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3 Nigerians Killed In Guinea Bissau Over Child Kidnap, Embassy Attacked

3 nigerians killed in guinea bissau

Oct 10, 2013 – 3 Nigerians Killed In Guinea Bissau Over Child Kidnap, Embassy Attacked

Three Nigerian citizens met their untimely death yesterday in the hand of some angry mob in Guinea Bissau after they were accused of child kidnap.

The angry mob attacked the Nigerians after a child reportedly went missing in Bissau.

The mob didn’t end the attack there, they later attacked the Nigerian Embassy in Guinea Bissau where a diplomat was killed and others severely injured.

“Death to Nigerians! Enough is enough, stop! The Nigerians must leave,” chanted the angry rioters.

According to Premium Times, Nigerian Federal Government has condemned the attack on the embassy.

This was stated by the Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, Reuben Abati, who briefed journalists at the end of Wednesday’s meeting of the Executive Council of the Federation.

Mr. Abati described the attack by armed personnel and militia as barbaric and inhuman.

Some armed personnel and militia had reportedly stormed the Nigerian Embassy in a commando styled and unleashed the mayhem.

He said President Goodluck Jonathan and members of the FEC deliberated on the incident, which has been condemned by different people. He also announced that the Nigerian Ambassador is set to meet with his Guinea Bissau counterpart to probe the attack.

“President has directed the Nigerian Ambassador to Guinea Bissau to commence full investigation in to the case and unravel reasons behind the attacks.

“When the incident happened, the Ambassador in Guinea Bissau waded in to the matter and protested to the authorities and said that it is unacceptable. You can be rest assured that this government is committed to the protection of the lives of Nigerians wherever they either within or in Diaspora,” Mr. Abati said.

The spokesman noted that the Nigeria government was responsive to the needs of its people and will do everything necessary to protect the interest of all Nigerians wherever they reside.

May their souls rest in peace.



  1. Tina Labelle

    October 10, 2013 at 5:37 AM

    This is so so sad where r Nigerians hated worldwide?
    Tell what are Nigerians doing in that slum called Guinea Bissau?
    RIP fellow citizens

  2. Cotonou boy

    October 10, 2013 at 5:40 AM

    Nigerians are hated worldwide because of their atrocities but most of them are xtians

    • Yk

      October 10, 2013 at 5:32 PM

      You are such an idiot from Cotonou, I don’t blame you, you do not have sense at all. And all these stupid Cotonou guys,Cameroon guys, Ghana guys are the one using Nigeria passport to do illegal acts and after they have been caught, they will start shouting Nigerians…. God will destroy all of you that want to destroy Nigeria….. Gbam!

  3. Ikegod

    October 10, 2013 at 6:52 AM

    all blame centers on our leaders. If dey wia gredy nd hv made nigerian a comfortable plac 4 its citizens, most ppl out dia wudn’t hv left our Godblesd country. Anoda tin ir dat bad nam is folowin nigerians evrywia dey go bt our govrnnent hv 2 put hnd in dis mata nd invstgat.

  4. Yung

    October 10, 2013 at 8:36 AM

    All the government does is condemn the voilence…NONSENSE…

  5. Denkovie

    October 10, 2013 at 1:28 PM

    Cotonou boy or what do you call urself?, u are so stupid 2 hav made such comment: It shows ur flat level of literacy. Nigerians are peace loving people all over d world, who go ab@ doin dia legal & normal businesses. But other countries just hate them 4 d fact d@ they are hardworking ppo who can remove food from their mouth due 2 dia laziness 2 work. Well, brothers may ur souls RIP. D nigerian govt shud pls do sth ab@ ds extra-judicial killings of nigerians abroad.

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