raped her and her sister on several occasions.

Hear what the source said:

“I stay in salami ope street, able iroko, Ogun state and funmi’s boss is my tailor, where d incident happened, funmi is a well known calm lady she helps in amending most of my cloth, her father slept with she and her sisters for years after there mum died, that child isn’t for john (the baby daddy)….her father is known to be fetish as in very fetish.

Immediately she did the killing….. she started saying she killed her father not the child, if u have people around there the baale(chief)is in a great position to tell u the truth cos he immediately called he’s boys to beat baba funmi to plump, bring to the palace where he decided to confess that funmi was blackmailing him! even before the police came, I expect pple to say the truth about what dey saw but I keep hearing stupid things, if u were dere u would see she looked charmed that day,she started saying she was pregnant and started bleeding at DAT same spot I was shocked cos I watch this things on TV, as for me funmi needs to be taken to a mental institution not the prison.”

This part of the world is full of wicked people. How can a father do this to his own daughter…Kai!!!

We were sent the lifeless body of the innocent child, it is too gory to share on this platform.

May his soul rest in perfect peace.



  1. princess

    June 18, 2015 at 6:43 PM

    da plice should arrest d wicked father

  2. LolaO

    June 18, 2015 at 7:08 PM

    It is so sad. That young mother was hypnotized, she never meant to harm her child. The father did it to her to get her into trouble and thus prevent her from exposing him. Diaris God o. May the truth be known and evil doers be exposed, disgraced and punished.

  3. Metu Nyetu

    June 18, 2015 at 7:38 PM

    See how far dat forced incest could damaged d psyche! Dis un4tun8 woman cdnt hav don dis but 4d influence of some unbearabl evil. Each time she saw dat child, she saw d pains inflictd on her by he unchaste father. Had she known, she would hav used contraceptiv pills 2 avoid getting 2dis stage. Wat she needs now is rehabilitation, not d prison.

  4. chairman

    June 18, 2015 at 7:57 PM

    You see,I think we are already doomed,the other day I commented that there is no day,we don’t hear one or two bad news to the other here in nigeria,ranging from incesant robbery attacks to rape cases,now look at these now,where a cursed and 4eva trapped in darkness father constantly comiting incest with his own biological daughters that a Bastard came out as a result of the abominable act before God he had been comitting.
    End times are really near by,we are now so insecure in this country.

    God punish this man,and 4d lady,she shud nt af stabbed thr child to death,whether she likes it or not,she must be prosecuted,ignorance or being under the influence of an evil spirit should not be an excuse for stabbing a poor child multiple times which led to a severe death to the child.
    She must be jailed,nigerians we are becoming tOo violent.

  5. Tenderly David

    June 19, 2015 at 10:36 AM

    Wat a pity..she nids 2 b taken 2 an assylum nd nt d prison,atleast nt 4 nw Cos d way i see it,shes even capable of harming hasef alxo..her temper got d best of her in a very neagative way..wat an irritating story #gosh !

  6. am blessed

    June 20, 2015 at 12:43 PM

    proper investigation should be made before passing judgement.

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