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Cossy Orjiakor’s Aye Cultist Tenant Owing Rent; Cult Member Slapped Her
June 3rd, 2014 – Cossy Orjiakor Threatened By Aye Fraternity Cultist Tenant Owing Her Rent
Cossy Orjiakor’s Aye Cultist Tenant Owing Rent; Cult Member Slapped Her In Lagos
Cossy Orjiakor is very unhappy at the moment after her tenants refused to pay her rent.
The controversial entertainer took to Twitter 6 hours ago to pour out her heart.
Cossy said she is being threatened by one of her tenants who is a member of Aye fraternity cult group. She also said her tenant’s cult member slapped her two days ago.
Read what Cossy said on her Twitter handle @cossydiva few hours ago:
A problem shared is half solved. Atleast I will stop hurting. And maintain my blood pressure. I have (rentals) that’s to yeild 2.6m Yearly
The occupants of this flat is like tenant from hell. the husband (cotonue) and the woman( igbo). What ve I not seen from this two!
As ugly as the man is, he looks like a god to the wifes. Dt why she tot I will belittle myself and like/ date her husband. He was just a fan
This dude threatens me.his rents is overdue he don’t want to move. Was slapped by his group member 2days back. I can’t be intimidated.
I can’t run from my home bc he is in Aye fraternity. Almost all the young boys here have been intimidated to joined this group.
Reported this tenant 8months back to ilanson police station. Even d Baale is aware of d cultist situation in d neighborhood. I rest my case
The other pips owing me are no threats pips. Will wait on them to pay me. Thou its annoying when they don’t ve money but use gen 24/7 .
Right now I gat tears rolling down my eyes. Tot talking abt this will make me feel better. But it only made me more away of my neighborhood
Incase anything happen to me. his name is Akapo Olushola Gerrard, and the wife uju akapo. I have had sleepless nights cuz of this them
I feel better and stronger now. Thanks for listening. Just gonna take some aspirin. Rest and wish this all goes away when I wake. Kisses
Cossy Orjiakor’s house is located in Lekki Lagos.
Heya! what a poor landlady.

Toheeb Ojuola
June 3, 2014 at 6:21 PM
Cossy how r u sure he is an Aye member are you one of them
Duru James
June 3, 2014 at 6:28 PM
I h**e this attention seeking wh**e with passion
June 3, 2014 at 9:07 PM
I thought you have money and connections, and you’re allowing a small boy to slap you.
June 4, 2014 at 3:35 AM
cossy,God bless you,try and report the matter to state CID Lagos head office,i will support you 100% please,but make sure you have a genuine proof.
June 4, 2014 at 7:47 AM
Very bad !!!At least they will beg this lady and promise her.. wicked world though …@Cossy please try and inform the real Police and OPC if u know any …Bless you
June 4, 2014 at 10:41 AM
pls try ur possible best i mean whatever u can do to chase d ldiot out of ur house and be watchful.
June 4, 2014 at 2:44 PM
So u rent house directly to clients..where is d lawyers and estate agents..u got what u want
June 4, 2014 at 9:41 PM
the guy is a fool. fucking aye with no money to pay rent. you opc and cid