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Two Students Commit Suicide Over WAEC Exam Failure

waec exam suicide delta

August 24, 2012 – Two Students Commit Suicide Over WAEC Exam Failure

Two female students in Asaba, Delta State Nigeria have committed suicide over their failures in this year’s WAEC examination .

The report said the female students who had written their examinations three times without success took their own life after checking their results over the internet and discovering their failures.

Reliable sources said the victims didn’t pass their Maths & English Language subjects which they needed to secure admission after they had struggled to gain admission into a University in Delta state with no success.

Police sources at the “B” Division Asaba said the students were allegedly found dead in their various rooms after a search party that was conducted.

Their corpses have been deposited to a mortuary in the state.



  1. adewale adekanbi enitan

    August 24, 2012 at 7:53 PM

    dis s very bad pls we need ur help in waec

  2. Denzel

    August 25, 2012 at 12:05 AM

    It’s a pity.. WAEC plays a very little role in determining ones destiny. There are many billionaires and millionaires who are illitrates.. There are people who wrote WAEC 7times before securing admission…i think for someone to commit sucide because of WAEC means that person has a psychological disorder.

  3. Caro

    August 25, 2012 at 4:21 PM

    Av least wat dey shld av don woz 2 do sumtin else wit deir lives.Nd dis waec nd neco sef deir fustration sef is 2 much der shld try nd giv do sumtin o especially neco mk dem jus respect dem selves.may deir soul rest in peace sha.

  4. Mr Kelv

    August 31, 2012 at 2:50 PM

    Eya, too bad, rip girls

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