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Lawyer Laments Increased Circulation Of Pornographic Materials In Lagos Nigeria

May 16, 2015 – Lawyer Laments Increased Circulation Of Pornographic Materials In Lagos Nigeria, Blasts Police For Patronising Sellers

Lagos-based lawyer, Sonnie Ekwowusi yesterday lamented the increasing sale of Pornographic videos and photos in Lagos Nigeria.

In an exclusive chat with New Agency Of Nigeria, Mr Ekwoswusi said;

“Many of these offences that are being committed are punishable under the Criminal Code, but unfortunately we lack the political will to get people prosecuted under the Criminal Code.

sonnie EkwowusiMr Ekwowusi

“Even the policemen who are supposed to prosecute are not interested and that is a big tragedy.

“The Criminal Code contains a section that outlaws obscenity, that is hawking of obscene photographs and obscene materials.

“All over the place, these materials are being hawked and children who are going or coming back from school come across these materials and they make use of them.

“Can’t the police go after these people who are hawking these materials, arrest them and prosecute them? But they are not doing that. This has been going on over the years.

“So, we want to raise awareness of the members of the public that these people, who are hawking or selling all these obscene pornographic materials, that they are doing something wrong.

“The law also allows members of the public to alert the public on these things, because these are all crimes that are punishable under the Criminal Code.

“The day Nigeria will wake up and start prosecuting the people who are doing these, then we would have reached the zenith of our civilization. Right now, we are not doing anything.

“In other countries, they do not do that.”

He urged the police to be proactive in the arrest and prosecution of offenders before these materials corrupt the mind of young kids



  1. Larry Mbong

    May 16, 2015 at 9:46 PM

    I agree even 10 year old are watching blue film

  2. Amanda

    May 17, 2015 at 2:14 AM

    If Muslims were to speak on this kind of nonsense and enforce shariah law, you **** people will complain. This is why Law must be put in place and enforced. Worst still, ****** laws will help greatly against this silly act.

    I feel sad for this because in the next 10 yrs, if govt do nothing against this now, children will be corrupted like in Western world.

  3. shigua

    May 17, 2015 at 8:34 AM

    Well I agreed to some extent but in other hands what is the govt doing to help those are hawking the pornography materials …In a situation while govt is not helping citizens they need to look for means of surviving.

  4. Engr iyke

    May 17, 2015 at 10:43 AM

    There are so many things that are not normal in our country , mr lawyer , politicians are looting our money left , right & centre , and virtualy all lawyers are keeping mute , are police not suppose to go for all these politicians and govt officials, mr lawyer may i remind u that most of u defend this political looters in court , even when it is obvious that they are guilty . U may argue , that every suspect is presume innocent, until the court proves otherwise, u can channel ur energy and crusade on how to make every dick & harry obeys the law irrespective of their status. Thank u

  5. Emeka

    May 17, 2015 at 5:01 PM

    @Amanda, Sharia Law is out of question. We shouldn’t promote Sharia or Pornography as well. This irksome has penetrated all Alaba market, all relevant angency wake up plz. Thanks!

  6. Metu Nyetu

    May 17, 2015 at 5:35 PM

    Sharia law would be a retrogressive approach @Amanda. We just need d concernd institutions 2 wake up &do their job. Even our police dat like 2 oppress & make money frm innocent ppl appear not 2knw dat they shd b arresting diz guilty vendors who display pornographic contents as if they were flowers.

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