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Georgina Onuoha Bad Attitude Blamed For Ex-Husband’s Alcohol Addiction Problem
Georgina Onuoha Bad Attitude Blamed For Ex-Husband’s Alcoholism Problem..Dr Ifeanyi Igwegbe Became An Alcoholic Out Of Frustration – Family Source
A family source has shed more light on the circumstances surrounding US-based Nollywood actress Georgina Onuoha ex husband’s , Dr Ifeanyi Charles Igwegbe alcohol addiction problem that eventually ended their marriage.
In 2015, Dr Ifeanyi Igwegbe was arrested for driving under influence after an accident that almost claimed the life of a woman.
His medical license was suspended before his wife quit their marriage.
A family source is now coming after Georgina Onuoha for ruining her ex-husband career and life with her bad habit.
The source, Andy (last name withheld) alleged that Georgina was behind the deportation of her ex-husband’s cousin Shantel to Nigeria.
The family source said Dr Igwegbe helped Georgina bring all her siblings into the US before he became an alcoholic out of frustration from Georgina’s trouble.
Here is what the source said:
“I can Tell u more about her devilish character. Even her husband’s cousin (Shantel) who was staying with her in US was brought back to Nigeria without any cloth except the one she was putting on. Courtesy of same wicked Georgina. All her siblings were moved down to USA by this same hubby of hers. Dr became drunk out of frustration from Georgina’s heats.”
Georgina is now a popular face on Instagram where she updates fan on her progress.
She recently bought a home in California and just completed her Master’s Degree in Health Sciences.

Georgina and Igwegbe on their wedding day

July 19, 2018 at 3:40 AM
How come she left him after his license was suspended. I think she is very wicked.
July 19, 2018 at 5:35 AM
Not even one of her sibling is in America. Her parents are the only ones that are in the USA.This happened after their separation and she is the one that brought them so her mum and help her with her day care . While the dad keeps her eyes on her kids while she joggles work business and school. My Andy did you remember to tell them how many times Shatel molested her school mates sexually or better still how about the constant stealing. Before your brother was arrested, why didn’t tell the whole how he was constantly punching her especially when she insisted she had to do something tangible with her life instead of been a full time stay at home mum. You guys are just lucky because of the kind of person Gina is. If not, a book ought to be written about how miserable your family made her right from the first day of her marriage. Did you also tell them that he has never paid a cent towards the upkeep of his girls. How about how he bequeathed the house they were living in to a lost long child he had while he was doing his housemanship? We all know that the usual card in laws play to make their relative look like the victim is either the woman was a wicked soul or she was sleeping around.
jeremy Obi
July 19, 2018 at 5:48 AM
I want to believe this is Georgina herself answering the question. Because how can you know this much if not the victim herself.
Well I will not judge since I was not there to witness what unfolded. I wish you well
July 19, 2018 at 8:41 AM
My dear trust me
It ain’t Her. I am her friend who was there from when all these started. I have emails , text messages pictures and lots of correspondence from when all these ill treatment started. I even have poems love letters and love songs she used to send him to remind him of their love and how far they had come. All these issues started in 2011 before WhatsApp etc. Gina is the last person that will castigate his ex for the sake of his kids. I had to speak because we are so used to women taking the blame anytime a marriage breaks down. That woman has gone through a lot but it did not deter her to keep pushing to make to make a better her. BTW, when Georgina writes you will know . Visit all her clapbacks to unruly fans.
July 19, 2018 at 10:54 AM
I don’t even care if you are Georgina, the truth must be said and anyone one who feels he / she is ont comfortable with it should just keep quiet. Like I said before, I also suffered same fate from an ibo man who wouldn’t let me do anything for ten years and now that I left him people are talking rubbish because they do not have an idea what you go through living with a man who is insecure.
July 19, 2018 at 4:31 AM
Typical Nigeria line for a successful woman. Now she is getting herself together, they are blaming her for everything . Is the husband not an adult? Did she force the drink down his neck?
July 19, 2018 at 6:10 AM
Gina God is your strength.
July 19, 2018 at 7:38 AM
Mr Andy please park well , this is same thing I went through living with a demented ibo man. Ibo men are crap when it comes to controlling their wives.
July 19, 2018 at 7:49 AM
Well…since he became drunkard after their marriage, the woman was part of the problem, directly or indirectly.
Directly in the sense that she must have contributed in diverting some ideas they nurtured together before marriage……though the man might have been dealing with some private challenges which he opened up after marriage and she didn’t lend a helping hand or allowed him to lean on her,that’s how indirect it could be……but at the end,two of them knew what happened……….fear woman,they are always ahead of time.
iron bar
July 19, 2018 at 9:50 AM
what a mentality..look out how a promising man with professional career wasted and a lady who would have worked out things with him without the prying eyes of the public.domestic violence is a monster and should be nipped to the bud but we should be mindful how we judge issues.these family members whether either way (husband and wife)plays a larger role and always become influential in decision making.they conspire to destabilize the marriage and hunt for the benefits they will get after divorce lose houses and end up in the streets and frustration sets in.very few consumate their marriage with external family members.there is no angel anywhere.
if u go,u know.
July 19, 2018 at 11:20 AM
Even if the woman’s 1st and last name is Trouble, you dont run to alcohol for succor. Pls stop talking and acting like Fayose but deal with your issues.
July 19, 2018 at 6:07 PM
I like Georgina…..i have a feeling she’s a very nice and sweet person. God bless you Georgina.
July 20, 2018 at 3:12 PM
Well done Georgina! I sight all your comments back to back
Igwegbe Lawrence
December 27, 2018 at 4:28 AM
Damn! Enough of this media wash! Situation is terrible enough! If we can’t heal it, it is better to let the two have a rest who knows time may still make a difference and though I am not 100% sure, the two lovers had two girls before the sad disaster. At least for their sake, let everyone let go and hope for possible healing with time.