Crime News
3 Storey Building Collapsed Today In Ebute Metta Lagos, 10 Killed
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July 11th, 2013 – 3 Storey Building Collapsed In Ebute Metta Lagos, 10 Killed
10 people have been confirmed dead in the sudden collapse of a 3-storey building in Ebute Meta area of Lagos state Nigeria today.
According to sources from the scene of the incident, the building came down around 1:30 am in the morning of today Thursday July 11th, 2013.
10 other victims of this disaster have been transferred to a Federal hospital in the area.
We learnt the building that collapsed is located on Oloto st, Oyingbo.
Rescuers are still on the scene looking for more victims or survivors.
See more photos from Lagos building collapse below
RIP to the deceased.
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Related Topics:building, collapsed, ebute meta, ebute metta, lagos, oyingbo, pictures

Miriam Anukem
July 11, 2013 at 4:46 PM
“EKOO OYINGBO!” “EKOO OYNGBO!” All the money made have not been reinvested into the Lagos infrastructure to ensure the safety of those who live in them. This is likened to “HUMPTY DUMPTY” falling and breaking to pieces and not all the King’s horses and all the King’s men could put Humpty Dumpty together again! I wish the lost lives could have been brought back to life!
This is preventable, and should serve as a reference to fix up all the other rickety houses, though it did not need to come to this!
Akuwax in Barotseland / Zambia
July 11, 2013 at 5:27 PM
This is a sad situation, what led to this situation I believe there is a prominent reason to this tragedy.
ojo elizabeth
July 11, 2013 at 10:20 PM
God help us in this our country. Am ure this building must have been giving signs to the occupants but ‘poverty`, did not allowed them to do anything. What a pity.
July 12, 2013 at 5:53 AM
Govt sud pls form a commitee dat wil b checkin d house dat did nt av a gud foundation and be taking over them frm those greedy landlords after dey might av been given notice. RIP 2 the victims and God sud console there family.
July 12, 2013 at 8:46 AM
God help us ooooo!!!, Suddenly death, rip.
July 12, 2013 at 11:18 AM
Its quite unfortunate to lost life dis way but I still.think the govt hv a lot of wk to do is nt by enactin a law but what r dey doin concerning makin buidin material cheap n aford
able wen a bag of cement is. 2000 wat do dey expect
sunday edum
July 12, 2013 at 7:08 PM
lagos state govement did not know there duty, the so called enveromental sanitation agents relys in duping people and be cllecting money from market woman insted to look at all this very quack buildings that surands lagos metropolice ok some thing must be done b4 people will perish finish, you will see old house the so call lanlord will give the tenath quit notice and strat to change the room and palour the room was b4 and put it to be self contain which is very bad, the foundation of that house can not carry the extra division the aded to that house that is always what colaps house in this lagos and govment will pleas check those greedy lanlord
sunday edum
July 12, 2013 at 7:09 PM
babatude fashola you are trying your best may god bless you
July 13, 2013 at 6:17 PM
may god help us and 4give our sine
Mogaji Olayinka SUlaimon
February 11, 2014 at 5:35 AM
My name is Olayinka Sulaimon Mogaji and i am one of the survivors on that sad day. I was in the building with my mum,sister and my best friend who came to observe the Ramadan period with us as his normal routine.
It was about 2:00am,i was in my room sleeping,it was like a dream,i was hearing voices in my sleep so i woke up,i took a walk to the passage to clear my eyes from the sleep,it wasn’t up to 2 seconds i entered the passage then the building started sinking. It was so scary! I thought i was dying bit by bit,all i could do in that short period of time was to say my last prayer. When the building had reached it last floor it stopped then i realized i was still alive,i heard my mum’s,sister’s and friends’ voices screaming for help,I have never been to hell before but that moment felt like what we read and hear,yes it was just like they make hell look like,i was so scared but hearing the voice of my loved ones gave me courage and strength,i dragged myself out of the debris then made it to the roof since we lived on the topmost floor.
On getting there i was confused,i didnt know who to rescue first,my mum,sister or best friend,they were all trapped but i figured i should rescue the oldest first so i went for my mum,by the time i took off the bricks pinning her down to her bed i was helpless,so tired! Then i realized i was really bleeding from the head. We all made it out of the building then police took us to one of the hospitals around. Every time i think about the people that died,that i will never see them again,i feel so sad and still wonder why God decided to spare me and my entire family. Whatever u do in life,always put God first! Im a sinner yet he spared me and my family. RIP to those that didnt make it,U will always be remembered because everyone lived like one big family in the building and thank u all for your concerns. May God be with us all Amen!!!!