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Photos: Kenyan Pastor Who Prayed For Dead Wife At Nairobi Mortuary Says She’ll Resurrect In 3 Days

kenyan pastor wife resurrection

March 31, 2017 – Pictures: Kenyan Pastor Who Prayed For Dead Wife At Nairobi Mortuary Says She Will Resurrect In 3 Days 

A Kenyan Pastor who lost his wife to Tuberculosis on Sunday is still hopeful that his late wife will resurrect in three days.

40-year-old Githumba Robinson, the founder of Eagle Prophetic Church stormed Embu mortuary in Nairobi yesterday in a bid to raise his wife from the dead.

On getting to Gakwegori funeral home where the mortuary is located around 8am yesterday, he ordered the attendants to remove his wife’s corpse from the morgue and place it in an open field for prayers.

Robinson and his followers prayed for Polly Kagendo from 8:30am till 5pm, shouting on the top of their voices expecting a miracle but nothing of such happened.

Around 5pm, the mortuary attendants asked them to return the body as they were about closing for the day.

Robinson told journalists that his wife will be visited in 3 days like Jesus did to Lazarus.

He assured the press team that in three days 38-year-old Polly Kagendo will return from the region of the dead.

His words:



  1. Endurance

    March 31, 2017 at 4:27 AM

    If your wife wakes up from the dead after three days, that means your wife is not truly dead. You can only deceive the gullible ones with your well thought out lies. Fake men of Good.

  2. 3PleAwaja

    March 31, 2017 at 4:52 AM

    Sincerely., i feel for the man

  3. Pa

    March 31, 2017 at 5:00 AM

    Please go to hospitals there are sick people that need to be healed. Why would you tell the world that you will bring your wife back to life? You’re only announcing it so that you will get attention attract more members and of course more financial gain. When jesus was on earth he healed people quietly.He did not go around Jerusalem announcing his healing power. Please go and get a proper job.

  4. Pa

    March 31, 2017 at 5:05 AM

    What is wrong with some women? I can see them clamoring around this charlatan. He has probably had his way with some of them. What a pity.

    • Star

      March 31, 2017 at 2:17 PM

      The women are just by-standers. They didn’t do anything wrong.

  5. fifelomo

    March 31, 2017 at 6:15 AM

    We r watching with keen eyes.

  6. Metu Nyetu

    March 31, 2017 at 7:23 AM

    THE WIFE HAS been deposited in a mortuary. Hence I see no reason to doubt the event of death in this case. The man is not trying to do any fake miracle. This whole thing could be as a result of the degree of shock, and his refusal to accept that severing fate called death, separating him from the woman he so loved.

    IF GOD FINALLY ANSWERS his prayers, fine. If not, he should learn to give up and bury his wife. I think that he should not have taken her corpse to the morgue in the first place if he really had faith that God would bring her back.

  7. Actor IkeGod

    March 31, 2017 at 7:57 AM

    Its still possible bcs nothing works more or stronger that faith. If he is truely a real man of God with a pure heart and hand and closer to God, I tell you that with this man’s faith my wonder-working GOD can make it happen. Let me address some issue here,; for goodness sake why do you guys always draw a conclusion of calling people fake pastors or endtime pastors? NOTE: the bible says the tongue is like a flame of fire. ur tongue can keep u safe and can also destroy u and ur generation pending on how u use it so better use it well if i may advice.

  8. ikpeama

    March 31, 2017 at 2:27 PM

    I feel 4 de man too

  9. smart

    March 31, 2017 at 4:46 PM

    @ endurance. why would u say the wife was not dead, some one laying in mortuary is not death abi? hmm AFRICAN.
    learn not to insult men of God. don’t judge any one, leave them for God to judge

  10. Martha

    March 31, 2017 at 5:19 PM

    Frustrations making him saying things like this, i hope he will not go crazy after the burial.

  11. Endurance

    March 31, 2017 at 10:34 PM

    I can’t just comprehend why some are still bent on viewing frail and imperfect men like them as God and saint who cannot commit any error. @smart, how sure are you that the real wife of this man is the one that is dead and kept in chilled ice in the mortuary and is not some sort of trick meant to deceive people like you? How can somebody come on air and tell you something and you suddenly believe in him? This is why people like you are easily fooled and deceived by those who parade themselves as men of God. Now if this man eventually come out with his wife alive from the morgue, you will quickly believe and begin to praise him as having full backing from God,right? Try to use the power of your brain and stop trusting your fellow man to whom salvation does not belong. The bible book of psalm 146:3 tells us that [“ Put not your trust in princes nor in son of man to whom salvation does not belong”] in other words,if you put your trust in what this man is saying then you are a fool! How can someone in far away Kenyan is saying something you are not their to verify yourself and you are here believing him? May God open your eyes to see exactly what the bible really teaches concerning salvation and stop being misled by mere seekers of church members.

  12. sobo

    April 1, 2017 at 12:38 AM


  13. Lola O

    April 2, 2017 at 6:34 PM

    Yes, like Jesus Christ of Nazareth that rose from the dead after 3 days. Why not raise all the other corpses in the mortuary with your wife? Keep dreaming.

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