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Laide Bakare’s Ex-Husband To Arrest Her & Withdraw US Green Card

laide bakare husband arrestedolumide okunfulure

June 19, 2013 – Laide Bakare’s Ex-Husband Plans To Arrest Her & Withdraw US Green Card

Mr Olumide Okunfulure, the former husband of Nollywood actress Laide Bakare is set to take revenge big time.

The US-based socialite has finalized his plan to get Laide Bakare arrested and withdraw her green card.

In a recent interview with Encomium magazine, Laide’s Ex-hubby said he has already contacted United States Immigration Officials about their marriage problem.

Okunfulure further said he has also hired a lawyer to finalize the legal process of getting her arrested.

He said after all is done, she will be deported to Nigeria from the United States of America.

This arrest he said will help the process of completing the appropriate DNA test to ascertain the paternity of the baby boy.

Hear Mr Okunfulure in his own words below;

What she did to me was unfair, after all i had done in her life.Now, i have concluded plans to not only to have her arrested but withdraw her green card which also bears my name. After that is done,she will be automatically flushed out of the united states of America,and she will never be allowed to enter again.This arrest will facilitate the DNA test,which is the only option to determine who actually fetched the new baby that she named after Orilowo. Ordinarily, she won’t show up unless she is arrested.

As we speak, Laide Bakare and her new born baby with her new husband, Mr Tunde Orilowo are currently staying at Inn Hotel in Manhattan, New York.

Few years back, Olumide sponsored Laide to America.

After securing her US Green card, she dumped him for another man citing the fact that he already married another woman before her.

How come she didn’t see all this before he sponsored her.

Did she just ignore them to secure her Green card?

Laide Bakare has so many questions to answer regarding this case.

The actress & her new hubby, Tunde Orilowo are waiting to get the citizenship for their baby before departing to Nigeria.



  1. Anikeopeyemi

    June 19, 2013 at 12:28 PM

    That is a good step by carryout DNA Test we would be able to know the paternity of that baby boy

  2. SMS

    June 19, 2013 at 12:41 PM

    dats life for u,,, smart ppl get d smart card… Kudos for laide, she is veri smart… Mr ex-husband, u don marry, y ur eye stil dey chuk,, infact, ur own wife supose charge u for furnication,, dnt u knw u cheated on her? Is dat wot u promise her b4 u marry her? Let go of dis joor! Laide, congrat 4 ur new born baby,,,, iya lo mo baba omo so, she knw d right man dat own’s d baby….

    • Godwin

      June 19, 2013 at 1:43 PM

      Birds of d same feather you are with Laide. Eni e ri e ba lo.

  3. ULOMA

    June 19, 2013 at 1:31 PM

    Mr exhusband,i will suggest you let it go.She doest want you to be a part of her life or that of her child.go and make take care of your wife cos from what you said i can as well conclude you married your first wife to secure a green card.**mtseeew**

  4. Christy

    June 19, 2013 at 1:31 PM

    This is so funny ,

  5. Trey Smith

    June 19, 2013 at 1:44 PM

    I live in the states. you can’t have someone arrested because they no longer wanna be with you. she has a green card. it’s gonna be very difficult for him to prove that she entered the marriage with false pretences

    • femib

      June 19, 2013 at 3:29 PM

      Where did you get that from?

      • ola

        June 19, 2013 at 4:37 PM

        abi oh ask mr/ms americana?

        • momo

          June 20, 2013 at 2:31 AM

          I am sorry, but Trey Smith is right, I live in the USA, and I know there is no way he can get her greencard revoked, once its been issued and he signed the form , there is nothing he can do. I have seen so many people get married and applied for greencard for their partners and they get divorced, even before the Greencard is issued and they still give the other person. He can do all he wants, as long as she never committed any crimes against the US Government, her green card belongs to her.

    • ola

      June 19, 2013 at 4:36 PM

      What more proof do they need to confirm that she is a fraudster? she got green card and took off with another man. Am sure what she has right now is still the temporary green card. If am the ex husband and have my way I will treat her f**k up in a bigger way all these local champion feeling like stars.

  6. Adeyem Damilare

    June 19, 2013 at 2:16 PM

    The are all crazy, na so all of them dey do..Mr Okunfulure what was your personal aim before getting married to Laide Bakare? and don’t tell us that you love her, cos if you do, you won’t go to extent of withdrawing her green card? as for DNA i supported that. To Laide Bakare every day na for thief but one day for the owner, the other game burnt you.”in responsible people”
    Niaja Gist well down jo mo na feed me with better story, I dey gbadun your site menn.

  7. alimi

    June 19, 2013 at 3:15 PM

    Mr Ex-husband what is ur problem why cant u mind ur business by face ur 1st wife and u leave young lady alone abi u dey look for trouble


    June 19, 2013 at 4:46 PM

    It is very expensive to sponsor somebody for relocation to America. If she’s no longer willing to be with him, she should pay him back all he has spent on her. This should be done if it can be proven that she used him to get her green card.

    If he can prove that she got married to him for her green card, this is immigration fraud. He can get her in trouble with immigration.

  9. ricky

    June 19, 2013 at 5:05 PM

    Olu mithy why yu no tell laide say de mark on ur face no be odinary mark???

  10. Martha

    June 19, 2013 at 5:46 PM

    So bad for her… U don’t do things like that n expose ur self to the public… I don’t blame mr X… U really can’t tell whet his been thru in the US to have some one bring him down that bad,,,, as for de lady.. Lucky u all ur kids r US ctzens … U can as well have one Nigerian lol.. All de best people

  11. Ara

    June 19, 2013 at 10:04 PM

    I wonder why some pple ar supporting laide, does it mean she did a good thing by dumping her hubby for another man while she hasn’t divroce him? She voiced out when she was already pregnant for mr oriowo. Bros Olu take it easy bcos u were warned not to marry her so ohun oju nwa loju nr!

  12. Ola

    June 19, 2013 at 11:49 PM

    I think her ex husband should just let it sound bitter by the tone of your no way i’m taking her side..only God knows what transpired between you 2..but how low can you go? by saying she would be flushed out of the United States as if her life would come to an end just because she doesn’t possess american green card..grow up buddy.


    June 20, 2013 at 12:18 AM

    Mr. Ex: The more you talk, the harder you rubish yourself. I.N.S designed a safety-net to prevent a fraudster like “LAIDE”. You signed the initial petition, you signed a waiver on the “conditional green card” then LAIDE is good to go for another (10) years. You would have locked LAIDE with U.S
    civil union that will make your DNA quest, a cake walk. Goodluck with your Lawyer and your Nigerian civil union with LAIDE.

  14. iron bar

    June 20, 2013 at 1:24 AM

    yoruba and their messy laundry

  15. Neski

    June 20, 2013 at 6:56 AM

    If Mr ex-husband was really married before,why hasnt the woman showed up?

  16. lara

    June 20, 2013 at 9:13 AM

    Mr olu sebi na 1 woman help u wit ur own green card u left her 4 laide she arrest u?dis pay back time,u do it 4 her when she was making happy,u don’t need all that nd she gave u a beautiful girl she has given u sumthing in raturn u don’t need 2 kill urself bcos of green card go meet ur first wife

  17. alimi

    June 20, 2013 at 11:33 AM

    sorry mr ex-husband is seems u are really confuse some how in the few months aago u said u are not legally marry to laide that u are legagally marry to ur 1st wife later u come up with laide daughter simisola that U going for DNA TEST for to confirm her biological father now the new born baby boy are u sure u know what u are doing instead of u to go and settle peaceful with ur first wife or u dey look for boy b4 and this one than land u think cause katakata take things easy u so that u wont ve blood pressure be careful and if u ve people advicing u wrongly be careful. Olaide how are u and the baby boy Olabiwoninu we are expecting to her from u soon regards to ur baby and new husband.

  18. A. Michael

    June 20, 2013 at 2:27 PM

    Hello Mr Okunfulure, I want you to believe that God is the master planner and nothing happens on earth without his knowledge and that there is always a reason and purpose for every occurrence. Awo once said “what happens to a man happens for good”.
    I think you have to be a man and act like an experience one. Man is the architect of his own misfortune, and the downfall of a man is the beginning of his life. There is no reason why you should fight for the withdrawal of her green card; since she still remains the mother of your child, and the compensations of all our deeds lie in the hands of God.You have done your own for God and all you need to do is to pray for her if she is going astray– as this will definitely stipulate the essence of true love. More over Jesus says pray for those who persecute you. Go for the DNA test as this would surface the veracity of the complication or betrayal; then leave everything for God since He is the master planner. I know she is still coming to beg you when its too late. Bob marley said “in the abundance of water a fool is thirsty”, go out and look for pretty ones with good characters and she will surely bow and its then you will get the respect you deserve. Good luck!

  19. Abibu Akeem

    June 20, 2013 at 5:04 PM

    She shld be jailed coz she is a cheat

  20. mulikat

    June 20, 2013 at 6:56 PM

    Close ur dirty mouth ,u ugly man ,marry b4 u marry Laide,once green card have giving no takeing back finish,u are not USA Govt,u cant change the law.

  21. latty

    June 21, 2013 at 10:07 PM

    I tire for dis nigeria artresses dey just mess themselfs around sebi we learnt say she even snatch dis present husband from sm1 nii well u such a person I liked so much b4 buh am nt sure again bcoz of all stupid tinz am hearin abt u .a muslim nd alhaja for dat matter nd u went to holy land mecca .I tire for una ooo

  22. Anipeagbo

    November 6, 2013 at 2:37 PM

    My advice to ex-husband is to commit everything into the hands of God and let God judge. God is not mocked, whatever a man soweth he shall reap.
    Green Card or not, I want you to know it is not anybody’s passport to Heaven. I know it is not possible for Laide’s green card to be taken by the US govt. If you do not let her be as I have said, you may end up allowing the US govt. suspect you also that it was an arranged marriage and u could also be into a big problem. Aside that, the US govt will not believe you becos she’s got a daughter for you. So stop washing your dirty linen in public and move on with you life. A word is enough for the wise. God help you.

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