Crime News
“TB Joshua Deceived Our People” – South Africans Blast Nigerian Prophet Over Collapsed Church Building
Sept 18, 2014 – Nigerian Church Building Collapse: South Africans Blame TB Joshua Over 67 Killed
“TB Joshua Deceived Our People” – South Africans Blast Nigerian Prophet Over Collapsed Church Building
Few days after the collapse of a guest at his church in Ikotun Lagos, controversial Nigerian Prophet Temitope Balogun Joshua has come under fire from South Africans.
A South African public affairs commentator, Allan Taylor, expressed concerns over the number his fellow citizens killed in the tragedy.
South African President, Jacob Zuma, on Tuesday noted that in recent times, the country had not witnessed the death of a large number of her citizens in one incident in a foreign land.
Alan Taylor lamented that TB Joshua was allegedly deceiving and luring South Africans to his church in Nigeria.
Taking a swipe at TB Joshua, he accused him of unfairly personalising the tragedy at the expense of the “unfortunate victims.”
“I’m saddened by the death of up to 67 South Africans in the Nigerian church collapse and at the hands of TB Joshua’s greed. It is also important to expose those who lured the unfortunate victims to Nigeria on false pretences.
“Innocent lives of people have been lost; yet TB Joshua makes the tragedy about himself. He is a disgrace,” the enraged South African wrote on Twitter.
Another Bloemfontein-based South African, Portia Tsotetsi, said TB Joshua owed the families of her compatriots lost in the building collapse some answers.
“My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the 67 South Africans who lost their lives in Nigeria. What bothers me most is the silence of TB Joshua and his church concerning the 67 who died.
“Where are messages of condolence? When is the church (SCOAN) offering a statement of condolences to the families? When is TB Joshua speaking about this tragedy? What bothers me is the amount of blind loyalists who refuse to see facts. They will do anything to protect their church,” Tsotetsi tweeted.
May their souls rest in perfect peace (amen)

Jesuit onye
September 18, 2014 at 4:50 AM
The man called TB joshua is not a stranger to genuine christians in Nigeria, pls do not blame those ‘blind’ South Africans and foreigners who sees him as their messiah, it has juju connection.
A friend of mine went on a mission to find out TB Joshua’s power secret, said everybody that stepped into his auditorium has become a captive unless God deliver him or her.
Those South Africans are sacrificial lambs, the gods are hungry and TB Joshua must feed dem.
Yusuf Ola Adua
September 18, 2014 at 7:15 AM
God is the best knower and can pay back our deeds. Stop calling him names.
September 19, 2014 at 9:09 AM
true talk yusuf.
September 18, 2014 at 5:23 AM
Y talk bad at TB ? God has areason for evry tin. Dose ppl dat died in dat buildin ar surposd to die dia no mata wat. Dat is hw God has pland dia death. Am nt takin Syd bt let’s say putin my self in TB ‘s shoes . Rest in peace all who died in de house.
September 18, 2014 at 5:25 AM
Hmmmm, T.B Joshua, i knew it wil turn to this some other day. I ve never believed in u for a micro second, lets alone for a second. Sooner or later after some years, anoda tragedy will accur as an appeal to ur gods whom r hungry for blood in return for spiritual power. Indeed, those victims were used for sacrifices. I pity those who r backing Him. Jesus said, if u r called to come and receive wonders or see Him (Jesus), dont believe them for it is a lie and deceive
September 19, 2014 at 9:05 PM
Mr IISAA please examine yourself. By saying all these you need deliverance from his church and by Gods grace one day we will see you there to gain your freedom. Remained blessed
September 21, 2014 at 4:25 PM
you are the one that need to be delivered o my sis. May god open your eyes.
olumuyiwa olufesobi
March 5, 2015 at 12:46 PM
Father forgive us cos we don’t no what we are saying
September 18, 2014 at 5:58 AM
When things were going well no body was deceiving south africans but now they are cursing and lamenting am sorry for ur lost but Nigerians are among those that lost their lives too so don’t make it harder than it is already plz TB joshua is not my prophet but pls let’s pray for the living once ok and stop all this hate and critics remember it could happen to any body ok
September 18, 2014 at 6:06 AM
Thats much of miracle seekers as people no longa sek 4 salvation
September 18, 2014 at 7:20 AM
May dia souls rest in peace Amen. Pls if u dnt knw wat 2 coment, u kip quit. Nt compusory dt u must say somtin
Akuwax in Mongu, Zambia.
September 18, 2014 at 7:53 AM
This is misery, how come he is so quite. It dose not make any sense to be quite over this huge tragedy. TB J say something to comfort the grieving families.
September 18, 2014 at 7:57 AM
Please pipo lets not find this time to be an opportunity for us to falsely prove ourselves right dat Prophet TB Joshua this or that but, God reveals wen he wants to. some things happens and its not our right to talk against it..emmanuel not forgetting my beloved brothers and sisters M.Y.S.R.I.P in jesus name amen!
September 18, 2014 at 7:59 AM
Don’t be surprise on that judgement day the ones you believe will be in the fire’s of hell, while the one everyone is criticising will be in the right hand of God, I don’t know why everyone just hate this man just because he is just better than them and their generation to come, we africans don’t value what we have till we loose them, if Tb joshua worship the devil that means the devil is a very good man, and I can prove that, the one who worship the devil now is even far better that those pastors who worship the real true God now without no sentiment. if it easy like you think it is, you too go use the jars you said he’s using, don’t criticise someone that is helping the needed and praising the ones that are after jets, student paying millions upon millions on skl fees in their universities, telling 3 persons to pay #1b on church expansion, pls let’s be wise.
September 19, 2014 at 9:11 AM
true talk, some people talk out of sense i pity them.
September 19, 2014 at 1:25 PM
This will be the number one response dt will make sense from robot BEZO i love this comment u r actually right here
September 20, 2014 at 3:42 PM
bezo;it is gud u speak frm ur heart.By ur words i see u like d devil;plz may i remind u,dat d devil has no friend at all;he has no mercy;at any slightest mistake,he dashes u off.The true living Creator is d embodiment of mercy.Even as u said those wrds, ur Creator is showing u mercy.
September 18, 2014 at 9:37 AM
Please let us not judge, let only God judge, what about so many buildings that has collapsed in different locations in this country? Does it mean their owners want to sacrifice to their god’s. Let us be mindful of what we say about men of God, it could happen to anybody or even a church.
September 18, 2014 at 10:48 AM
May God 4gv u!@jesuit
yunusa isa
September 18, 2014 at 11:07 AM
@ jesuit onye or what do u call ur self, u are a lier a very big lie about what u just said about d man of God. I was there 2 but nothin partainin what u said. May almighty God 4give u.amen
September 18, 2014 at 1:15 PM
Touch not my anointed and do my Prophets no harm. People should stop saying what they dont know and what will bring curse upon them. Leave God to be the Judge.
No one battle with God & win, so I strongly believe that whosoever did that to hurt or discredit Prophet TB Joshua will not go free. God will expose whatever that is hidden to man because all is clear to Him. God is faithful! My condolence goes to the affected families.
Mr. Alan Taylor, it is very unfortunate that it happened this way, Prophet T B Joshua has been always good to your people all this while so don`t because of this unfortunate incident which is beyond everyone’s control, condemn him or Nigeria. It can happen to anyone or anywhere. God is in control and let Him be true and all men liars.
Ada Mma
September 18, 2014 at 4:05 PM
Stop blaming T B Joshua For the tragedy, blame your people they have eyes but they can not see, they have ears but they can not hear. THEY believe in this fake Pastors that are collecting their money, telling them false prophecy. If he sees as they claim why did he not see that the building was going to fall. Prophet of Baal.
Preye nelson
September 18, 2014 at 5:32 PM
jesuit onye do u really know t.b.Joshua?do u watch emmanuel tv at all?don’t judge so u won’t be judge GOD sees everything let him be d judge.for ur information prophet t.b.Joshua is a man sent from GOD.
September 21, 2014 at 8:29 AM
September 18, 2014 at 8:34 PM
All of you condemning, slandering and criticizing Pastor Tb Joshua sooner or later you would hunt for him for deliverance and apologies. Don`t worry for sure you would have your our portion. Remember it is “ton by ton”. Things of the world at times is difficult to comprehend. You would do your best but people kept dragging you on the mud. You want him to hurry say something, then soon you use his words to dramatize situation. He knows he has to say a word but know that he needs to use a lot of wisdom because he is a philanthropist, always feels for mankind, so you could imagine what he is passing through.
September 19, 2014 at 9:10 PM
Sarah thanks we said. they will all run there for deliverance. Many of them go to babalawu and pretend. Who in Nigeria can be without going to Christ or one witch Dr or Cele or cherubin or others looking for solution for their lives.
September 19, 2014 at 2:39 AM
Why did TB Joshua not see this in his vision? He seems to have vision for everthing.
Ugbobor John
September 19, 2014 at 1:24 PM
I want to emphatically say dis to those fools who doesn’t know how God operate should stop saying rubbish about d real man God. TB Joshua is real….he has done nothing but to help and heals…while are humans are so wicked……dey were targeting to him..but they didn’t succeed, besides they can’t kill Him bcos he’s of God. D building didn’t coplase as they claims, it was an attack with a bomb in d helicopter…dat attack d why are puting d blame on him…those **** are very lucky dat…is not arcbishop Benson Idahosa or bishop David Oyedepo they are tryin…they wil have died like chicken…dey shld tank dia God that TB is very humble.
September 19, 2014 at 2:48 PM
When they are coming here to look for miracle nko?
September 21, 2014 at 9:05 AM
First,I salute you Prophet TB Joshua,Good Morning Sir.
I am 44 yrs of age from Rivers State,i live in Accra-Ghana,i have never witnessed a pastor in Nigeria or any part of the world bringing large number of broken homes together,taking care of large number of widows and widowers,taking care of aged,taking care of all disable no matter their country of origin or race,taking care of the needy no matter their religious differences,taking care of fatherless and motherless,sponsoring disabled and able to schools in any part of the World.
Healing without asking money,giving freely than any other person in this generation.
Simple man of God without arrogant,cherished man Of God.Feeding millions of people around the World.Helping the Government of Nigeria to fight crime,helping the Government of Nigerian to increase its revenue.Giving scholarship to millions of people to the level of PHD.
A man of God without personal Wealth,he has no University of his own,no private jet of his own,no huge buildings of his own,no gold of his own,no diamond of his own.All what he had is for the church,the needy,the aged,the poor,the fatherless, motherless,broken homes.
Today,because his good deeds,our Lord God Almighty made him his friend and gave him total power,based on this the greedy and wicked pastors becomes angry why such power was not given to them by God,and satan whom is strong enemy of any God thing created by God through wicked people attacked the church guest house chasing to kill the Man OF God himself,but did not succeed.
Now you evil men of this generation are sitting there calling the chosen MAN OF god ALL SORT OF NAME BECAUSE WHAT YOU WICKED GENERATION HAS DONE TO HIS CHURCH GUEST HOUSE ONLY TO GIVE HIM A BAD NAME.
The God is there watching whomever is responsible to the attack of this building.The Lord God must bring instant judgement to the attackers and whomever planned the attack.
September 25, 2014 at 1:11 PM
I think i like ur response, God bless u my brother.
September 26, 2014 at 9:45 AM
May God bless you for pouring out the truthful burden you have in your heart. Sooner or later they would rush to confess their evil deeds. I pray the almighty God to denial them all peace until they confess their evil action. The lord say`s we should touch not his anointed, Pastor Tb Joshou`s Godly attributes would fight for him.
Nkapop Don
September 21, 2014 at 6:33 PM
Is our God the father a wicked God or a wicked father ? God protect those who come to serve and worshiped him,not to kill his own children that come to worshiped nor praised him, we all need to open our eyes very and asked the holy spirit to revealed some deep things to us according to his word that he is going to revealed some deep things of life for us to see, God is not wicked nor a blood sucker, not at all,every one should be wise,let him God judge,May their soul rest in peace Amen
Cameroonian Boy
October 10, 2014 at 7:52 PM
He preaches the gospel with truth but the way he does his deliverance is more of a comedy than reality.I have some doubts about him.Those in deliverance claiming to have demonic spirits are speaking of themselves and not the demons speaking in them.Demons don’t dialogue with men of God for so long they are cast off immediately.But at SCOAN they converse with the demons for more than an hour as if they were friends asking unecessary questions.After identifying the demonic spirit in the said possessed individual,the demon is suppose to be cast out immediately without long controversial discussion between the demon and the man of God.Nevertheless i can’t really tell whether he is real or not.In preaching the gospel he is real but in his deliverance services he is not real.Im not condeming nor criticising im commenting.I love watching his channel but his comedian deliverance activities ‘takes me aback’
olumuyiwa olufesobi
March 5, 2015 at 12:37 PM
Pls stop calling the son of David names leave everything fog baba like coz I also one like you who use to say bad things about TB joauha on till I get closer to him is a really man of God
olumuyiwa olufesobi
March 5, 2015 at 12:41 PM
I pray son of David should have mercy on us amen