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Yvonne Nelson To Single Ladies: Don’t Date Male Celebrities, It Is A Deadly Mistake

yvonne nelson dating

July 29, 2015 – Yvonne Nelson To Single Ladies: Don’t Date Male Celebrities, It Is A Deadly Mistake

Few hours ago, Gallywood actress Yvonne Nelson spoke briefly with Joy FM’s Lexis Bill.

The anti-dumsor campaigner warned fellow single ladies out there to avoid making the same mistake she made by staying away from male celebrities.

Yvonne Nelson who said dating a male celebrity is deadly described them as dishonest men who can never be trusted.

She however said men can go ahead and date female celebrities because they are much more trustworthy than their male counterparts.

Few weeks ago, Yvonne Nelson came hard on Nigerian men years after star singer Iyanya and other male celebrities in Nigeria broke her heart.



  1. Jide Adeoye

    July 29, 2015 at 5:10 PM

    You have problem. What is it with male celebrities that make them liars. Clean yourself first


    July 29, 2015 at 6:12 PM

    Yvonne Nelson could you please tell your admirers how you made the money to build your house in Ghana if the money did not come from dating Nigerian celebrities. Why turn a sudden moralist after carelessly compromising your dignity and self respect in exchange for money in the hands of celebrities. Your advice is coming too fast,too hard and too thick to countenance, there must be something you did while dating a celebrity which you are never proud of, given the opportunity of a hindsight. Try and forget it and move on, there are lots of men out there without shame who have equally lost their dignity and conscience who will not care settling for a woman of your calbre. Such is life, you’ve paid the prize of being a celebrity and, it cannot get any better than that pls. deal with it and stop the advice.

  3. Augustine Adesina

    July 29, 2015 at 7:39 PM

    Dat’s her own,maybe her own destiny is not to marry male celebrities and that doesn’t mean ladies should not marry a male celebrities.

  4. Bench

    July 29, 2015 at 8:04 PM

    She is use style to told us say she be winch. Nonsenses.

  5. mae

    July 30, 2015 at 5:15 AM

    Mmm… Yvonne,stop giving excuses. Look yourself,clean the mess. Then,repent,wait & see what will happen…

  6. Nwoye Igweagu

    July 30, 2015 at 6:29 AM

    The baptizmal name for PROSTITUTION is now DATE ! Hahahahaah … New Generation of little brained idiots.

  7. iburstyoheadboi

    July 30, 2015 at 6:52 AM

    Oh yvonne please,spare us the details.
    Low self respect bitch.
    You’ve jumped on several dicks with your hairy pussy,the same tactics other unrepentant harlots used did you also use,imagine a demon giving out an advice.
    Bitches like u,lindaikeji,etc who r after men to cheat,emotionally rape,steal,loot infct God wud keep on punishing u,till you earn a descent source of living rather than selling not your body but you deranged pussy for material tins,like iphones,car,fake designer(replica)clothes,cheaply aquired house.
    Bitch pls keep your ugly ass out of the media.

  8. Tenderly

    July 30, 2015 at 7:41 AM

    Nt jux a mistake bt Deadly alxo ah ah Yvonne..jux cos u met d dangerous ones doesn’t mean sum aint generous nd rlshp type. After al, it’s stil we ladies dat turnd dem dat way, xo u see it’s jux vice versa even sum female celebs re deadly dangerous too..u dnt ve any ryt 2 judge cos u aint perfect

  9. Peter jonson

    July 31, 2015 at 10:42 PM

    Does Nigeria have celebrities at all? What they have is local actors and impostors. Who lie on social media.empty vessels .

  10. Slash

    August 3, 2015 at 12:24 PM

    Yu r pathetic.. Do something tangeable n u shall get our tention!!

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