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Photos: PDP Distributes GEJ, Jonathan Rice & Yams In Lagos..See Hungry Lagosians Fighting Over Food

gej rice yam lagos

Feb 28, 2015 – Pictures: PDP Gives Away President  GEJ Jonathan Rice & Yams In Lagos..See Hungry Lagosians Fighting Over Stomach Infrastructure

Few days ago, President Jonathan stormed Lagos for a 5-day visit during which he gave out dollars to strategic groups to mobilise supporters for his reelection ambition.

On Monday February 23rd, 2015, PDP distributed free Bags of Rice and yams in Oshodi Lagos.

It was a big show of shame last week as some Lagosians fight dirt to get their own portion of the Presidential Yams and Bags of Rice at Army Arena Shopping Complex in Bolade Oshodi.

Beneficiaries were told to forcefully raise the poster of President Jonathan and take photo before they could have a bag of rice or yam.

However some some APC members  stormed the event with Buhari’s poster but they were sent back.

See photos from the distribution arena below:

president jonathan rice yam lagos

Corruption reloaded… Political Orijology… Diaris God ooo



  1. Yvette Omoregbe

    February 28, 2015 at 8:10 AM

    They are all dirty looking. irritating as hell

  2. Moses Inyang

    February 28, 2015 at 8:15 AM

    Is this for real

    • annornymous

      February 28, 2015 at 5:57 PM

      this what the politicians have reduce nigerians to. Infact. They should. Not only distribute race and yam. Only now i think the gouvernement can be able to give. Rice and yam to all those nigerians. Who Hv no jobs or income. I think the government should introduce a social security system to benefict the poor in nigerian. After all we Hv enough oil money. in europe were they dont Hv oil that is what they do to support people who Hv no jobs. Is about time the poor get something out of the wealth in nigerian.

  3. Danti

    February 28, 2015 at 12:04 PM

    Now go home, cook that rice and yam , eat them properly, then go out and vote these bastards (PDP) out of Nigeria.

  4. Emmanuel

    February 28, 2015 at 12:57 PM

    Do you blame them, this is problem with African because they don’t tackle issues from glass root.they don’t want our resources to go down to common happen in some families today that the rich one don’t care to help the poor one.dat’s what we’re explaining in our Gov today.neither GEJ or GMB non of them is good to do the JOB.African should learn how to stand for their Citizens.

  5. OmoKehinde

    February 28, 2015 at 3:22 PM

    This report saddened me, and it should be of great concern to all meaningful Nigerian citizens both home and abroad. Jonathan administration know that millions of Nigerian people are living in abject poverty, but instead of helping them by creating jobs, providing adequate security, good electricity supply and building other social amenities for productive and sound economy, they are using their suffering against them. I can’t believe that any political leader will degenerate shamefully to this level just because he want to remain in power. In a true democracy any where in the world, Jonathan would have been impeached for crimes against democracy, corruption, mismanagement, bribery, money laundering operations and voter’s intimidation and suppression. Can we really blame people that will do anything to feed their hungry stomach? This is a enough evidence that shows that millions of great Nigerian people have been driven into abject poverty by president Badluck Jonathan economy failure, leadership failure, corruption, mismanagement, insecurity, and imcompentent. This criminal behaviors of PDP and this corrupt and unpatriotic president will not give them the people’s votes, Millions of suffering Nigerian people who are hungry and desperate to survive will take bags of rice, yams, bribes from Jonathan but still cast their precious votes for the right candidate on March 28th, 2015 if the date is not postpone again. There is God ooooooooooo Jona!

  6. pressy

    February 28, 2015 at 3:47 PM

    But when is this going to stop in Nigeria after 6 years on his throne, l petty Nigerians poverty is really affecting many pple.

  7. Concern Citizen

    February 28, 2015 at 4:00 PM

    Robbing Peter to pay Paul……Using Abu’s money to entertain Abu. There is God truly !

  8. Annah

    February 28, 2015 at 5:02 PM

    Don’t blame them is what the country have turned them to, people should take it and don’t vote for them it Is the country money they are spending . That show that the government only remember them when election is coming. God we punish them and there generation yet unborn. They will not live without rot of God on them. This so called politicians 99.9% of their children are in abroad schooling living in big houses, riding best cars, shopping in Harrods and Debenhams. their so called wife shopping around buying designers. All of you will face the God rot.

  9. Austin J.

    February 28, 2015 at 5:20 PM

    Wat I knw z dat, we ‘re tired of pdp fulstop

  10. Aj

    February 28, 2015 at 5:23 PM

    my heart dampned when l read n see how poverty becloud sense of reason ,4 derica of rice. n #600 (yam) haba!! GEJ Let ur performance speak for u ,stop disgrace us

  11. annornymous

    February 28, 2015 at 5:59 PM

    this what the politicians have reduce nigerians to. Infact. They should. Not only distribute race and yam. Only now i think the gouvernement can be able to give. Rice and yam to all those nigerians. Who Hv no jobs or income. I think the government should introduce a social security system to benefict the poor in nigerian. After all we Hv enough oil money. in europe were they dont Hv oil that is what they do to support people who Hv no jobs. Is about time the poor get something out of the wealth in nigerian.

  12. I

    February 28, 2015 at 6:01 PM

    Ok, is he going to be supplying them with rice and yams on a continuous basis? Poverty reloaded!

  13. ubong

    February 28, 2015 at 6:58 PM

    Omoregbe u r a f**l, did apc nt gve out recharge card n fone battery too, u see d pdp own, all past criminals r cryin wolf shame on dem

  14. Excel

    February 28, 2015 at 7:41 PM

    This is what i hate most with those politicians they give peanut to the people just to win their vote, as if they are hungry people, but the moment they are voted into power they turn their back against the masses. I don’t know when we nigerians will wise up and ignore them with their stupid gifts

  15. Excel

    February 28, 2015 at 8:14 PM

    This is what i hate most about those politicians they give peanut to the people just to win their vote, as if they are hungry people, but the moment they are voted into power they turn their back against the masses. I don’t know when we nigerians will wise up and ignore them with their stupid gifts

  16. Sanyeri

    February 28, 2015 at 8:16 PM

    Small time them go dey talk rubbish about Ekiti People,,So Lagosians too dey hungry lol,,See the crowd,,lol

  17. Grace

    February 28, 2015 at 8:26 PM

    Is not a shame. many people are hungry lack money for food and if they see free food like this would thy go for it? The only advise I will girl is for them to pray over the food before cooking and eating.

    There are many hungry Nigerians looking for such opportunities. those who got the rice and yam are lucky.

  18. concern Nigerian

    February 28, 2015 at 8:40 PM

    Just imagine,how did Nigeria get here???just look at these political deceiving madness..if in 2015 politicians still shove bag of rice to our faces with funds meant for development then I personally believe the average Nigerian is suffering from mental disorderliness I call tescostrophic hypertectical,no wonder now I see why most Nigerians don’t want to go back home when they come abroad,it is basically because that poverty mentality of supporting a corrupt and a useless president call Jonathan due to tribalism suddenly vanishes as soon as they get to a foreign airport…what a big shame.

  19. bondo

    February 28, 2015 at 8:49 PM

    shameless government.

  20. Too much corruption in my land

    February 28, 2015 at 9:04 PM

    These is what I call poverty,I wont generalize all of them as Nigerian because a Nigerian like myself wont take such….Jonathan is only digging his own grave with all these,all I know is,he should keep on with his corruption but I know one-day him and all his corrupt crew will end up in kirikiri or the international court,because he will never escape all the blood shed during his sacrificial tenure.

  21. steve

    February 28, 2015 at 9:29 PM

    It is so shameful that democracy has turn to something else i pity those that take rice and yam to destroy the future of their children may GOD help us all and put the devil to shame PDP

  22. baba T

    February 28, 2015 at 10:42 PM

    Jonathon should stop this childish act. He is tthe president and he knows what to do to win election. I believe any body so long u ar a black man can do all it takes to win election . I know even the APC will do anything to remain in power.

  23. olu Black

    March 1, 2015 at 2:32 AM

    My people don wise now,even if he share his
    Balls Dem go collect am wella,on D day
    They will follow Dem conscience for real.


    March 1, 2015 at 5:09 AM

    @BABA T u have made ur point and ur point is excellent.

  25. Joro

    March 1, 2015 at 6:21 AM

    These people are simply eating the future of their children and equally eating fire in their bellies.
    I cannot imagine if they win the election and thought its people choices. Awon Eniyan ti je dodo,
    Won kole so ododo mo. Continue, God is seeing u!!!!!!!!!!


    March 1, 2015 at 10:20 AM


  27. Action_Man

    March 1, 2015 at 12:03 PM

    I pray to God to let us overcome all this one day…….or what else are we going to say, I don’t blame those that go for the rice and yam after all they are doing all this with our money, so, let people take it from them, beside, that does not mean they vote him…

  28. Stop and Think

    March 4, 2015 at 1:21 AM

    Hey Guys if you have experience POVERTY at the highest level then pls u can go ahea and condemn this ppl orderwise you havent got a clue wht poverty is doing to ppl in Nigeria….pls pls and pls….stop castigating we are hungry in Nigeria…i srppt this ppl for collecting it 10000000% do u knw how many kids going hungry for days in Nigeria cos clueless poor Governance? and wud u blame a father or single mum with kids going pass and saw food been given away for free and took part in it????? Pls STOP AND THINK

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