How MTN Defrauds Nigerians Through Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
May 28, 2012 – Who Wants To Be A Millionaire: How MTN Rips-Off Nigerians
In a newly released report, we learnt South African telecoms company, MTN Nigeria defrauds Nigerians of several billions of Naira yearly through its many scam promotions and poor services.
The most annoying part is how MTN defrauds thousands of innocent Nigerians through its TV-quiz game show tagged “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?”.
How MTN Defrauds Nigerians Through Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
While many innocent Nigerians believe that the company is doing a corporate social responsibility programme (CSR) by helping those they say deserve to be millionaires by bringing them on set and trying to make them play for ten million naira, a money believed by many comes out of MTN’s coffers.
But on the contrary, Nigerians themselves sponsor the show while the telecom giant carts away the profit, thus exploiting Nigerians.
MTN’s Profit From Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
Further investigation revealed that MTN Nigeria makes the following profit
- N1.665 billion in a week
- N6.660 billion each month
- N79.920 billion yearly.
This is based on the conservative estimate that at least a quarter (8,325,000) of MTN’s 33.3 million subscribers send an SMS each (costing N200) to participate in the TV game show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”.
With the home-play version, using the same estimate, the firm makes N39.960 billion each year. With the combined figures (excluding proceeds from other promos), MTN Nigeria earns at least N119,880,000,000 in a year.Also,the home game that the viewers always played is another means of defrauding Nigerians of another billions of naira. Unknown to the viewers, the programme watch all over the country is not a live programme but a recorded one and the unsuspecting Nigerians always rush to be part of it for hundred naira per message for a recorded programme that is on air on different stations at different hour.
Where a contestant mounts the stage, he or she plays for N10 million and in most cases they don’t win completely. So where are the remaining billions if truly it is a charity programme?
Besides, MTN appears to be a corporate entity of rippers and scammers in the area of service delivery to its teeming clients. According to its users, the telecoms company charges exorbitantly for its bad internet services. A user who goes by the name Patrick Oparaocha explained a situation where he paid for MTN’s 24-hour internet service and gets cut off for five days without refunding the cash or sending an apology for the error. Our findings revealed that the story goes on and on with many Nigerians who have also complained about its expensive call tariffs which is far higher than other networks.
Two weeks ago, the network operator switched off its network in Lagos and its environs thereby giving its subscribers unbearably low quality service, and ripping off their monies.
Though the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has promised to place serious sanction on the network provider, concerned Nigerians are compelling the agency to look into the fraudulent activities of the telecom company.
My people shine your eye well well oooooooo.

May 29, 2012 at 6:04 AM
The way u dress; the way u’ll be addressd. This wn’t happen if we find solution to our own internal problem which is corruption, a S.A. company defrauding us in Nigeria, imagine? The cost of the text should be reduced.
November 28, 2012 at 9:46 AM
Pls,beware of Scammers on WWTBAM homepage.
The cheap laptop stuff by Rev.Emmanuel Okorie who claimed to be d Diretor of Emtech Computers with collaboration to WHO WANT TO BE A MILLIONAIRE is a scam…they used it to defrauds people off their money i have a living witness please beware even on any e-book
Chief Remilekun A. R
May 29, 2012 at 7:30 AM
Firstly, i will to commend the observer for the good examination. Likewise i go for mtn’s auto raffle draw without placing specific point, after exshausting my money thru their simple technic question, then ask. They say no specific point, imagine! I had been in west african’s country communication is not like this, NCC please do something.
Festus Olawale Ajayi
May 29, 2012 at 8:58 AM
I think this is a long standing and ongoing scenario that the Mtn network has been using to depress the poor Nigerian’s whose purchasing Power is very low, the uderpining scenario are: 1, poor network service, 2, high tarrif, 3, unsolicited transaction confirmed for defraud and many others. Etisalat and Glo has won my heart, looking at this two giant network tarrif, services, effective browsing facilities and many others. I think there is a need for Mtn network to be religated, while Etisalat and Glo plus others will carry on.
sir success
May 29, 2012 at 10:15 AM
well, me dont even like MtN. Because their call tariff is not cheap, and also d browsing stuff and stil yet them stil d cheat us. 9jerians make we shine our eyes!
May 29, 2012 at 11:17 AM
mtn is d worst network
May 29, 2012 at 3:51 PM
I hate MTN from the beginning, it’s a useless network. Etisalat network is the best, followed by Airtel & Glo.
austine nwokebelu
May 29, 2012 at 7:23 PM
I think MTN services should be given limitations cos they are not been fair….atleast for extorting our money they dont even sometimes give us free weekend browsing and free calls and many other good plans with our extorted money….all they do is just to keep on eating alone….E no good ooo
follow me protest am o for good….we need happy nigeria
May 29, 2012 at 9:56 PM
all this money that they are making in Nigeria are they making it in south Africa where they came from … Stupid network my people let us face the one will have in our country Glo and abandon all others
May 31, 2012 at 3:30 PM
Mtn deceive 9ja most on the screen of televition nd make us to believe them, but when u now go for it u discover is not working. See all their noise concerning 3G, very poor. Call tariff too much, browsing d worst. I don tired 4 MTN ooo
June 3, 2012 at 7:20 PM
Mtn na wahala netwrk let us chaz dem bk 2 S.A I beg b4 dm kill us wit high tariff
Idio kingsley
June 11, 2012 at 7:34 AM
I wanted to enter the game WWTBAM, but i can’t try that now that i’ve learnt about the scam. Mtn make una change, becos nine days for the thief but one day for the owner!
February 9, 2013 at 4:14 PM
Its true WWTBAM, maks money bt u can mak gud use of the opportunty wisely. I assure u, u wl mke money from them cos hav mad my money this week, without going to HOT SEAT. Think twice man.
June 17, 2012 at 1:38 PM
Na bad network be this. Please we can help ourselves by revealing free browsing and free call codes and tricks
June 24, 2012 at 2:10 AM
Well,me i don’t even like mtn service because of its poor effort in service. I also am a victim of their data bundle which are not even given to their customers. I think they should be religated
Enis kindness
July 19, 2012 at 9:44 AM
MTN intentionaly exploit Nigerian because of bad leadership. Stop blame MTN .foringners come to Nigeria to abide to rule and regulation. President, senator, Governors Labour leaders are the master minder .because they compell forign investors to give them percentages every months if they want to stay in market . I had interaction with one white man work with indome conpany, he said that they could pay Driver one hundred thousand naira basic salary every month instead of eighteen thousand naira per month. But black chairman directors and management decide it, Let pray against bad leaders in publics and privates sector, there is power in your tongue, say it today
Osikomaya Tawio Oluwadamilare
September 25, 2012 at 7:45 AM
d worst network so far is mtn.dey d brain and talent of stealin.
chukwu michael
September 28, 2012 at 8:23 PM
All that every body has said concerning mtn is true cause I have played the home quiz question more than 20x to extend that they send me 5 questions instead of 4 nd I still don’t win any thing.a
October 13, 2012 at 10:37 AM
Please, let us understand that this is called game! The main issues for consideration are 1. Raffle draw; which automatically disqaulify many. 2. Broadcasting stations not telling viewers that recorded programmes are not live! 3.getting people to play online without clearly making online means of paying online winnings. Asiding these points, people should get exactly what they are able to win.
October 13, 2012 at 10:50 AM
They have their surname as cheat and first name as fraudster.
Joe Odey
November 7, 2012 at 4:24 PM
It’s real. I was once invited to play for the ten million naira.
Kilani Abdul
November 16, 2012 at 10:19 PM
Ehen? So these guz actually tricked us? Ok now
Binta Ahmed Abdullahi
November 16, 2012 at 10:20 PM
They tricked demselves noτ us.
December 2, 2012 at 7:48 PM
MTN does not defraud us with wwtbm, after all they did not force us. But if u say their tarif is too high i agree with that.
Itedjere Elgideon
December 12, 2012 at 7:19 AM
to browse is a big problem even if a page is not opening your mb is still going gosh mtn is the worst network ever. ama switch to etisalat.
January 9, 2013 at 6:58 AM
The fact it is true MTN did not force us to play WWTBAM but abroad they would either ban the game or they sanction them by telling them to refund back the money back to their customers.Bad leadership the almighty corruption is our real problem.God have mercy on us amen
January 25, 2013 at 10:03 PM
all i can say is that mtn is 2 bad. Lets go for glo,etisalat or airtel
January 27, 2013 at 11:19 PM
i need to send a massage to who want to be a million, but i don’t have de number to text on it, i mean home quiz number, pls help me out on dis metter tanx
Adebayo Adeyemi
January 29, 2013 at 3:16 PM
Mtn company should be sue to court due to their fradulent program called WWTBAM. Can u imagine i have played the home quiz two times nd i was sent a message that i av answered all correctly dat i stand d chance of winning #1000,000 nd i haven’t get any other notification.
April 2, 2013 at 1:24 PM
no be force 2 play be force 2 use mtn network.we can drive dem back 2 s.a if we stop petronizing dem.
December 14, 2014 at 8:57 AM
Pls d gud people of Naija, u are all talking about the bad aspect of MTN in Naija pls what of d gud once. Iam using MTN with other networks but d truth remains dat MTN is d best depending on ur tarrif plan. I dont care where it comes 4rm but d truth is dat anytin dat is not gud is bad,MTN pls let ur ways be right b4 God, do d right thing ok.I dont want anything 2 damage ur image pls,u re still d best & we all knows d truth.
Gift Akachi
July 25, 2015 at 2:40 PM
that’s very true John, i’v been in d audiance and seen how they help people through that programme,, besides every foundation like that is supposed to yield increase for d founder,,, people should not be blinded by d 200 sms fee and stop others from benefiting from dis,, now d question for mr researcher, how much has sombody ever recieved through you or ur programme? Pls john link me up so i can keep up with d next edition jare! I even want to join tgeir smart crew team
January 3, 2016 at 6:52 PM
Eunice chibunna
January 22, 2016 at 8:20 AM
My is dat i was even called dat iv won 20,000 naira in two weeks i will hear from dem till today.since may last year till now no since of them