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PSquare Reunite After Elder Brother Jude Okoye Proposed To Girlfriend

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April 25, 2014 – Breakup Over, PSquare Back Together “Peter & Paul Okoye Make Africa Proud” – Dele Momodu

PSquare Reunite After Elder Brother Jude Okoye Proposed To Girlfriend

Several weeks after a silent war that almost pull apart Africa’s music superstar, Paul and Peter Okoye, their newly engaged elder brother and manager Jude Okoye said the fight is over.

The award-winning musician today shared a series of messages on the social media that indicated the end to the tension in their family.

Tweeting early this morning (Friday) via their various twitter handles, Paul @rudeboypsquare said: “PSQUARE! Stronger than Ever!!!”. His twin brother, Peter followed suit with a short tweet @PeterPsquare: “FOREVER PSQUARE!” and Jude @judeengees sealed it with “Family is everything indeed. Long live PSQUARE!”.

These tweets came in spite of the initial denial by the duo’s publicist, Square Image Associates, saying the reports were some handiwork of mischief bloggers.

According to insiders, peace returned to the family a day after P-Square’s elder brother, Jude Okoye got engaged to his girlfriend, Ifeoma Umeokeke.

“We all have read various stories about the alleged split of the twin sensation P-Square. Sure most of them are not true, but what is true is that there was some tension between the siblings – just like any other siblings. I can tell you that the whole thing is over between P-Square and they are back to being the duo we all like,” said one entertainment journalist close to the duo.

Signs of trouble were noticed in the family when Jude on Easter Sunday, 20 April, released a disturbing tweet that immediately went viral: “After over 10 years of hard work, it’s over. Am done.”

This was followed by Paul’s message same day on his facebook fan page: “After the storm comes the calm. Hoping for better days ahead as one family. God’s intervention”.

These suggested to all that there was a crack in the family, and the news of their impending breakup went viral with various allusions to the cause of the rift.

While some have alleged a cold war between Jude and Peter’s wife Lola, (Jude didn’t attend their wedding last year despite the fact that he was in Nigeria), others have alleged creative differences between the brothers.

There were reports of the twins recently engaged in a brawl during rehearsals, and angry Peter, who suspected an alleged gang-up by his brother, contemplated moving his family out of their Omole, Lagos palatial home he shared with his brothers. They were also said to be at the verge of sharing their properties.

Reacting to people who are pointing accusing fingers at her for being responsible for the crack, Lola simply said on Twitter: “I think silence is the best answer.”

But many have since intervened in the squabble, pleading with the brothers to allow peace and reason prevail.

Ovation publisher, Bashorun Dele Momodu was one of the celebrities who first reached out to the brothers at the height of the squabble.

Momodu told the brothers to realise that they are the biggest musical duo in Africa.

“We should not judge on the basis of who’s wrong and who’s right; the illustrious P-Square family made Africa very proud.

“Nobody will benefit if they split. The power to make money is in their togetherness,” he said.

Hmmmmm so Jude Okoye’s engagement is what brought peace to the family…. Na wa ooooo.

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  1. Maureen Ogechi

    April 25, 2014 at 2:45 PM

    Am so happy 4 u Peter and paul pls don’t allow the devil to come in between you
    That Jude Okoye is a evil person

    • Obaino

      April 25, 2014 at 10:19 PM

      @ maureen, if u dnt knw wat 2 say, u seal ur mouth, how wil u feel if sum1 calls ur elrder bros evil? D whole clash z ova, das all, u r there refering 2 him as evil, wat r u?

  2. Pretty Joyce

    April 25, 2014 at 3:01 PM

    Now it is obvious that you Jude Okoye caused the fight because your brothers got married before you. U’re such a jealous man I pity ur wife to be

  3. Emmnauel JB

    April 25, 2014 at 3:02 PM

    Congrats, Thxs 4 the show !!

  4. Manana

    April 25, 2014 at 3:02 PM

    Am so happy for them, am tide like that with my sister. We fight we make up and no one can come between us

  5. Foluke Oresanya

    April 25, 2014 at 3:03 PM

    U pple shuld nt f**kup again ooooo

  6. EyenMICHAEL

    April 25, 2014 at 3:10 PM

    Wish they could hear me from here…i really have a message for them.@PSQUARE

  7. Harriet

    April 25, 2014 at 3:17 PM

    Truth be told, jude’s just a mere tribalist, wake up man, dis is 21th century.

  8. shubby

    April 25, 2014 at 3:18 PM

    Jude is d devil he wanted the split but God intevened hes been frusrated that he didnt have a woman to call his own but now that he has seen a girl to lie to I wish him well. As he just knew the babe last year so na rush rush . Psquare u guys should have leant ur lesson now mange urselves dont let any bro manage u again becos he knws ur weaknesses so he used that to shake u both.

  9. Oyindamola

    April 25, 2014 at 3:19 PM

    All thnx 2 God

  10. Wonuola

    April 25, 2014 at 3:39 PM

    Jude Okoye is evil. First he had problem with Lola and also controlling PSQUARE. Jude should go to hell for all I care. Jealous stupid idiot. He’s very arrogant. If PSQUARE are not careful, Jude will ruin their carer. As for LoLa Omotayo……I love you so much, you are a pretty woman and you match your husband Peter. You have built a beautiful happy home with Peter, Jude Okoye should let you be and enjoy your marriage. Lola keep on glowing in The Lord.

  11. bintexhimself

    April 25, 2014 at 5:33 PM

    Thank God For Bringing Them Back Together Again.

  12. Alfinty Abdul

    April 25, 2014 at 5:34 PM

    I,m happy 2 c u ppl 2gether.

  13. O Nels

    April 25, 2014 at 6:27 PM

    Good for you guys, one love! I’m glad 2 hear this

  14. Imagine

    April 25, 2014 at 7:27 PM

    Hmmmm,gud so una don end una drama na bcos una c money,person wey no c moni now wetin e go fight 4.make una no go wise little 4 a wise

  15. bezo

    April 25, 2014 at 7:50 PM

    They will quarrel again, all else they divorce their wives

  16. consort

    April 25, 2014 at 8:37 PM

    Stupid boyzz. Cauz globacom don warn dem finish nahh. No, make dem dey quarrel again if dem no wan see food for table again. YeYe peepz…

  17. Udyluv

    April 25, 2014 at 8:47 PM

    Am more dan happy 4 u guys,God bless u all 4 d wisdom he has given u guys 2 stay 2geda as one family dat u were luv kep u 2geda

  18. Ajamoko

    April 26, 2014 at 7:15 AM

    @ Consort, why u dey insult dem wetin concern u if dem reunite back. Busy body like u

  19. Emmytex

    April 26, 2014 at 10:50 AM

    Am happy 4 u both…dnt let d devil 2 splint u ppl again..

  20. aune

    April 26, 2014 at 9:45 PM

    love you guys when together, dont let anyone to control you becouse he or she is the elder one, you know whats best for you two! 2getherness! Thats all i can say. Namibia

  21. consort

    May 5, 2014 at 5:50 PM

    Ajamoko, wetin concern if I wan run mouth? Who u be?

  22. Jolly

    November 7, 2019 at 8:39 AM

    Woow.. happiness won’t kill me here.☺️😚
    This news spot my happiness
    Am .so proud of you PSquare❣️💓💓❣️❣️
    God bless you guys🤩🤩

  23. JollyBoe

    November 7, 2019 at 8:49 AM

    Take a look at how you guys making me to enjoy twins😍😍
    Am so happy for you guys, at least now i can be proud to say PSquare is my Boss 😘
    Am so so proud of you PSQUARE aswear😥
    Na this kind good good news man want😍😍
    Stay blessed My duo in one Boss =PSquare ❣️💪

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