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Wasteful Spending: Jonathan Spent N160M To Commission Benin Ohosu Federal Road

jonathan 160m benin road commission

Sept 29, 2014 – Wasteful Spending: Jonathan Spent N160 Million To Commission Benin Ohosu Federal, Express Road

Roughly the sum of N160,000,000.00 was wasted for just fifteen minutes of president Jonathan commissioning of Benin-Ohosu express way on Saturday.

The canopy houses cost nothing less than 60,000,000 while the stone/asphalt base cost about 100,000,000.

The primary objective of the president in Benin city was basically re-election campaign not road commissioning.

As at this morning, federal ministry has started excavating the materials used for the base, while a portion of the express road left uncompleted.

See photos from the commissioning of the new Federal Road below:

[Kunle Writes From Benin]



  1. bezo

    September 29, 2014 at 11:47 PM

    out of the 160million 120 will go on bribe and the rest will go to the contractor please don’t blame anybody we all must eat from the national cake

    • Akuwax in Mongu, Zambia.

      September 30, 2014 at 8:47 AM

      You are full of illiteracy, no wonder your thinking capacity is full of water and ******. You fit to live in the bush because you think like an ****. ****. Son of a bush baby.

  2. topsy topsy

    September 30, 2014 at 1:11 AM

    It is a pity dis old fools are not giving the younger ones the chance, I call on youths in Nigeria to take decisive actions against these selfish politicians and take back this country

  3. thrufacts

    September 30, 2014 at 6:28 AM

    The pictures are nothing but the truth. I was at the venue. Just imagine asphalt base they cannot put on our highways was used for canopy houses. The contractor handling the project worked overnight to complete this improvident project. Indeed it was wasteful pending.

  4. Teddy

    September 30, 2014 at 12:42 PM

    Hmmmm Nigeria…No Be small Tin o My Broda


    January 23, 2015 at 11:10 AM

    we need biafra…. To change transform nigeria…!!

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