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Asari Dokubo: “My Meeting With Al-Mustapha Is To Bring Peace To Nigeria”

asari dokubo al mustapha

January 2nd, 2014 – Asari Dokubo Talks About Two Wives, Defends Meeting With Al-Mustapha

Asari Dokunbo: “My Meeting With Al-Mustapha Is To Bring Peace To Nigeria”

You cannot divorce politics from whatever man is doing. Even between man and woman, politics is involved. The meeting with Al-Mustapha is to bring peace. Faseun, Uwazuruike, Yerima Shettima, Abacha, Tony Major and over 50 different organisations were there. Government wants to be oblivious of what is going on. It is a tsunami. It is the first time that people from the Caliphate, Borno and people from other part of this country are meeting. People have come to say ‘look, whatever has happened before we should put it aside, have a focus and put an eye on the future.’ All of us have suffered from one form of deprivation or the other. All of us have been in prison – myself, Pa Faseun, Uwazuruike, Al-Mustapha, Mohammed. We have been imprisoned at one time or the other. We have all suffered one form of deprivation or the other. Our collective suffering should be a sacrifice to bring hope to our people.

We met and we saw the sincerity in them. Some people say I hate the north, but I laugh. They say I hate the Fulanis, Kanuris and I find that funny. I have two boys and their mother is a Fulani, living among Kanuri people from Borno state. One of them is named after me – Mujahid Dokubo and the other one is Nurul-Islam. They have been living with their mother. My son even speaks Hausa and Fulfude. He doesn’t even know how to speak my language. I am married to a Shuwa Arab also from Borno Empire. My in-laws come to my house, eat, sleep, live in my house and we do things together. When it comes to protecting the interest of my people, it is beyond me because of my personal life. So if people want to kill my people, I should fold my hands because I’m married to a Fulani woman? When everyone dies it will remain only my two sons and myself. God created me an Ijaw man for a purpose’



  1. Abdusallam

    January 2, 2014 at 11:43 PM

    Asari we do not know you as a man of peace stop playing politics against our intelligence

  2. Soliza

    January 2, 2014 at 11:43 PM

    I think you went there to confirm what Obasanjo said about him training snippers.

  3. Iheala

    January 3, 2014 at 12:07 AM

    Asari is irrelevant in the history of Nigeria pls make we talk about better people abeg

  4. mina

    January 3, 2014 at 6:34 AM

    @ Iheala true talk he is irrelevant.

  5. pidi

    January 3, 2014 at 6:24 PM

    But Asari said is not a nigerian so let him leave nigeria alone

  6. lamido

    January 3, 2014 at 7:50 PM

    Asari dokubo He is not a human being he is animal,stupid thug,militant,thief he is specialist in stealing Oil of Niger delta this guy cannot never be moral model he should keep quiet for life. who did he think he is?

  7. Jendor

    January 4, 2014 at 9:19 AM

    A pig will always behave lik a pig even u put it wit d king so re notting but an animal

  8. Dada oluseyi Joseph

    January 10, 2014 at 5:03 AM

    I dont blem asari becuse, is look for want he will and go back se is speaking niger detal people not no that is oil tief

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