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President Buhari Unable To Talk Properly & Recall Tenses, He Needs To Be Under Doctors Watch

president buhari unable to talk properly

June 21, 2017 – President Buhari Battling Alzheimer’s Disease & Unable To Talk Properly, Doctors Urge Him To Resign

Buhari Unable To Talk Properly & Recall Tenses, He May Die Of Complication If Cabals Take Him Back To Nigeria

Health wise, President Buhari is not doing well in London. His doctors have confirmed with Leadership NG that Mr President health has deteriorated to the point where he no longer recognises people or speak with anyone.

You would recall that LeadersNG had exclusively revealed on January 26th that the President’s doctors had advised him to consider resigning from office and focus his attention on his health. The President had undergone a successful surgery and a radiation treatment (oncology) for prostate cancer which was massively responsible for his weight loss as was seen on the day he returned to Nigeria.

The President, however, did not wait enough to complete his subsequent treatments because of the pressure mounted on his Doctors by his aides to declare him medically fit and return him to the country before the 90-day allowed absence as provided in the Nigerian constitution, elapsed.

The President’s health continued to deteriorate and he was advised to start working from home by his Nigerian Physicians until the 5th of May when his condition became extremely critical again. He was eventually flown to London to resume his treatments. There has been no public sighting of the President since then.

Another source close to the Chief Security Officer to the President, Bashir Abubakar also told LeadersNG that the President has not spoken to anyone in a long time and he does not recognize people. He forgets issues discussed with him almost immediately.

LeadersNG further learned that the President is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease which has gotten to its moderate stage where he cannot perform most common activities of daily living.

Speech difficulties have also been observed on the President as he has an inability to recall tenses. His memory has also worsened and he cannot recognize most of his close Aides and Associates. His long term memory has also been severely damaged and he is gradually slipping into Dementia.

The Doctors have told LeadersNG once again that the President can no longer continue with his official functions as he may die as a result of medical complications if he is not frequently and adequately observed.

The Cabal has vowed to keep the incapacitated President in office for as long as they can, and are mounting pressure on the doctors to resuscitate him so they can bring him back home for some time then return him back to London.

The Doctors have advised against this new plan.

[Leadership News]



  1. Prophet Gbenga Rotimi "KINI IWO NFE"

    June 21, 2017 at 6:28 AM

    May the mighty hand of the Lord Jesus Christ heal him in Jesus name

    • James

      June 21, 2017 at 10:05 PM

      Mumu you are wasting your time, the aboki has to believe in that name first before IT can be able to heal him.

  2. Alexunique Legendary

    June 21, 2017 at 7:53 AM

    Na Northener naw, they like power like mad. Nonsense people.

  3. inspector jago

    June 21, 2017 at 8:46 AM

    @mrgbenga, Why ur number… U wnt the President to call you

  4. Sweetie

    June 21, 2017 at 8:51 AM

    Oh LORD, please save our beloved country #Amen

  5. Danti

    June 21, 2017 at 9:15 AM

    By retiring the president does not mean the north will not get their allocations, but it is evil not to follow due process by allowing his vice to attain full presidential duties. Everything in Nigeria is made complicated by Arrogant morons whose minds are severely benighted and can never see anything good in the rule of law.

  6. iron bar

    June 21, 2017 at 9:23 AM

    cabals are not holding us hostage but we are holding ourselves captives.such nonsense played out wIth YARDUA administration which obj imposed on us.we can march to national assembly and stone them till they raise impeachment proceedings based on health grounds to remove the person holding almost 200million people update since he left,no update on how the whole thing started.garba shehumfemi adesina,info minister ..all are now dumb and cannot tell the masses what is going on..2019,they will start sai buhari ,share money and impose another dumb one.rubbish

  7. Brave Hunter

    June 21, 2017 at 1:11 PM

    PHARAOH tried to fight God and kerma caught up with him soon enough before he knew it.

    HEROD tried to fight God an he failed woefully then die in the process.
    I am a rugged Christian just like Prophet the Elijah of old. The children of the Kingdom ought not to give room to Timidity and Fear cos‘ they are serving a living God who fights their battles not the god of baal.

    Who can stand before the living God of Israel? Who can stand before the Lord God of Host the creator of Heaven and Earth?

    Somebody should go ask that fulani herdsman called buhari that…. What are his aims for the removal of CRK=Christian Religion Knowledge from secondary school‘s curriculum while retaining their IRK?

    For Christ‘s sake, isn‘t that a move to islamize the country?
    Apart from that, check out all that islamic writtings on our N200, N500 & N1000 notes, question, “Is Nigeria an islamic country? To have currencies maked with islamic writings?

    A country that‘s made up of 70% Christians and 30% muslims can never be islamize. What happened in Turkey cannot repeat itself in Nigeria, NEVER. We shall use their folly and mistake for correction.

    And there‘s no way anyone who dare try it will not become instantly bed-ridden in a foreign country with a damaged of long memory caused by Alzheimer‘s disease.

    Nigeria is more of a Christian country and there‘s no one, I repeat… NO ONE, can islamize it.
    Brave Hunter says so.

    I take a stroll…

  8. Gbenga

    June 21, 2017 at 2:40 PM

    Wishing you a quick recovery.

  9. Alexunique Legendary

    June 21, 2017 at 3:14 PM

    Na Northern naw they like power like mad. Who cares if he die or not?

  10. James

    June 21, 2017 at 9:54 PM

    Retributive justice is closing in on you aboki buhari, you want to deal with the ibos, but god pass you. Go and ask pharoh his ordeal with God. The same fate awaits you

  11. baby

    June 22, 2017 at 10:13 AM

    God please when i get to heaven at the last day my job will be to supply more fuel to people already in hell fire and any Nigeria polticians i see will receive more fuel

  12. rejoicesamuel

    June 22, 2017 at 11:50 AM


  13. Don1

    June 23, 2017 at 2:05 PM

    Why not tell d masses wat is going on in dis country,what are d youth wetin for


    June 23, 2017 at 6:18 PM


  15. Oganla Teacher

    June 29, 2017 at 3:51 PM

    May God save our able President pmb Insha Allahu

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