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CCTV Video Suggests Liberian Patrick Sawyer Intentionally Brought Ebola Virus Into Nigeria

cctv patrick sawyer

August 7, 2014 – CCTV Video Of Liberian Patrick Sawyer Suggests He Intentionally Brought Ebola Virus Disease Into Lagos Nigeria

To confirm suspicions surrounding the mission of the Liberian health official who died in Lagos Nigeria late last month, a CCTV video in Liberia clearly showed the man in pain few hours before his departure at the airport.

Images from a Close Circuit Television (CCTV) monitored at the James Spriggs Payne’s Airport have shown how the late Patrick Sawyer was terribly ill before boarding the Nigeria bond flight.

The late Sawyer from the recording, it appears he knew, he had been infected by the deadly tropical disease. His behavior, among other passengers waiting at the boarding gate was strange.

His face bore a sad countenance like someone who was troubled, as he sat alone avoiding body contacts with everyone who came close by him.

His strange behavior and frequent movement up and down as he eagerly awaits his ASky flight had prompted the security camera operator to focus on him. In the video, Patrick could be seen avoiding physical contacts with airport employees and other passengers during the check in process.

After checking in, Patrick briefings left the terminal, but he would soon be shown sitting in an isolated area by himself at the boarding gate or waiting room. The video footage also shows the late Patrick lying flat on his stomach on the floor in the corridor of the airport a sign of someone in excruciating pain.

This writer, who also watched the video footage of Patrick at the Spriggs Payne Airport said the late Patrick was seen preventing people from touching him. The recording shows him snubbing an Immigration officer who was seen moving straight toward him in a friendly gesture for a handshake as he boarded the flight. The footage was shown after his death was announced upon arrival in Nigeria.

Patrick died Thursday night at the First Consultant Medical Centre, Obalende, in Lagos where he was hospitalized. Sawyer only arrived in Nigeria on Sunday, July 20 for a conference when he was tested and confirmed of having the Ebola virus.

But why did he do that to put a whole country in trouble. This is unfair.

Why can’t the people who saw him report to the appropriate authorities???? I think there is more to this.



  1. Odunaike Benson

    August 7, 2014 at 8:26 PM

    no doubt US sponsored him to bring the virus to Nigeria. The man is an American who knew he has the virus after the death of his sister.
    Ebola has no business in Nigeria but the handiwork of US authorities after Nigeria introduce anti-gay law.
    They sent him here


      August 7, 2014 at 9:31 PM

      it could be true as dey cut our electricity somtime in 1999 & even dis bh issue & many more but other nigerians cant understand dis insted bleming each other. even de gay issue is brought intentional to foment trouble & backwardness in Africa

    • sunshine

      August 8, 2014 at 3:39 PM

      I don’t believe that the US sent him. I blame our insensitive leaders. The could have prevent this virus from entering Nigeria as other countries have taken precaution from allowing people coming from the carrier countries to enter their countries.

  2. prince of ijesha

    August 7, 2014 at 8:27 PM

    D story is getting clearly day by day let them release d surveillance video

  3. bezo

    August 7, 2014 at 8:33 PM

    Why must we always think like africa, why will you say he paraventually brought it to nigeira, is it not human-beign that invited him for a seminar in nigeria, why didn’t they test him at the airport when he arrives nigeria, I think this is a very good lesson.

  4. Networkbusy

    August 7, 2014 at 9:03 PM

    He would have stayed in america,rather than coming to nigeria, if it wasn’t a planned deal by american.


    August 7, 2014 at 9:09 PM

    only in nigeria such tings can happen countries like Cameroon, Algeria, Barkina Faso & South Africa canot do dis but Nigerian leaders dat deir wish is to remain/be in public office any how widout considering de public allowed dis to happen liberia ave try

    • Sally

      August 8, 2014 at 9:45 AM

      My dear, I don’t think i tis fair to blame the government in this matter. I am of the opinion that there are Nigerians(you and I)the government has employed to screen for infectious diseases at the terminals and airports but they failed to do their work. Now this can be applied to everyone of us. How well are we doing the jobs we have been paid to do? So many times, we do it carelessly or do not do it all. Lets shine our little light in our varios corners and Nigeria will be abetter place.

  6. jay jay chijioke

    August 7, 2014 at 9:12 PM

    the Name of LORD is a strong tower; were rigtheous run to and be saved.
    No weapon formed against us shall prosper, for he has given his Angels charge over his children.


    August 7, 2014 at 9:20 PM

    de liberian has try bcos i believe nigerian dont have such video footage talkless of bg information about such upto now what dey know is closing of airport to political opponent dat dey can comeback to deir party like that of Adamawa & terrorisin it ppl

  8. mike

    August 7, 2014 at 9:20 PM

    It is unfortunate dat our govt is always waitn 4 sumtin 2 hapen n react instead of proactive measures. Wat stops them frm screening pple frm dese countries affectd by Ebola b4 d case of dis liberian man? Now d re setin up committee here n dere wen dey cud prevented it.

  9. mike

    August 7, 2014 at 9:23 PM

    It is unfortunate dat our govt is always waitn 4 sumtin 2 hapen n react instead of proactive measures. Wat stops them frm screening pple frm dese countries affectd by Ebola b4 d case of dis liberian man? Now d re setin up committee here n dere wen dey cud hv prevented it.


    August 7, 2014 at 9:39 PM

    its unfortunate dey can do more than this as their idea is to remain superpower & regard any country as it social enemy but african counries are worst hit by the system so that we must receive aid from them & remain poor as we cant do 4 our self

  11. Nations Builder

    August 7, 2014 at 9:51 PM

    What I know is whether the Ebola coming to Nigeria is intentional or otherwise, God is a great and merciful God. He will definitely bring a total and lasting stop to the existence and spread of the virus in Nigeria.
    Man shall be put to shame!

  12. sharton

    August 8, 2014 at 1:14 AM

    bezo that’s true they should have test him b4 allowing him to enter naija this is a very big lesson indeed i pity those doctors he infected with ebola God come to our rescue oo.

  13. Sandra

    August 8, 2014 at 3:57 AM

    This is the first time Bezo is making sense.

  14. donte

    August 8, 2014 at 6:54 AM

    ds is so unfortunate lets just pray 4 Gods intervention nd may HE in hs infinite mercy protect us ol nd may HIS healing be wt us ol d days of our lifes

  15. Alex

    August 8, 2014 at 11:35 AM

    Bezo . remember you also a nigerian .its also a lesson for you too

  16. Ovo Di Venice

    August 8, 2014 at 4:36 PM

    The world is full of wickedness. Let’s put our fingers across to our Creator for redemption.

  17. splendor

    August 8, 2014 at 5:32 PM

    U guys shuld stop blaming d govt iof Nig, let’s pray bcos there is God who answers prayers. Ebola will leave d way it came IJN.Amen!

  18. goodty goodtime

    August 8, 2014 at 7:23 PM

    whosoever knows abt dis deal of dis man coming 2 naija it shall nt be well wth deir 20th generation.

  19. queen

    August 9, 2014 at 3:21 PM

    @bezo….i like ur idea…and speech…dat country is wicked…they should Hv stopped their airlines and other means of traveling, since there is an out break in their country to avoid it spreading out d more…apologies from their president won’t make any difference since they cant use their brains…Nigeria dat heard abt it shut Hv maintained some certain checkup by quarantining anybody cm in from Africa as a whole…bf entering Nigeria or Lagos…now everybody is at risk..when they can’t use their brains…now let them get d vaccine cos I know ebola don’t have one…rubbish

  20. Erica

    August 11, 2014 at 8:56 AM

    The US sent this man to naija to spread the virus and they hve refused to bring the drugs 4 us, bt they re currently treating a Russian man with the so called experimental drugs. they want 2 wipe out ARICA, dats y dey sent that stupid man 2 naija!!!!!!!!!!!!! mayb they wuld tell us soon that b4 they gve us the drugs, we must sign the gay marriage in2 law

  21. Dans

    August 12, 2014 at 7:17 AM

    God should allow d spread of this virus to continue in nigeria so that it make nigerians to draw closer to God.many people are afraid of death cos the knows that with this virus it is very easy for one to be infected than that of HIV that people think that condom is a way of excape.

  22. Okoro JC Jnr

    August 16, 2014 at 3:20 PM

    Bezo indeed made sense here.. They should hav discovered dt he’s nt wel on arrival if d systems wer working… Again i wonder wy dey ddnt poison him immediately they saw he’s having ebola.. Though i trust naija 4daa aspect, bt wy leaving hm for days??? THIS Z INDEED A WAKE UP CALL.. I BELIEVE NAIJA LL NEVER REMAIN D SAME AFTER DS ENCOUNTER.. ONE GOOD THING ABOUT EBOLA IS THAT IT DOESN’T KNO BIG OR SMALL MAN, POLITICIAN OR NOT, DOC OR FARMER. HAD IT BEEN IT AFFECTS ONLY POOR, NON POLITICIANS IT WOULD HAV BN WORST BC D OGAS @D TOP WOULD HAV EMBEZZELED ALL FUND MEANT TO FIGHT DS DISEASE. I urge everybody to feel relaxed bt vigilance. The way our politicians ar fighting ds ebola wit every mean n urgency it demands, ebola ll b a history in Nigeria b4 2months. However, lets take nothing for granted.

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