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Iyabo Obasanjo Paid To Write Open Letter To Father; OBJ Calls Vanguard Idiot

iyabo obasanjo paid letter father

December 19, 2013 – Senator Iyabo Obasanjo , Obasanjo’s Daughter Paid To Write Open Letter To Her Father; OBJ Calls Vanguard Idiot

Ex-Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo is not in a good mood as we speak.

When contacted today by Vanguard News, angry Obasanjo reportedly called the publisher of the 11-page open letter from his daughter, Senator Iyabo Obasanjo a bloody idiot.

Check out the heated argument that ensued between Obasanjo and Vanguard below:

Vanguard: Sir, we tried reaching you all through yesterday, to no avail, over the letter written by your daughter, Iyabo, to you.

Olusegun Obasanjo: You are a bloody idiot, you have published the paper and you are now looking for me, you are an idiot, don’t call me again. When Iyabo finishes you in court…. (hangs up).

This is coming hours after Iyabo Obasanjo changed her mind despite pleas from family members and reveal herself as the mind behind the letter calling her biological father a liar, manipulator, wife beater and an hypocrite.

Who Paid Iyabo Obasanjo To Write Open Letter To Her Father?

A political insider said Iyabo Obasanjo was paid to authorize the 11-page letter of insult to her father. “She wasn’t the one who wrote it, the letter was written by a paid writer”.- said the source

The source further said not only was Obasanjo’s daughter paid to write the explosive letter of abuse to her father, she was under the influence of a suspected spiritual power.

Weeks before the letter surfaced, Governor Osoba paid Iyabo a visit in the United States Of America.

The former Governor of Ogun State, Chief Segun Osoba confirmed that he met Iyabo Obasanjo, during his trip to the United States in September 2013.
Recounting his chance meeting with Ms. Obasanjo to SaharaReporters, Chief Osoba said he was in the United States for the 73rd anniversary of the Nieman Foundation Fellowship when he ran into Iyabo, while he was staying at The Charles Hotel in Cambridge, who told him her car was parked in the hotel’s basement parking lot.

Chief Osoba said that after the meeting, Iyabo Obasanjo went downstairs to get her car and then drove him to the offices of the Nieman Foundation Center where he had an event. He said the trip took close to an hour, leaving plenty of time for a long conversation.

Speaking further, Chief Osoba disclosed that Iyabo expressed exactly the same sentiments about her father contained in her letter that was just published by SaharaReporters. According to the former governor, Ms. Obasanjo stated that her father would divide the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) more than it was after his so-called intervention in the party. He said Ms. Obasanjo also stated that she had no plans to return anymore to Nigerian politics, a sentiment she expressed in the insultive letter to her father.

Politics aside, this is gross misconduct on behalf of Iyabo Obasanjo.

How can a mature lady insult her father openly like that?

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  1. Idiobe Mike

    December 19, 2013 at 7:02 PM

    ****** people and juju na God go save them
    Imagine juju mixed with politics.

  2. Ojasope

    December 19, 2013 at 7:04 PM

    I believe the real secret behind this letter will be revealed soon.
    An meye bo lapo ni. Pls don’t blame Iyabo yet she is a novice when it comes to voodoo

  3. Chizzy baby

    December 19, 2013 at 7:05 PM

    Why all these conflicting reports pls enough of this distraction Nigerians want to focus on the main issue

  4. yeye d smell

    December 19, 2013 at 7:06 PM

    I see yeye smelling for Jonathan’s yan***. His secret will soon come out
    Please continue the part 3 of this movie. Nollywood producers make una take note

  5. not surprised

    December 19, 2013 at 7:07 PM

    I’m not surprised to read this because this is what my dad told me this afternoon
    A woman can’t just wake up and write this type of letter to her father.
    A stronger force must have compelled her

  6. Gentry Ibrahim

    December 19, 2013 at 7:15 PM

    This is becoming too much why will these desperate politicians put this lady into this mess.

  7. Niki

    December 19, 2013 at 7:24 PM

    @not surprised just as a stronger force compelled Obj to write 2 mr president.

  8. Faith Njoku

    December 19, 2013 at 7:26 PM

    GEJ & OBJ I’m enjoying this drama please keep it up

  9. Which 1 is true

    December 19, 2013 at 7:28 PM

    Pls save us dis mess, which 1 do we believe? Hmmm

  10. AK

    December 19, 2013 at 7:30 PM

    This is becoming ludicrous. This is nothing but polical game of chess. Chief Segun Osoba corroborating the contents of the letter speaks volume about APC’s being part of this orchestration. While dirty politics is globally known but not to this extent of bringing their children into it and am sure this will open doors for more of political bigwigs especially from the south to start getting into washing their family dirty linens outside.

    Wahalai no amount of voodoo or money will make any northerners child do such. Ccan you imagine IBB or Abacha’s children being dragged into stupidly dirty politics like this? GEJ stay mute as your sacrophants are doing all your dirty work. All movies comes to an end. Think Samuel Doe, Charles Taylor, Idi Amin, Abacha and the rest then you will know that the seat of power always sees the back of every occupier.

    But as Nigerians we are spectators and we are watching…keep the drama going!

  11. Mayor

    December 19, 2013 at 8:04 PM

    Hmmmmn,ℓ̊​ smell Cover-up in ds whole issue,if Ʊ notice since ds purported Iyabo’s Letter came up,d attention had now shifted from ObasanjO’s Letter to GEJ.let GEJ come out openly to defend himself rather than all ds dumb tricks.We need Change in ds Country

  12. Nma

    December 19, 2013 at 8:29 PM

    Pls, you people should leave Iyabo alone, do you know how it hurts for a child to grow up without fatherly care, obasanjo deserved what he got and will soon be disowned by all his children. Obasanjo, u are a fool forever.

  13. overcomer

    December 19, 2013 at 8:56 PM

    as 4 me all i wil say is God done ams GEJ prayer,OBJ insult n xpose GEJ wit letter stil GEJ didnt ans rather it a war btwn father n daughter xposeing themsvl.GEJ ur enemy nw eat their flesh n drink their own bloody.i nw beliv silent is d best ans to some issue OBJ xpose GEJ While Iyabo xpose her dad,wow.tank God.

  14. Miss k

    December 19, 2013 at 10:24 PM

    May be d same voodoo or juju whteva was also used on OBJ 2 write 2 GEJ… PLS someone shld help me out


    December 19, 2013 at 10:25 PM

    Nigerians and their superstition!That she was under the influence of juju is the dandiest thing I’ve heard lately!Did anyone read the part that she said she’s not been in talking terms with her father for over a year?I believe part of her reason for writing such an open letter is the fact that despite the father’s influence in PDP,she still lost in 2011!That letter was scribbled clear – headedly,chikina!

  16. Metu Nyetu

    December 19, 2013 at 10:51 PM

    Weda voodoo or volvo, I luv wat’s hapnin 2 OBJ @d moment. Wen nxt sombdy says open letter 2 him, he’d just flee.

  17. Henry4Gud

    December 19, 2013 at 10:56 PM

    All dis fools pointing accuse fingers on Jonathan shame 2u all!!! Ahhhhh! I cry 4 this our nation Nigeria cuz we prentend to be one Nigeria while we are not!

  18. dave

    December 20, 2013 at 12:50 AM

    This is absolute nonsense or pure bull-shit. It’s absurd for one to have preconceive notion that some stupid voodoo or stronger force is behind her senseless behavior. She’s presently residing in U.S. Besides, did anybody put gun on her head to write a derogatory letter about her father? Of course she knew what she’s doing people.

  19. iron bar

    December 20, 2013 at 3:03 AM

    juju also made him(obj) to seek his third term bid,juju nade abacha to rule us with iron hand and chudi made our politicians to keep stealing us blind..we need to call spade ,a spade otherwise we continue with our merry go round drama..

  20. paulson

    December 20, 2013 at 3:04 AM

    d lady demands a hug.i miss fela..he for don wax am for music..yeye politicians

  21. Angry Nigerian

    December 20, 2013 at 9:56 AM

    No bi small thingoo! Husband beats his wife, it Jonathan dat couses it. Can we get real for once!

  22. ranting mouth

    December 20, 2013 at 10:11 AM

    sometimes i wonder how pple can b fooled, like bob Marley said, u can fool pple sometime but u can fooled d pple all d time, dis is political game, who is OBJ 2 judge GEJ, we all know how Obj destroyed dis our loved country, now dat GEJ is no longer dancing 2 his tune, he came out wit dis mess he called letter, dey r birds of d same feathers, n dey should b tried n both sentence 2 life imprison period

  23. chichi

    December 20, 2013 at 11:44 AM

    Which one are we believing and whom do we trusting? God have mercy to this country.

  24. fernandez

    December 20, 2013 at 12:46 PM

    are they blaming witchcraft on the issue? so the juju left naija’s airport and arrived at j.f kennedy airport. it then boarded a train to cambridge and it affect iyabo’s state of mind and made her write the letter..lwkm

  25. Mark brown

    December 20, 2013 at 1:07 PM

    Maybe na juju make Obasanjo go sleep with his son’s wife.

  26. troth only

    December 20, 2013 at 4:31 PM

    The letter to her father is for d family to address. As for d letter to GEJ..that was loaded and contents concern d entire nation. Let mr.president not employ his normal technique of allowing issues to die down after so much noise. Ge really needs to address d points raised with d seriousness it deserves.

  27. kanayo ferdy

    December 20, 2013 at 10:36 PM

    My friends, there is no Juju anywhere.
    The Lady was just frustrated with her Fathers antics.
    She knew very well that her Father was making up things in order to get ride of Jonathan. To kill a Dog you must call him a bad name.
    It is very Fustrating to grow up without a Father and also She knew her father lacks moral ground to accuse Jonathan of anything.
    Baba, Jonathan does not believe in election rigging so please leave him alone. come 2015, If he looses out he goes and that is democracy for you

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