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Alaba Market Trader Arrested By NDLEA Excretes 45 Cocaine Capsules At NDLEA Office In Lagos

alaba trader cocaine smuggler

December 28, 2016 – 2 Drug Traffickers Excrete 50 Cocaine Capsules At NDLEA Office In Lagos

  • Alaba Market Trader Arrested By NDLEA Excretes 45 Cocaine Capsules At NDLEA Office In Lagos
  • Greece-Based Nigerian Excretes 5 Cocaine Wraps At NDLEA Office In Lagos

2 suspected drug smugglers, 37-year-old David Achebe and 43-year-old Daniel Ndukwe were caught by vigilant NDLEA operatives on Saturday the 24th of December 2016 while trying to board an Ethiopian and Egyptian airline flights.

Achebe who wanted to smuggle the narcotic to Hong Kong was placed under close watch as he excreted 45 cocaine capsules while Nduwke heading to Greece excreted 5 wraps.

greece based nigerian cocaine

In his confessional statement Achebe said a friend promised to pay him N5million if the operation is successful

His words:

Ndukwe on the other hand said he was promised N250,000 by a friend if he can smuggle the drug to Athens in Greece.

His confession:

The two suspects are currently under investigation.



  1. Big Aunty Koks

    December 28, 2016 at 7:55 AM

    It is a season that much food is consumed….. AND excreted . But 45 wraps of substance that can dissolve and kill the consumer, it’s mind boggling foolhardiness !!!

    Na wa ooo!!

  2. fifelomo

    December 28, 2016 at 9:32 AM

    Promised 5million naira and 250k but in return it was shame and disgrace to these fools. How could you? Despite all the warnings. Anyways, I wish them merry Christmas in jail.

  3. sola olaniyi

    December 28, 2016 at 12:31 PM

    it will be a Christmas to remember for them..

  4. Ego

    December 28, 2016 at 11:19 PM

    Greed, and poverty with all this warnings this fools decided to sell their freedom for peanut change. Enjoy your new residency in jail.

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