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Funke Akindele Must Marry A Gateman Or Poor UnPopular Pastor To Have A Child, Her Time Is Limited On Earth – Prophet
- Funke Akindele Chose Wealth & Fame When She Was Coming To Earth
- She Is A Promised Child With Limited Time To Live On Earth
- Funke Akindele Must Go To The Mountain To Fight Her Battle Herself
- Funke Akindele Promised To Marry A Gateman When She Was Coming To Earth, She Must Fulfill That Promise Or Break The Evil Covenant With Prayers.
- Immediately She Engages In Prayer, Her Money & Endorsement Deals Will Reduce, Then She Will Have A Child
- Funke Akindele’s Husband JJC Will Marry 7 Wives Before 1 Stay If He Refuses To Pray
- My Prayer Can’t Help Her, She Has To Do The Prayers Herself – Prophet Olagoroye Faleyimu
Popular Lagos-based prophet Olagoroye Faleyimu in a recent chat with Yoruba Movie Magazine has once again urged Funke Akindele to go for prayers if she ever wants to have her own child before death comes knocking.
The founder of Blessing and Miracle Church of Christ said Funke Akindele must be closer to God if she ever wants to become a mother in life.
He also warned her hubby, JJC to be prayerful to overcome spiritual issues causing women to leave him.
Here is what Prophet Faleyimu told YMG in a recent chat:
“Recall that I have once said that Funke Akindele will keep acquiring more wealth, this was even before she started getting endorsement deals. She chooses wealth and fame when she was coming to the planet earth.
She is a promised child who has a limited time to live, and that is why I have been clamoring that she must have a special prayer so that she can genuinely conceive and have her own kids”.
“The special prayers most of them are doing are fakes. There is no how you can go for a special prayer without deliverance. A certain special prayer requests will be given to her and she goes to the mountain herself to fight the battle.
It is not something you ask a pastor to do for you. That is what special prayer is all about”.
“Counterfeit prophets have been predicting this and that about her, claiming they saw a set of twin in her womb, and that was why the rumour was everywhere a few months ago that she was pregnant.
She needs to open her mouth to deliver herself. If she fails to do the prayer, another grace for her is to marry a poor and unpopular pastor, the person will get the solution and she will have her own child”.
“Another way she can break the covenant is to probably marry a gate-man. This is the promise she made with her members in the spiritual realm. It might be difficult for her to have a child if she fails to break the covenant. The solutions to her problem about conceiving are what I have stated above”.
“If she comes to me for prayers and I pray for her, she won’t conceive. I can only give her some prayer points as guideline.
Immediately she engages in the special prayers, one of the signs she should watch out for is that, her money and endorsements will be reducing and within 2 months, the pregnancy will come.
For the husband, he also has his own battle that he needs to pray about, in order for him to be set free. If not, he will marry about 5 wives before one will eventually stay. His story is like that of the Ooni of Ife, the king needs to marry 2 wives at a go before he can experience a peaceful marriage. The Ooni of Ife can marry another wife and retake his first wife also.
If not, he will marry 7 before 1 can stay. Everything is not about going to pastors for prayers, you can conquer the world through praise and worship, and that is when you walk with God.
If you don’t learn to talk to your God directly, fake pastors will keep taking advantage of you.
That is all about Funke Akindele”.

April 19, 2018 at 5:07 AM
She is an Ogbanje child. Let me ask her mother where she got her from
I believe this prophet the moment he said he can’t do the prayer for her
kunle Ilahor
April 19, 2018 at 5:10 AM
Emere kids are the one who tell their mates what they want to do on earth just like we see in movies
No wonder she is getting richer
April 19, 2018 at 9:55 AM
So technically, you are saying rich people who have delays in child bearing are ogbanje abi? That means the poor people that have very many children are saints abi? You need deliverance yourself.
Bimbo Kenneth
April 19, 2018 at 5:16 AM
Please I wish to meet this prophet, he is so genuine, can someone connect me with him
Jason Mighty
April 19, 2018 at 5:37 AM
How are you sure he is genuine stop setting urself up. Learn to pray to God urself
Jason Mighty
April 19, 2018 at 5:36 AM
I don’t believe in all these things. it is just hard luck
April 19, 2018 at 6:28 AM
Hmmm, hard to believe, yet I think this is no acting.
April 19, 2018 at 6:44 AM
this man is not God remember.funke is amother already,she refusedto show her babyface outside,for something like this.
April 19, 2018 at 8:52 AM
The moment we give our life to Christ Jesus, we have been redeemed by the blood of the lamb.
Old things (covenants, spells, curses e.t.c) are past away behold we have become new.
Regardless of what anyone says, it is only what God;’s word says about you that will come to pass.
What does she believe God is saying about her, she should strongly hold on to God give her life to Jesus Christ and live holy.
I will also advise her to try and meet with Pastor Enoch Adeboye for deliverance prayers and with faith anointing will break every yoke.
joy motunrayo
April 19, 2018 at 12:47 PM
pastor fear God oooooo,wetin she do you ha eniyan are bad.wat a wicked world
April 19, 2018 at 9:26 AM
Is because of Funke Akindele Jesus died on the Cross of Calvary and He took all her pains, sorrow, tears, troubles and nailed them to the cross, so that she might be set free. Jesus has risen, from the dead, today we have our victory in Jesus Christ. Funke, I pray for you, you will not go down, your enemies are many, God will deliver you from them all. Read Psalm 140; Jeremiah 31:10-13; Genesis 30:22- 24; Ephesians 1:7; Jeremiah 32:27. You will carry your own child in Jesus name, no devil can stop it!
Metu Nyetu
April 19, 2018 at 9:35 AM
I LAUGH at how people are easily swain! How can I call this man genuine just because he said that Funke would do the prayers herself? Not me! Well, let’s just wait and see what Funke would make of all these.
April 20, 2018 at 3:07 PM
Good observation@Metu. Just because he said she can only make that prayer herself makes people believe the Pastor is genuine. That is the main reason why most Nigerians fall victim of these businessmen AKA Pastors.
As per her husband, everyone already knows that the guy had had broken marriage with different women. Why was he mentioning that as part of his prediction? People need to be smart nowadays not to fall victims.
Bose Adekola
April 19, 2018 at 9:53 AM
Where is Funke’s mother?? This is her project! Abiyamo kii sun o!
April 19, 2018 at 12:35 PM
funke Akindele my darling, hopefully you will read this please reach out to this man of God, donot feel bad about message your miracle is very close. love you bunch, am a fan.
#Children is not do or die affair
April 19, 2018 at 1:27 PM
Pls funke, you have to read my post. The best to do is to forget the issue of having children and put this man to shame. because he is not God. and live your life. While you forget about this issue God will show up for you and give you children to their shame. because He is God.Even if he did not give you don’t go anywhere to pray, pray in your house and you will be safe. WATCH BADEKU FILM.When that boy denounce the riches of the devil, God show forth for him. God will give you children if you don’t take it as do or die. Even if he did not give you live your life and shut out people and evil prophet who just jump into peoples privacy and start saying rubbish. It is not a must to have children.
April 19, 2018 at 2:23 PM
very true
April 19, 2018 at 3:43 PM
With God all things are possible. You don’t need a prophet to know what God has in stock for you. You are your best prophet if you allow God to dwell in you. Go to do it yourself praying church where you will be guided to pray & break yourself loose from all spirituals and physical bondages. Any deliverance ministry like Mountain of fire & d likes can help you. You don’t need a pastor just join their deliverance session, focus on Jesus who will deliver you. Your prayers will be answered by faith.
Lola O
April 19, 2018 at 4:09 PM
Jesus prayed and fasted on the mountain for 40 days before he began his ministry work of saving souls and deliverance. Jehovah God is the same yesterday, today and forever, glory be unto his most revered name. There are still real Prophets of God. God still answers prayers like the olden days, but we are too impatient and want quick microwave solutions to our problems. True, Jesus died for the remission of our sins on the Cross, but have we stopped sinning or truly repentant? The world is so full of evil doers who specifically target children of destiny and attack their glory. All some people do from sunrise to sunset is destroying the destiny of others. We need to be praying daily and getting closer to God, as the heart of men is desperately wicked (and women). Even some mothers tie down or destroy their children’s glory. We need to pray fervently for the spirit of discernment to know when God is speaking to us and sending us a message. God is real and his Holy Spirit speaks to those that surrender to his will. I am living proof of the grace and goodness of Jehovah. Hallelujah
April 19, 2018 at 7:32 PM
While praying to God Funke and her husband must seek medical attention (tests) to find out the cause. Either the husband’s sperm count is low or the fault is from her. The time God used to talk to people directly is gone; the world is now full of sin but God do perform his miracles through other people and in this case, the doctors will find the cause and the cure is simple. Since Funke is always miscarrying, they can consider surrogate; it is still theirs. It is her egg and her husband’s sperm planted into another woman who will carry the pregnancy to full term for them, have the baby and get paid.
September 6, 2018 at 2:28 PM
Stop all these insults on the prophet. Did he ask her to bring money for prayers? Habba just a simple directive. Please, we still have true prophets. Not all are fake.
April 19, 2018 at 10:37 PM
Funke my dear
The devil is a liar. If this so called prophet of God is real, why did he not contact you privately to give you this prophecy. He just want you to come to him and make himself so important. Awon elesu eniyan. He is planning to start from you because of your porpularity, then he will move to Davido, my guy Wiz Kid and so on.
Your mum goes to Mountain of Fire, she is a prayer worrior. All you need to do with your lovely husband is join your mum in fervent prayer. Why do people in Nigeria think that unless you carry a child in your womb, you have arrived. What happens to adoption? A mother is on who raise and love a child.
My love, we love you so much. You have a wonderful heart, that is what our God wants from us.
Mase gbo t’elegan. You had carried children in that womb of yours. It is going to happen again if that is your wish. Haba!! Faleyimu the prophet of doom. You already got a poor relative who is a pastor or gateman to give Funke. The girl is a lawyer and a very hard working lady. What about her loving husband? (What God has joined together, you want to put asunder)
You Nigerians soo called pastors, many of you get your powers from witches. One of you buried a little boy alive on the wall of his new Church, but shame on you the child did not die as my Lord and savior Jesus Christ who shed his blood for us on Calvary kept the boy alive to expose the fake pastor who wanted to use the boy for ritual. He was rescued when his voice made people break the wall and recused him after many days in Ondo State.
God will judge you all. Nigeria does not have one single international plane, but you all kept buying private jets with gullable church members contributions and wine and dine with useless politicians.
Faleyimu, leave my darling Funke alone.