LASU Professor Wole Omikorede Is Dead…Dean Of Science Dies Of Heart Attack
Nov 3rd, 2017 – LASU Professor Oluwole Omikorede Is Dead: Shock As Lagos State University Dean Of Science Faculty Dies Of Heart Attack
Another professor has died at Lagos State University few months after the institution lost an academic staff.
According to a senior Management staff of the institution, Professor Oluwole Omikorede, the Dean of Science Faculty was returning home on Wednesday when he suddenly slumped on getting to his car.
He was immediately rushed to Igando General Hospital where he died few hours later.
Recently, the Dean of Management Science Faculty, Professor Oyedijo slumped and died in his car.
LASU students where however quick to blame obesity for the death of Prof Omikorede.
Here is a touching tribute one of his students wrote on Facebook few hours ago
“I started it all. I was on my way out of Country Club, Ikeja, he was coming in, and I greeted him “my in-coming.” Shocked as he was, he had a ready made response for me, “How are you my out going.” He got the joke. However, a lot of people were in the dark about the unique way we used to greet each other and he would take pains to explain to them.
Our paths crossed at Methodist Church Opebi , Ikeja. He grew to be a brother in whom I am well pleased. A happy go lucky fellow. We always throw banters each time we met, at any occasion, in any circumstance.
Who will tell me his sudden demise is a joke? Who will assure me this is just one of his antics, aimed at creating and maximising attention? Who will assure me Prof Wole Omikorede is not gone for good?
This life. This futile life. This unpredictable life. This short life. This cruel life.
Prof. Wole Omikorede, you were always mimicking Maami’s obituary poster by telling me “Bye for a while.” Now, it is for real. Indeed, bye for a while. I have assurance, we will meet again to part no more.
Painful. Painful. Painful.”

November 3, 2017 at 4:16 AM in peace.This Heart Attack of a name na wha o, or was it too much workload or something? can you imagine!a young Prof. gone just like dat