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How To Reduce Stress Naturally: 13 Effective Ways To Relieve Stress Quickly

how to reduce stress naturally

By Biodun Akinboboye

How To Reduce Stress Naturally: 13 Effective Ways To Relieve Stress Quickly & Get Your Life Back To Order

Stress is a natural occurrence that occurs from time to time. Stress can be very detrimental if not properly handled by an individual. The level of stress occurrence in your health can cause a change of mood, fatigue, loss of sex drive, and even emotional trauma if not prevented.

Now let’s look at ways of how to prevent stress occurrences

  1. Keep the body hydrated; Health authorities recommends a minimum of 2liters of water daily for the proper functioning of the body and its organ. Keeping the body hydrated daily can prevent stress in your body. This helps keep the electrolyte balance of the body and its organ such as liver, kidney, and heart which might be lost through excessive sweating from a hard day’s job, thinking and emotional problem. For individuals who are not used to drinking water, takingcalorie-free flavored drinks can help prevent stress.
  1. Get enough sleep; Sleep is one therapy to prevent stress that might occur through physical stress or emotional stress. Individuals need a sleeping time of 7-8hours every night to prevent stress. But when we fail to sleep, it increases the chances of stress level. If you find it difficult to sleep, it is advisable to look for a programme that will best soothe your needs. A good and long night sleep will help in unwinding your stress level and help prevent stress.
  1. Healthy diet;Food which is low in nutritive value can leave us with low calorie and stressed out. Certain foods such as those high in fatty contents and caffeine can increase the level of stress hormone and difficult to deal with stress. Taking foods high in fiber content and carbohydrate helps supply the brain with more calorie which helps prevent stress level in the brain. Also,the taking of vegetables like carrot and citrus fruit which are rich in vitamin c can help prevent stress occurrences.
  1. Engage in Meditation; How often have you taken time to engage in self-meditation after a day’s job, or when fatigued. Engaging in daily meditation for up to 20-30 minutes can help prevent stress. The level of our hormones increases during times of emotional setback and anxiety. Meditations and relaxation response is one way of resetting our breathingand blood pressure that might have increased through emotional problems. Starting meditation might be difficult to embark on.But as days go by our body becomes used to it. 
  1. Positive Thinking; How well do you engage your thoughts? Engaging in positive thinking can help prevent stress levels in the brain. A positive thinking skill is one way you can improve to create a positive thinking attitude. Reading motivational books can help improve on your positive thinking skills. It not only develops your self-moral values but also increasesthe positivity of the mind which in turn prevents stress level. 
  1. Hangout with Families and Friends; Stress can build up from loneliness and moody state of mind. This emotional stress type can be difficult to handle during severe stress conditions. Hanging out with friends and families occasionally can help prevent such condition. Socializing with friends and families reduce the level of stress hormone hence prevent it from occurring.
  1. Exercise; Working out 3-5 times a week can help prevent stress such as mental stress. Individuals who engage in exercise regularly are less likely to be mentally stressed. Exercise release hormones that make us relax well and prevent stress. Also, exercise helps us have a better sleeping time at night which indirectly helps prevent the occurrence of stress. 
  1. Visit Amusement Shows; One way to prevent stress is laughing. It may sound strange, but it is worth doing. An individual that is engaged in laughing from time to time has a reduced chance of stress to set-in. Laughing not only removes the wrinkle from your face but also controls your mood which indirectly prevents mental stress. 
  1. Go Yoga; There are different forms of Yoga classes depending on the one that best soothes your need. Engaging in Yoga for a novice might be difficult but having a coach might save you stress. Yoga as a mind and breathing exercise help connect the mind and body. A deep understanding of how the body works will provide a helpful insight of how to prevent stress. When we are stress out such as being anxious and difficult to control our breathe it create a room for being stressed out. So doing yoga for at least twice a week can help prevent anxiety and reduce breathing problem which in turn reduce stress attack. 
  1. Go for massage; Massage is popularly found in gyms and spa nowadays. Going for regular body massage can help prevent physical symptoms of stress like a headache, pains, tense muscle and even low energy. Massage helps increase circulation of blood which helps shift thoughts from everyday worries and setbacks.  Some massage homes uses soft, sensational rhythm to create an atmosphere of relaxing mood. 
  1. Keep Control of Your To-do List: You definitely cannot cheat nature.Having a tight to-do list on a particular day can contribute to increase the level of stress at the later part of the day. To-do list are not meant to leave us fatigued, overburdened and stress out. Managing difficult task of the day by calling for assistance can help prevent stress. Also creating and breaking the task into simpler module can be one way of preventing stress. 
  1. Talk to a Friend; Loneliness and boredom contribute to increase the level of stress.Talking and getting engaged with a friend help prevent stress and make us healthier. A good relationship with friends helps prevent negative experience and mental stress. 
  1. Listen to Music; Slow sensational music has its unique way of preventing physical and mental stress. Music helps to communicate with our emotions from lyrics to beat. It provides soothing relief and helps in keeping us engaged in it. One way we engaged in it is by singing witha slow rhythmic movement that controls our mood. Engaging in it can help prevent stress.
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