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Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Poem of The Day: Black Beauty – God Never Makes Mistakes

black beauty poems

Dec 3rd, 2011 – Poem of The Day: Black Beauty – God Never Makes Mistakes

While growing up, she, like many others, had always dreamed of seeing her face on billboards and magazine covers.
Dreams filled with a super model’s reality; runways, cameras, lights, glitz, glamour, sights but with each passing day, this dream lost colour.
Dreams once filled with lights, slowly became as dark as the colour of her skin
She thought, in her mind, that she could not be the perfect model because she was tall, striking but dark-skinned.
She grew a sense of inadequacy; almost pretty, almost beautiful, she was almost perfect, with her skin to blame for this ‘almost-ness’.

All the girls she had seen on billboards, magazine covers, music videos and considered beautiful were light-skinned. Even in school she’d observe boys having a stronger attraction for the lighter-skinned girls.
In her deep and once shimmery brown eyes, dark skin was the runner up in society..

Daily, she wondered why her skin was dark and questioned God’s fairness – or rather, darkness. She felt she had a bone to pick with HIM. Why had HE been wicked to her by placing the curse of dark skin on her? HE had watched her get teased at school yet HE did nothing.


Sadly, she had never learned, or better yet been taught to embrace her colour. She had never been told that she was beautiful – which she was – and that her dark skin was a blessing from the Most High.
She had never learned of this skin’s freedom her ancestors fought for…Instead, she had heard so many myths of dark skin: one being that it was a curse from the most High for His leftover creation.
The loudest echoing in her mind was that “the paint God used for His children got finished when He was almost done creating them, so the dark skinned creation remained unpolished”.
Another she’d heard was that “while God was creating man, He got tired, fell asleep, and some of his creations got burnt in the process…”She would give anything just to be lighter or get out of her skin….

I wish I could tell her our history, our story. I wish I could tell her the truth; tell her that God never makes mistakes, created her in His own image.
Wish I could tell her that true beauty comes from within and by being comfortable in one’s skin. She is black, therefore she is beautiful.
If only she could hear me…..



  1. King

    December 3, 2011 at 5:29 PM

    Goooooood one there!!! I just love it

  2. Abass

    December 3, 2011 at 7:26 PM

    Even those white peoples had made a cream to turn their skin dark
    i never lie in my life!

  3. Angel michael

    February 20, 2012 at 6:52 AM

    I appreciate the spirit behind this piece.But sincerely,i dont see it as a poem.

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