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Uganda’s President Insults Jonathan, Nigerian Government Over Insecurity & Terrorism

ugandan president insults jonathan

May 23, 2014 – Uganda’s President Insults Jonathan, Nigerian Government Over Insecurity & Terrorism

Check out what Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said about Nigerian FG during a campaign rally recently:

“I have never called the United Nations to guard our security. Me, Yoweri Museveni to say that I have failed to protect my people and I call on the UN: I would rather hang myself. We prioritized national security by developing a strong Army, otherwise our Uganda would be like DRC, South Sudan, Somalia or Nigeria where militias have disappeared with school children.

“It would be a vote of no confidence in our country and citizens if we can’t guarantee our security? What kind of persons would we be?”

The President made this know while speaking at a grand final campaign rally for the NRM woman flag bearer Rebecca Nalwanga at Zirobwe Town Council grounds after a busy afternoon that saw him address the Nubian Community at a stopover at Bombo and an impromptu gathering at Kalagala.

Do you agree with him or is he playing politics ???



  1. Pretty Joyce

    May 23, 2014 at 5:20 AM

    He is an african politicians I expect less

  2. Jirux Petre

    May 23, 2014 at 5:23 AM

    That is the fact Uganda Mr President spoken about Nigeria.
    To me, it doesn’t make any sense. If you can’t protects your peoples from dandger.
    You’re seeking for a help of another Country, it means you’re not good to go as a President…

  3. hammed

    May 23, 2014 at 7:34 AM

    True. Is olny God can help us God our life is in our hand help us help nigeria with killing everyday by boko haram. God God allah allah allah help help help. My country now

  4. Yab me

    May 23, 2014 at 7:44 AM

    Oga presido yoweri, u don talk ur mind na 2nd teno u de look for. i no blame u. if nigga government good! who b uganda self to compare nigga with, if u join lagos and ogun state e don make uganda. oga yoweri wetin we want na how to make nigga beta no b critizing.

  5. mtomwa111

    May 23, 2014 at 8:00 AM

    Nigerians generally don tthink they owe other Nigerians anything – they are all struggling to make ends meet. Those who then occupy positions of Authority also still have that mentality so our president has no idea why exactly he is in office except to earn big salary

  6. Omachoko Joseph

    May 23, 2014 at 8:40 AM

    It is a big shame that the country called Nigeria”Giant” of Africa is now a laughing stock of the whole world to the extent that Uganda the small country is making mockery of us.Oh Nigeria! how are the mighty falling? After series of behind close door meetings concerning the security situation of this country, things fall apart and the center can no longer hold. While our govt is busy saying the situation is under control, Boko Guys are busy killing innocent citizens and the only thing the govt is doing is condemn as well as sending condolence messages to the families of the dead.
    To day, the President is on his way to South Africa to discuss the security challenge facing Africa especially Nigeria. According to Uganda president, he will rather hang himself if can not protect his people as the president.
    Mr President, I am not saying you should hang yourself but it is better you resign since you have fail to provide security for Nigerians.

  7. lulu

    May 23, 2014 at 8:41 AM

    True 0re

  8. Danti

    May 23, 2014 at 8:56 AM

    This is not an insult; but, the absolute truth. We Nigerians are vainglorious blabber mouth. Tell me what works in Nigeria? No electricity, hospitals are of poor standard, roads are in bad conditions, public schools are daycares centers, police force are not protecting us, army, Air Force and the navy are useless and so on. Only a brainless person or monkey will disagree with what he said.

  9. Yab

    May 23, 2014 at 10:06 AM

    Oga presido yoweri, clap for urself, u talk ur mind. na 2nd terno u de use nigga de compare with. uganda na village country d boundry no even reach lagos. oga wetin u do na to propergat against other country. oga jonaa need help, if u have troop send them to nigga for peace to rain.

  10. Edenkwo Small

    May 23, 2014 at 10:35 AM

    A child tied at the back doesn’t know how far the journey is. The president of poor Uganda has made a very silly & stupid comment. The truth is if Uganda is faced with the same problem as the one Nigeria is facing, the Ugandan President will not only call for help from the whole world but will also run away from poor Uganda.

  11. sat

    May 23, 2014 at 10:42 AM

    Wat is his business, compare dat small village with Nigeria,come and role Nigeria u will run in less then 24 hrs. stupid man

  12. James Brown

    May 23, 2014 at 10:44 AM

    He may be campaigning but,i agree with him.

  13. taly

    May 23, 2014 at 11:01 AM

    C ur country what good thing have they done@uganda c the president head like solar system

    • Goodlife

      May 24, 2014 at 12:20 AM

      U coret, Th man no no say no b to make noise b cos ur broda is hvin som challenges. Who sabi uganda. d place is compared to my village in AKWA IBOM STATE. m election whr im fin

  14. Meche

    May 23, 2014 at 11:26 AM

    See your wide mouth @ Jirux. Am you are one of the supporters of this group that have sworn never to see President Jonathan focus. God will surely intervene soon and all you and your agents atrocities will be exposed.

  15. Austin Geemoney South Africa

    May 23, 2014 at 1:08 PM

    I TOTALLY agree with him. our president is very weak and dull. God Help us in that beloveth Country blessed by God with so many natural resources.

  16. banji

    May 23, 2014 at 1:56 PM

    taly u are right, solar system many years it took USA to get bin ladden?

  17. Nk Gwarzo

    May 23, 2014 at 4:26 PM

    What do you expect of a president with no vision, mission and focus. Gej have failed Nigerians yet looking for second term. It baffles me whenever i think of this man who thinks insecurity and poor education is an achievement.

  18. braima young

    May 23, 2014 at 5:06 PM

    let all pray for our country and for our lovely president instead of blasting and rubbishing our mouth,take 2mintues of your time to pray for Nigeria and for the schools

  19. stephen henry

    May 23, 2014 at 7:01 PM

    mr yoweri is a noise maker.Nigeria is bigger than him.JONATHAN is 3 times better than him as a president.the evidence is that today nigeria is the greatest african economy in front of takes great people to do great things.jonathan is great.he is only facing chllenges put together by nigerian retired generals.he will surely win the war.

  20. faihi

    May 23, 2014 at 7:09 PM

    Imagin d guts,come nd govern only Borno,n I’m sure u’ll surely hang ur sorry head,yeye man,na insatiable politicians cos dis whole wahala,else y wud dat socalled president open his mouth to vomit shit,no be him fault sha,nd all u supporters of dis ugandian classcaptain comment,makee una beg am make he give una passport or watever dey use there to come become ugandian,abeg we need less gits in our nija,we av enuf 2 deal wit!!!

  21. Ozoani kaycee

    May 24, 2014 at 10:06 PM

    It so lame for an African leader 2 say this abt a brother African state, who told Museveni that Nigerian situation is same with that of Uganda, given population nd land mass…. Get ur facts b4 u drop d nxt speach mr presido….. WE SHOULD AL BE PATRIOTIC ND SUPPORT OUR COUNTRY, GOD BLESS GEJ

  22. Ozoani kaycee

    May 24, 2014 at 10:07 PM

    It so lame for an African leader 2 say this abt a brother African state, who told Museveni that Nigeria situation is same with that of Uganda, given population nd land mass…. Get ur facts right b4 u drop d nxt speach mr presido….. WE SHOULD AL BE PATRIOTIC ND SUPPORT OUR COUNTRY, GOD BLESS GEJ

  23. Lillybet

    May 30, 2014 at 8:38 AM

    Whoever concluded that Museveni’s remarks were an insult to ‘Goodluck’ had better sue their teacher of English for having let them graduate from primary school while half-baked! This was not an insult but a wake up call.
    I wonder how long will Nigerians be blinded by this black-hat cult member?
    Whether you accept it or not, Museveni’s remarks hold water. What happened to the ‘mighty’ army that Nigeria was said to have?
    Some people here have commented by comparing Uganda with Nigeria and I can simply add that these are two different contexts. Yes, Nigeria has the richest man on the continent but how many Nigerians share his wealth? Moreover, the last time I checked, Nigeria had more people living on less than $1 a day in comparison with Uganda.
    The last time I also checked, the LRA were in the Central African Republic (not in Uganda) so Museveni has done a commendable job for his people.
    Besides, when the Aboke Girls were abducted in Northern Uganda, it took just a Deputy Head of School less than 24 hours to redeem most of them. Meanwhile, the Nigerian Government just looks on as more atrocities get committed.
    Lastly, the LRA in Uganda were only confined in one region of Uganda (which actually supported them). Never were other regions attacked by rebels yet in Nigeria, you never get to know where they will strike.
    Politics and drama will not stop the Boko Haram attacks and I therefore say that the Government of Nigeria should remember its mandate of protecting citizens.
    To all those who have lost their lives, may the Almighty grant you eternal rest and strengthen the bereaved. I will continue to pray for the return of all those abducted.
    For God and my Country.

    • Atuhairwe

      June 6, 2014 at 7:32 AM

      I agree with you. Can Nigerians take the messsage without killing the messenger?
      True, Museveni has so many flaws but whatever he is saying on this matter is right. Comparing Uganda and Nigeria will not put an end to the Boko Haram attacks. Yes, the two countries are different in the economic sense considering that Uganda is landlocked, and moreover Nigeria has had oil for ages. It is however a shame that Nigeria still has cases of polio which Uganda eliminated over a decade back for example. Above all, both countries are still classified as developing and donor dependent. ….just cut the comparison jokes and handle the Boko Haram problem. Period!

  24. kabugoliz

    June 25, 2014 at 8:55 AM

    Guys lets come to reality if Nigeria cares why every week 40people are being killed is it part of your wealth or it add to your oil gas company? Guys grow up for better Nigeria. Fame wont work for you when citizens are dying you mean there is no way to control Bokoharam. False blood is a curse let the Government do something for its people other wise Nigerians fame is just in vain and bad omen to other countries that’s why you are being embarrassed.

  25. tomottotomotto

    January 21, 2016 at 12:38 PM

    I’m would like to get in touch Lilly bet. I am a Ugandan, I think this person needs more information.

  26. tomottotomotto

    January 21, 2016 at 12:39 PM

    I’m would like to get in touch with Lilly bet. I am a Ugandan, I think this person needs more information.

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