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Stop Wishing And Start Doing: Inspirational Guide For Success By Ifeanyi Igbokwe

inspirational quote for success

Nov 12, 2013 – Stop Wishing And Start Doing: Inspirational Guide For Success By Ifeanyi Igbokwe

It was Seneca that submitted that Dreams are a dime a dozen, it is their execution that counts. We all wish we could be successful. We wish we can buy our dream cars and live in our dream houses. We wish we could get our dream job and be successful.We all wish we could take our families to Paris and Dubai for holiday.

Talk they say is cheap. We could dream all we care; our dreams may even be taller than the heavens, but if we do not possess enough passion to propel us into consistent action to see our dreams become reality, then we may as well not begin to dream at all. Success does not happen by accident, its antecedent is consistent passionate work.

Born to uneducated parents in rural Hamamatsu in Japan, Soichiro Honda started life with hatred for formal education. As a bicycle repairer’s son who had decided against formal education, his chances of becoming anybody in life was real slim, but he simply had a passion and felt formal education was not his route, being so obsessed with cars and engines that the first time he saw a car, he was so awed that he practically pursued after it.

At age fifteen, he decided to leave his village for the city to get a job. Having acquired an all- absorbing attraction to machines, he went to work as a car mechanic in Tokyo. Soon he began nursing the dream of making his own engines, then cars and motorcycles.

This young man who once applied to work for Toyota but was rejected eventually worked so hard that a few years down the line the motorcycles he produces began sold so much that other manufacturers became worried. He didn’t stop there, he went into car manufacturing business and gave the world cars that sold the world over, wrenching different market from indigenous manufacturers such that by the time he died, he had not only established a global brand but he had also become a multi-billionaire.

If Honda had only sat in his village wishing that one day he will build a car and just went about his business without doing anything about it, he may have died with his dream buried in his coffin with him.

I have come across some people for want of a better phrase I refer to as excuse professionals. O! I may not be able to go to the gym, today is not so good a day. We just can’t bear any comparison with that brand, they are far too ahead. The reason why I am not performing well at my job is because of my boss. I can never get good grades, my teacher is the cause. I can never be that rich no matter how much I tried. I am broke simply because of my husband…

Spend just five minutes with some people and you’d be sure to get a hundred excuses why they can’t do this or that.
But then some of the people making these excuses may just be sincerely ignorant. Truth is no matter how good or interesting your excuse may be, it won’t pay the bills, no matter how sincere or ignorant you may be, people pay for results, and until you produce the desired results, you may as well decide not to wake up that day.

Oh!, you could have an ocean of excuses why you would never be successful, why you may never be rich, why you may not be able to bear any comparison with the man or woman you are competing with but the truth as someone rightly put it is that if we fail to dream, then we would spend our entire lifetime helping other people to build their dreams.

Get up take responsibility, go to work and challenge your status. You can achieve any goal no matter how lofty it may seem if only you are willing to pay the price and keep paying it until your dream becomes reality.

So do you want to start a business, start working on it now. Do you want to improve yourself professionally, take a break from the incessant business, take out time and do it.

Life and times are so subtle that we may sit through our lifetime wishing and wishing only to realize too late that all we did was dream, but never really did anything to birth our treasured dreams.

About the author: Igbokwe J. Ifeanyi is a peak performance and career expert with a sizeable amount of experience in the Telecoms industry. He currently is the vice president and heads the branding department of I- Brand Consult, a brand management and General business consulting firm with emphasis on SMEs. Being an action coach with special interest with personal and corporate growth and effectiveness, Ifeanyi enjoys giving motivational speeches and corporate trainings.
Email: [email protected]

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  1. Damien Njoku

    November 12, 2013 at 5:07 AM

    This is all I need I pray that God can give me grace to fulfil my destiny. I tend to overlook things

  2. OGB ft Awaja,

    November 12, 2013 at 7:45 AM

    Dreams are only transformed into reality with proper planning,else u’ll only enjoy in dreams,kudos to d writer( igbokwe .j ifeanyi),am proud of u sir….

  3. ONYIN

    July 7, 2014 at 5:52 PM

    you are really an outstanding writer..kudos sir

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