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Femi Otedola Impregnated Me & Took My Daughter Away – Ex-Lover, Olayinka Odukoya

femi otedola steals lover baby olayinka odukoya

Dec 13, 2012 – Femi Otedola Impregnated Me & Took My Daughter Away – Olayinka Odukoya, Ex-Lover

In this bombshell interview culled from Saheed Ojubanire’s blog, Billionaire Oil Mogul and the owner of Zenon oil, Femi Otedola has been accused of impregnating and stealing his ex-lover‘s daughter, Christy.

A woman identified as Olayinka Odukoya said she was 21-year-old when Femi Otedola impregnated her and because Femi’s mother was against their relationship, they couldn’t marry.

Olayinka Odukoya said she carried the baby to term and delivered her. But she was only allowed to nurture her daughter for 2 years before Femi Otedola’s family came to take her daughter away 24 years ago.

Olayinka said she has not been allowed to set her eye on her daughter who is now 26-years-old and living in abroad.

Though, she comes to Nigeria from time to time but each time she does, Olayinka claims she is always denied access to her. All efforts she has made with her family members to be allowed access to the young lady have so far proved abortive.

In this exclusive interview Olayinka reveals all that have transpired between her and Femi in respect of Christy. You can’t stop until you have read the last line.

Interview excerpt below:

For the purpose of this interview, can I have your full names?

I am Olayinka Odukoya.

What kind of relationship existed between you and Mr. Femi Otedola?
We used to have a love affair.

Was the love affair one that your parents knew about? I mean your own parents and his own parents
What happened was that I just finished from secondary school at that time and I was even working when he approached me for a relationship. I accepted his advances and some where along the line, I realised that I’d taken in for him. And this was a time I was just offered an admission into the School of Nursing in Ikoyi; I was only waiting to go for pre-registration interview before I realised I was pregnant. And at that point in time, there was a man, Mr. Tobun who happened to be Femi’s father’s friend and the contractor working on Femi’s father’s house at Odo-Irangusi.

It was through my friend that was dating the contractor that I met Femi. And he promised me heaven and earth. As a matter of fact, we both sworn to an oath with the Holy Bible never to leave each other.

I was about 21 years at that time and it was at that point that we started sleeping together and I got pregnant for him. And he accepted it. But in the long run, I realised that he didn’t tell his parents at home that he had put a lady in the family way. It was that Mr. Tobun that later went to his dad to tell him that his son had impregnated a young lady in Ijebu. And his mum later called him to probe him over it after the dad complained to her.

But he lied to his mum initially that he did not impregnate anybody. Meanwhile, I used to go to their house regularly before then to the extent that all his younger siblings were familiar with me. His mum even knew me, though she did not know that I was dating her son which was the real purpose of my frequent visit to their house. She thought I was only a friend to Femi’s sisters.

So, since I took in, I would go to him to collect money for my upkeep and things like that. As a matter of fact, I contemplated aborting the pregnancy at a point because I felt it was affecting the continuation of my education but unfortunately for me then, an old man overheard me telling a friend about my planned abortion and the old man went straight to leak it to my mum.

So, my mum came to take me from where I was back home so as to prevent me from aborting the pregnancy. And my dad too also prevailed on me never to try aborting the pregnancy with the counselling that it is not only people that are well educated that make it in life. So, I later went to tell Femi that my parents were well aware of the pregnancy and he also plead with me to keep the pregnancy.

What was Mr. Femi Otedola doing then? Was he working or still in school?
He was a trader at Iponri Shopping Complex selling stationery materials. And
since his dad was running a printing press then, he was also supplying them materials to work with. And when we realised he was not showing up at our house like it was expected, my parents said I should tell him that they wanted to meet his parents and he said no problems.

But when he refused to come with his parents like he promised, a sister to my mum who was a registrar was even nursing the doubt that I might not know the real owner of my pregnancy and she attributed her doubt to the fact that the Otedola’s were well-to-do and very responsible, so they would not tolerate their son impregnate a girl and not do the right thing.

So, there was a resolve that my mum should follow me to their house and when we got there, it was Femi himself that opened the gate for us. And when we met his dad, Baba Otedola, and told him about the pregnancy, he probed Femi over it and he told his dad that he was the one responsible for it.

And the dad said he would have loved his mum to be at home for the meeting because when he first heard about the issue and raised it with the mum, Femi vehemently denied knowing anything about the pregnancy to the extent that the mum was saying any girl that was claiming to have gotten pregnant for her son should go and take care of it in her parent’s house. Since her son had said he didn’t impregnate any girl. But the dad said we should not worry about it and that he would always send money for my upkeep.

And shortly before I would deliver my baby, the mum came around at the prompting of Baba Otedola, I guess, she came with Baba Otedola’s elder sister. They said they were the owners of the pregnancy since it’s their son that was responsible for it. And when I delivered my baby, a naming ceremony was organised at their house for my daughter.

So, since everything was cordial to that point, how did the denial of access to your daughter come into play?

Thank you. That’s exactly what I am about to tell you. After the naming ceremony, Femi came later to tell me that his mum said he should not marry me. And I was like if she says that then, may be you should leave me alone. But he said he could not do that. Later on, I told him I wanted to learn Hair Dressing since I could not go to the School of Nursing any more. But he advised that I should go to a Catering school instead.

So, I went to Catering school and it was while I was there that I got pregnant for him again. But his mum still stood strongly against our getting married. Meanwhile, I had a forced labour when the pregnancy got into the 7th month which I had as a still birth. In fact, I almost lost my life during the delivery. It was the placenta that came out first before the dead baby came out buttocks first instead of the head.

And my dad later went to meet him that, Femi, so, so, thing happened to me. Though, he was fully aware that I was pregnant for him again, but he apparently did not inform his parents. So, it was when my dad went to their house that his dad too knew about it and challenged him over it. But in his usual manner, he denied having anything to do with the pregnancy and I later told him that thank God I did not die in the course of the forced labour because that is how he would have denied me in death.

And I reminded him of how he lied that he did not know anything about Christy’s pregnancy before he later accepted to be the one responsible. And shortly after that was when his mum became extremely hostile to me, telling his son that he saw girls from rich background, he didn’t go to them. That, why would he go for someone from a humble background like me. And it was because Femi told me that his mum might accept me if we had a second child that I accepted to get pregnant for him again. But when they said I should bring my daughter Christy to them when she was a little over 2 years, so that she could start kindergarten, I left her for them. But ever since then, the mum would not allow me to see my daughter.

There was even a festive period that my younger siblings went to their house to ask them to allow my daughter to come and spend some time with us, the mum refused. And I later went myself but as soon as the mum saw me, she took my daughter inside and locked her up. And when all my efforts to see my daughter became abortive, I later told them that I would always be my daughter’s mother because they cannot buy another mother for her no matter how much they prevent me from seeing her.

And again, my mum’s younger sister told me not to worry because when it gets to a point my daughter would ask for her mum. But when she (Christy) was 15 and was schooling in Akure, Ondo State, while she lived with her father’s younger brother, I still made an attempt to go and see her there, yet they prevented me. And that was the point in time I decided to leave the South-West for the Northern Part of the country to cool-off. So, I stayed and worked in the North for some time before I returned few years ago. Meanwhile, I was already aware that my daughter had been taken abroad for further studies.

And I even made an attempt to be close to Otedola’s house but each time I went, Femi’s mum was always like “what do you want?”
And I would tell her that I only came around to say hello and also to know if you are hearing from my daughter.

But when it got to a point, I could no longer cope with not seeing my daughter, I sent a Reverend Father to the mum to beg her for me. And she was like I should never again in my life send any emissary to beg her again. And about 7 years ago, I told my younger brother that I felt I would need to take the matter to a relevant government authority to contest my right to see my daughter for me. But my brother said I should not go that far that he would go and talk to Femi man to man. Meanwhile, at that point I was always texting Femi asking about the well-being of my daughter, he would not reply any of the messages.

There was even a day I went to his Zenon House in Victoria Island. He saw me face to face as he was driving in because I was standing at the gate. And when he got out of the
vehicle, he looked back at me and I said “Femi, you are the one I have come to see”. But he rushed into the office and never came out till I left. I got there around 8am and left at 12 noon. I later dropped a note for him with his security guys stating that I did not come to fight him but to see him and ask after my daughter. The number that my younger brother had was no longer going through, so, he got another number of his from me which he called without any one picking it. And he decided to send him a text that why would he not allow his sister to see her daughter. And that he should redress the situation since the child belong to him and his sister.

But by the second or third day, he called his mum to go and warn Felix, that is my brother, that he was threatening his life. And the mum went straight to my dad’s house to fight him. That he should warn his son who was threatening the life of her son.
And my dad called my younger brother from Ijebu immediately asking why my
brother would wade into the matter. And when my brother went to Ijebu some time later, he told anyone that cared to listen to go and tell Femi’s mum that he had come to town and that she should come and arrest him, maybe the Police would be able to resolve the matter once and for all. But after spending 3 days without seeing anyone come to arrest him, he returned to Lagos.

So what happened after then?
We decided to give them some time again before raising issues over the matter. In fact, at a point, I decided to go to Human Rights Advocacy Groups and I was already in Ikeja with pictures before my brother called me and plead that I should not do anything like that. Because no 2 opposing parties in a court case return as friends.

He said he believed dialogue could still do it. Meanwhile, I had gone to the monarch in our town, Kabiyesi Odu-Iragusi, to plead with them for me but they
still turned deaf ears. I even went to one Tejuosho’s son who is Femi’s friend in Ilupeju, Lagos, to discuss the matter with him. But still nothing changed. My brother even went to the Kabiyesi over the matter for the second time, yet they did not yield to my request to see my daughter.

So, about 5 years ago, Femi’s mum told me that I should not worry that as soon as my daughter was through with her Masters Degree, I would be allowed to see her. And after Christy finished her master’s, it was Femi’s mum that called to tell me about it and asked if I was coming to Ijebu for Xmas to which I said yes. And she said she would make sure that I see my daughter. But as I speak to you my brother, I have still not set my eyes on my daughter.

Interestingly enough, during the last subsidy removal crises, I was just leaving Irangusi for Omu, when one of my younger brothers called me that he just sighted my daughter in town. And I took a bike with N1,500 that day to return to Iragusi, a journey that was not supposed to be more than N300.00. But when I almost got to Otedola’s house, I caught a glimpse of my daughter being chauffeur-driven out and I was trying to wave down the vehicle but she did not see me.

How long ago is it now that you had a contact with your daughter last?
I have not had any contact with her since they took her from me when she was a little over 2 years old.

Do you have any idea of what she is doing abroad now?

I think she is now working there. Because Femi’s mum once told me something like that.

And you have not spoken with Mr. Femi Otedola too?
Yes. I have not spoken with him ever since. Even when his dad celebrated his birthday last year and I went there, he avoided me all through. Even, his older brother who I spoke with and told that they have not allowed me to see my daughter for years could not believe it because the brother just returned to Nigeria from abroad. And he promised to do something about. Yet, nothing has happened.

Are you married to someone else as we speak?
Not really. I only had an affair with a man for whom I also have a daughter, Eniola. But I could not bring myself to marry him because Femi’s experience has made me to be scared of men.

So, what exactly do you want from Mr. Femi Otedola?
All I want is access to my daughter and the full rights to be a mother to her. Because they could have told her her mum is dead!

Story credit:

Haba these people are not being fair to this poor woman o.

How can they deny a mother the right to see her own child?



  1. mulikatcardoso

    December 13, 2012 at 7:17 PM

    Femi and are family, being rich those not give u right to take away a poor woman child.after u didnt allowed ur son to marry from pooor family, but he sleep with a poor woman pregant her 2 times,now not allowed her to be mother to are child.that hwo those rich family do,they will also want to marry rich like them, afteall majority of them will end up in hell fire,cos they are bad inside and outside, wicked soul,for them poor is less human.

  2. dude

    December 13, 2012 at 8:47 PM

    i smell a gold digger..!!

  3. Adenike Lawal

    December 13, 2012 at 8:51 PM

    My dear olayinka, sorry about all you went through but I want to assure you dat Femi and his wicked mother will not die unpunished. Femi otedola is the most heartless man any woman want to encounter, he’s a compulsive liar!!! His heart is full of sickness, am not surprise because he hasn’t change. The moment your daughter get pregnant she’ll be the one to look for u so relax and pray for her

  4. Uzoma

    December 13, 2012 at 9:10 PM

    Femi,you and your family are behaving like this because of your wealth. Your wealth is not meant to suppress the poor. Your money can buy you anything in this world but not justice from God.

  5. Amos Dickson

    December 13, 2012 at 9:19 PM

    This is a shocking story,i can’t believe that Femi Otedola can be so heartless.I will advice the woman to seek redress in court.I can guarantee Femi that he is not far away from hell fire.

  6. God's son

    December 13, 2012 at 9:21 PM

    if this is true…. then this is bad…. i can’t judge…. but like i said if this story is true…. the wroth of God would come down on femi n his family especially him n the mum… parent’s leave ur children alone when thay are grown enough to have a relationship…. mothers especially…

  7. Funke ojei

    December 14, 2012 at 5:44 AM

    Femi, when will you change from your wicked act? This man is dearing God with the Nigeria money he borrowed and refused to pay back. God!!! How can you treat a woman dat went through labour like dis? May God revisit your sins ijn

  8. Bukola o

    December 14, 2012 at 5:57 AM

    Madam Olayinka! Pray to God To touch ur daughter to want to see her mum bcus I personally no Femi and can tell how manipulative he is, he has bought ur daughter conscience with money. So dis bastard has been wicked from way back? I remember him from way back in surulere wen he was doing wash wash 419, I dated him too and he almost did similar tin to me but thank God he didn’t succeed. Femi can’t be trusted, I pity girls dat go around him bcus of the one off dollars he gives

  9. Fidelia

    December 14, 2012 at 1:32 PM

    My dear nothing is impossible with God, just go down on your knees and pray to God concerning all that you’re passing through. Believe me if you can challenge God in this situation, someday in the future Femi, even his mother and the and entire family will look for you, I mean you will be their source of happiness in this life. Just hold onto your God He is able to do all things. He never change and can never ever change because of your problems

  10. Chidera

    December 14, 2012 at 5:55 PM

    this is wickedness, 24yrs. Haba!!!

  11. Michigan

    December 14, 2012 at 7:49 PM

    If what you have narrated is true & you believe God, give them gap for some time. Remember you were able to tell this cause u survived d mishap of ur 2nd pregnancy. God is able. Be patient.

  12. Vivian

    December 15, 2012 at 9:44 AM

    Empror himself!!! Olayinka dnt worry just sit back and see how God will punish dis heartless idiot called Femi, he as no integrity at all, always changing numbers


    December 15, 2012 at 3:03 PM

    Is it not better we hear from the other side too before we draw conclutions?

  14. remi

    December 17, 2012 at 7:21 PM

    Sorry mrs odukoya it is her wicked mum that has cause dis in that attitude is still in her don’t worry u will ripe what u av sol nd I’m very sure she can not do the mother of ur daughter nd thank God they help you 2 put ur child on d right way don’t worry u will relax nd je onje omo like I want my owen mother to do by God grace amen

  15. Funmi

    December 23, 2012 at 9:15 AM

    I know the girl and she looks just like her young mother. Unfortunately when you have been bought up in such wealth, you can grow up so superficial and not think a poor mother is something to be shamed of. Sad Really.

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