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Rape Case: Obesere Released From Police Detention Over Lack Of Witness

obesere released

March 6, 2014 – Rape Case: Obesere Released From Police Detention Over Lack Of Witness

The Papa Tosibe of Fuji music, Alhaji Abass Akande Obesere who was arrested yesterday for allegedly raping a lady has been released from police net.

After several hours of questioning at the State Criminal Investigation Department 14, the Fuji star has been released over lack of witness.

A police source said, “We invited him based on the petition we received and he has written a statement. He said the woman was his girlfriend and she had come to visit him at home.

“Obesere is not a flight risk, so we have released him on bail. However, investigations will continue and if he is found culpable, he will be arrested.

“The woman in question came to Obesere’s house willingly and was not abducted. There are no eyewitnesses apart from Obesere and the victim, so we cannot conclude that it was rape, but we will leave no stone unturned.”



  1. funke

    March 6, 2014 at 6:25 AM

    Abass akande adeniyi obesere,take it easy oooo,rora mase ooo ,dis world is dangerous now,u should be very careful bicos that was a big trap for u but,u are lucky,please get more closer to God & ur mum bicos,u are very high rated musician pls dont let common asewo babe bring u down pls,if u want babe pls,get d correct babe not d hungry type dat was sent by ur enemies but,no matter wot happen u will always be free bicos d world are behind u.

  2. burkina faso

    March 6, 2014 at 9:42 AM

    Brother Obesere my brother, take heart and dont count it as extraordinary. This will just help us(stars) to be more carefull knowing fullwell that the champions are the target. The girl in question sought fame by trying to spoil you name.

  3. Macho_uk

    March 6, 2014 at 11:17 AM

    The victory of Evil over good is only for a short period. What you sow, that you shall reap. God rewards everyone according to his deeds. If really he is innocent, only God knows. And if he is not, God, his friends, the judges, the police knows. Let everyone expect his own reward.

  4. Otestes

    March 6, 2014 at 12:59 PM

    What is hiden to humanbeign is well know to God, Obesere if you have skeleton in your cupboard or you wanna use her for ritual purpose, God’ll expose u oo. Alway do good cos of 2maro

  5. Bolaji

    March 6, 2014 at 5:11 PM

    This mata is a straight 4ward issue, l am of de ppl who believe dat a death sentence should b givin 2 who ever comit rape, but dis lady thoght everybdy is a fool lik her, hw do u imagine anybody 2 belive a cook story dat an adult of 29yrs old were most of her mates has almost finish child bearin, want 2 a man house wilingly wit her foot, pay 4 her tranpotation by herself , refuse 2 tel any1 becos she does’nt want any1 2 disturb her, sit comfortably in de man’s house despite de time bein late, she was offer 2 sleep & she huriedly & hapily acept, lata de man came 2 her room, she did’nt reget him, de man offer her sex lmediately afta discusion, she did’nt pack al her bags & bagages rather she chose 2 sleep & catch maximum fun 2 de extent dat a ring was use 2 play wit her varg**al wit his host, afta al funs & nice time, becos de money she was expectin was nt meant, she decide 2 cal dos funs they had 2geda rape in oda 2 get more money. My advice go 2 u obesere, such is life, hope u hav learnt ur leson in a hard way neva & neva shold u giv room 4 such 2 hapen 2 u again. Becarefu, b prayfu, turn 4r ur sinfu way, get 2 God, go church if u a christian, go moque if a muslem. I wish de best of life.

  6. Damian JP

    March 6, 2014 at 5:13 PM

    Rubbish. So all these rape cases were being dismissed for lack of witness? No wonder Nigeria Rape cases are piling up like that of India

  7. Mary Onisemo

    March 6, 2014 at 5:20 PM

    Witness to rape? Okay, next time she will phone someone while he is raping her to come and witness.

  8. Abolaji Khazeem

    March 6, 2014 at 5:28 PM

    tanks ur God.

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