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CAN On Offensive Jesus Tweets: “El-Rufai Must Be Brought To Justice For Insulting Christians”

el rufai insults christians

Feb 4, 2013 – Christian Association Of Nigeria, CAN On Offensive Jesus Tweets: “El-Rufai Must Be Brought To Justice For Insulting Christians”

The Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, yesterday issued a fresh warning to a former Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai, over his unrepentant comments on the Christian faith.

The organisation said the ex-FCT minister should be brought “to justice on account of his incitement and insult against the Christian faith.”

CAN, which said that the former minister had declared war against millions of Christians in Nigeria, warned that it may not be able to guarantee further restraint the next time El-Rufai makes any derogatory comment against Jesus Christ.

A statement by the General- Secretary of CAN, Dr. Musa Asake, said barely 24 hours after its reaction to “his damningly insulting comment” about Jesus Christ, he never showed remorse, but retweeted as follows: “To those who see clearly, whose minds are not clouded by sheer religiosity, there is nothing insulting about the tweet.”

The statement reads in part, “CAN noted with serious concern the unrepentant and unremorseful conduct of the former Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai, in respect of the inflammatory and utterly disgraceful comment he made about the Christian faith and the person of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

“Inspite of our warning that he should stop such comments that carry chains of implications, El-Rufai has gone ahead to post another response which is insulting to the Christian faith.

“Last Thursday, a day after our reaction to his damningly insulting comment, he retweeted as follows: “To those who see clearly, whose minds are not clouded by sheer religiosity, there is nothing insulting about the tweet.

“With this retweet, CAN believes that El- Rufai is set on a war path with the millions of Christians in Nigeria. We must state that unlike others, Christians do not shed blood, take life, kill or maim others at the slightest provocation.”

[National Mirror]



  1. Onyemgba

    February 4, 2013 at 5:01 PM

    Yes let them take it legal if is this stupid ****** they go sick for way animals

  2. obembe olusola

    February 4, 2013 at 5:25 PM

    God will slap u el rufai

  3. Awesome Kizito

    February 4, 2013 at 5:26 PM

    El rufai..u are a born bastard

  4. Bukola junaid

    February 4, 2013 at 6:21 PM

    El-rufai u wil rnt in hell!.idi**

  5. chinny

    February 4, 2013 at 6:58 PM

    Elrufai showed his hidden idiotism and stupidity. It showed he lacks carriage and doesnt deserve the seat he occupied in Nigeria.

  6. yousuof

    February 4, 2013 at 8:24 PM

    Why should we blame rufai not the origin of the tweets

  7. Omokharfe Ambrose

    February 4, 2013 at 9:08 PM

    If 2 sey na we tok am 4 d muslims na, we 4 don c shege!!!!! I dnt jst no……… xum pple jst sey watevr dey wnt 2 sey wifout considerin d weight of their words…… Hmnnnn El-Rufai, OUR CHRIST IS NT HUMAN EVN DOE HE CAME IN 4RM OF MAN 4 OUR SALVATION, DAT DOZN’T STIL MIN HE’S HUMAN, XO MIND WATEVER U SEY.U ar evn lucky dat we ar in d dispensation of grace, if it were 2 b doz tymz wen d LAW used 2 take it’s course, i’m sure b4 e evn completes z statement, e wud av bin struck ded. GOOD RIDDANCE 2 BAD RUBBISH!!!!!!!!

  8. suleolaiya

    February 4, 2013 at 9:32 PM

    Although this is very bad but most christians don’t see it that way when so call western world or some christians fanatic in nigeria here says rubbish against islam nd our prophet

  9. ode mark

    February 4, 2013 at 10:10 PM

    its a pity n shameful 4 a minister like elrufai, 2 behave in dis manner, he is a confusionist, an idiot,n should rot in hell

  10. Omo Jesus ( AKA K )

    February 5, 2013 at 3:17 AM

    Hmmm I Really wish God has not giving us the Grace , So He could Jst take Off his stupid Head And Mouth Off His Entire Body … God Knows the Best Sha because e no be him fault at all , CAN Self done dey along with Polities so anything happens in our GENERATIONS NOW … NA WA OOOO NA OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST UNA DEY TAKE PLAY LIKE THIS … HMM

  11. U6me2

    February 5, 2013 at 6:52 AM

    CAN. Leave this man alone. Very soon,he will see the hand of God. Saul was like him,he condemn Jesus but he is name was later change to Paul. And if he refuse to change leave him to God himslf. Bible says we shouldnt Judge. Matthew7vs1. So leave let him continue. You dont need to take him to the judge of the earth rather take him to Jesus. And let him Jesus be the judge here. Jesus is Lord

  12. Joel Osaro Aigbogun

    February 5, 2013 at 9:13 AM

    God will Judge elrufai he will soon die to face the Judgement so we as christian should calm down God is in control Jesus is for ever our savior.

  13. Samuel

    February 5, 2013 at 12:37 PM

    Whatever he meant, this man has no legal right to mention Jesus in his allegory. He is a confused & a frustrated man. He never knew he will leave the pleasures of public office. See all the nonsense he is writing in recent times. When he was eating in Obasanjo’s govt, where were all the nonsense’ he is writing then? He is a forgotten fool who’s desperately seeking for relevance & recognition, but alas! his own time is gone. Gone, never to be anything in Nigeria again. The more he writes all this nonsense,the more he fades away. What a pity! bcos he can not be resuscitated. Not long, his remains will be gathered & forgotten in the soil, never to be remembered that he ever lived in this part of the universe, bcos there is no legacy he could be remembered with.

  14. MHEN

    February 5, 2013 at 3:09 PM


  15. Joseph Osagie

    February 5, 2013 at 8:13 PM

    Our God do not nd us to fight 4 him He is a consume fire,He knw hw 2 deal with a defaulter.let be calm.

  16. Abdullahi Yusuf

    February 5, 2013 at 8:40 PM

    Hahaha, u guys are 4ny, who among u saw d tweet? If really u saw it, den i think u lack adequate analytical ability bcos i see no any insultive word dia. Afterall el rufai blivs in jesus more dan any of 4 since d muslims are d true blivers of jesus as d do all wat he ask dan d christians.

    • Gloria

      February 6, 2013 at 1:36 PM

      Abdullahi u r mad wat r u sayin n wat do u mean? If u really bliv in d name Jesus Christ den y r u pple bhavin lyk donkeys? n dnt 1 peace instead u prefer pieces. Better bliv in Jesus oo b4 is 2 late 4 u pple, remember wen mohammed was diein he said he dnt knw where he is going 2 dat everybody should fyn his way datz y weneva u r prayin u will b askin God 2 show d 2rut way n Christ is d way cos our precious Lord promised 2 cm back n take us wit him so receive Christ 2 b ur Lord n personal Saviour is free so dat u can b serve. As 4 el-rufai we will nt ask God 2 punish him instead God should open his eyes 2 him n God should nt count dis in his sins cos he dnt knw wat his doin. el-rufai may God 4give n have mercy on u.

  17. Tchidera

    February 5, 2013 at 11:07 PM

    Y are we bothered, let God fight for Himself, it’s His son dat has bn insulted.

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