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A Beautiful Poem For All Sweet Mothers Around The World By Kromah Amie
Nov 17, 2015 – A Beautiful Poem For All Sweet Mothers Around The World By Kromah Amie
This is another poem I wrote for all sweet mothers around the world. Especially, to those great mothers that love and care about their children.
Oh mama, oh mama, my sweet mother
Oh mama, oh mama, my sweet mother
Mama I love you very, very much
I love you more and more, every day of my life
And forever I will always keep you in my heart as my sweet mother
I will never forget you, no matter what may happen
Mama you are everything to me, you are everything I have and need
You are the greatest mother above all
Mama I am singing this song for you
Because I want you to know how much I love you
And appreciate you for all the good, kind and wonderful things you have done for me
Oh God please bless my sweet mother every day of her life, she is the apple of my eyes, she is the love of my life and she also means the world to me
Oh God please guard and protect my sweet mother every day of her life, she is my hero and she needs some protection from you to guard me.
Oh God please give my sweet mother long life to live, she deserved to live, let her see the beauty of life, without her I am useless, but with her I am useful
I thank God for the sweet mother he gave me, I am so happy and grateful that she is my mother, the best part of her is that she is very lovely, caring, supportive, encouraging, understanding, forgiven, responsible and respectful.
I know that my sweet mother can never let me down
She is always there to lift me up
Whenever I am falling down
I may do her wrong sometime, but that doesn’t matter to her
She is always there to correct me and forgive me.
That’s why I called her my sweet mother
She is always doing the best for me
Whenever I am with her or around her, I always feel happy, safe, free and comfortable
Because she is a peaceful mother
No one can ever take her place in my heart; she will forever be my sweet mother
Oh mama
Whenever I remember all the suffering and pain you went through just for me, all because you wanted everything to be right and perfect for me, my eyes is filled with tears
Then I feel like giving everything I have to you
Because I want to pay you back with all the goodness and kindness you have given me
Oh my sweet mother
Whenever God I feel God is taking you from this world
I will look up to God and cry
Then talk to him in a low tone and say to him
Oh my Lord please take me and spare my mother
Because she is my everything on this earth
Without her I am useless, I am no body and I am a piece of dirt
But with her I am useful, I am somebody and I am safe
Oh my lord I do love my mother with all my life
Please spare her and keep her safe all the time
Mama I will always stand by your side and fight for you, whenever the whole world is turning against you
I will always be there to safe you and guard you like the way you did for me
Mama I don’t care whether you are ugly, poor or know nothing
Remember you are still my sweet mother and forever you will be
I will always accept you and love you as my sweet mother, because I will never, ever get another sweet mother that will replace you
M: She is my beautiful sweet mother
O:For every second, minutes, hours, times and years she opened her heart to me as a mother, she never give up on taking good care of me, even now I am old and she is older, but she doesn’t care. She is always taking good care of me. To her I am still her baby girl from yesterday, today and for ever
T: I thank her for all the good and wonderful things she have done for me
H: For her home filled with loves, peace, happiness and freedom where you can live comfortably and relax all the time
E: For her eyes that keep watching me, to make sure I am safe and sound. Whenever I am in darkness, her eyes is my light to shine for me to see
R: Remembering all the sacrifices she made for me, just to make sure I’m safe and sound. I will never forget her, I will always remember her as long as I live and forever she will remain a sweet mother in my heart and soul
Put them all together, they spell mother, a word that means the world to me.

November 17, 2015 at 3:31 AM
long poem
Amie Mother
November 17, 2015 at 6:15 AM
Doesn’t matter.