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Moji Olaiya Converts To Islam: Nigerian Actress Turned Muslim Says Islam Is A Peaceful Religion
July 8, 2014 – Moji Olaiya Converts To Islam: Christian Nollywood Yoruba Actress Turned Muslim Says Islam Is A Peaceful Religion
Several months after Yoruba actresses Liz Da Silva and Liz Anjorin dumped Christianity for Islam, another Nollywood star has followed suit.
The actress in question is Moji Olaiya, the daughter of highlife music legend Dr Victor Olaiya.
In a recent chat with Encomium, Moji Olaiya said her mother was an Alhaja before converting to Christianity when she married her father.
The actress alleged that Christians pray to God only through pastor and that in her newly found religion, they pray to Allah directly without going to any cleric.
She further alleged that Islam is a peaceful religion.
Read what she told Encomium:
“Honestly, Islam is a peaceful religion. The aspect I love most is that you don’t need any pastor to get closer to God. You don’t really need anybody to pray for you. You can always pray on your own and Almighty Allah will answer your prayer without any intermediary. I have been doing that since I became a Muslim and it has always worked for me. ”
“That is the problem I have with people. When you say you are doing something, they believe a man must be responsible for it. No man influenced my decision to identify with Islam. I have just said it, my mother was an Alhaja before she converted to Christianity. Islam has been a religion I have always loved. I have been in-between Christianity and Islam but just recently I decided to embrace Islam fully and there is no regret doing so.”
According to Nollywood sources, several months after moving out of her matrimonial home because her husband cheated on her, she has found love in the heart of a popular Lagos-based Alhaji who is currently married to two other women (one a musician).
A source said Moji has no problem with polygamy since it is openly permitted in Islam.

November 24, 2014 at 6:52 PM
Congratulations moji,you are old enof to make a choice and dis one u av made wether good or bad is btwn u and ur creator.I knw u re aware dat Christ is so merciful dt He is so willing to accept u weneva u want to come back would av been beta for u to keep quite wen u don’t knw wat to say Dan for u to say Christians pray to God tru pastors where in d world is dat statement established? Well do enjoy ur new found faith while it last.
February 17, 2015 at 12:07 PM
To all of u my fans I read all ur comments but decided to let things cool down before replying, I appreciate those that encouraged me and to those that abused me I also appreciate u all. Point of correction d fake person dat u call ur self my cousin u want to tell me u av a cousin and u don’t know how many kids ur cousin has I av just a daughter I av never attended pastor Itonha’s church before I never had any close contact with this man of God in my life so u dat u call ur self my cousin I don’t even know u shows d kind of person u this Bidemi is u go about claiming to be what u are not and also dent people’s Image may God have mercy on u. Second u don’t believe all u read on d papers I never grant an interview saying dat Xtians pray through pastors dat is not true I grew up knowing so much about xtianity dat I can not be brainwashed, u don’t need any pastor to pray to ur God. I also read in the bible that u should not judge others to my xtian Fans what happened to dat part of God’s message. Third I am not in any relationship with any Alhaji dat has wives neither am I planning to be a third wife to any Alhaji that is not also true. I have never come out to say I am an evangelist no its not true. You don’t believe all this journalists that want to sell their papers and dey believe d only way to do that is by writing scandals and by lying to u our fans and majority of u our fans will just go ahead and say all sorts of things. I have decided not to say anything initially but bcos of my image and bcos of d liar Bidemi dat says u are my cousin dat I av never met in my life and also to correct some wrong impression about me, well that is d price we pay for stardom.I have not said xtianity is not peaceful or a good religion. I said I converted because I love Islam I have converted even before Lid Anjorin,I just don’t make noise about whatever I do. I did not go to any journalist to show off no I was sighted during Ramadan when I went for a lecture and dat should b my 3rd Ramadan. Though I still go to church. For 1 year and few months now I av been practicing consistently and not bcos of any man. I am not dating any Alhaji. I converted d year I left my hubby, I av lot of Muslim friends even my ex husband knows I love Islam I have always love d religion when I was little bcos of d way my mum practiced d religion and my aunties. When I was going through my matrimonial issue d lady dat stood by me praying and Counselling me happen to be a Muslim I saw lot of things about d religion. As an adult I believe I av every right to choose what I like. And I know God been a merciful God will direct our paths. I don’t need to be brainwashed by any one and to those hungry journalists looking for cheap publicity watch it so dat u don’t see d wrath of God. To those professional journalists lot of dem will call u when dey hear a rumour to confirm before publishing it, Allah will continue to bless u and u will not labour in vain. To all my fans whether u av a good impression or bad impression I still love u all forget my religion and keep supporting my career and to those dat wrote R.I.P I wonder wat kind of human! Will say dat to a living being like u dat is bad put ur self in my shoes well I will leave and not die Insha Allah. We are d reasons for religion crisis in Nigeria please put a stop to condemning other people’s Religion only God knows who d true worshippers are. What we say about Others can make us loose heaven may Allah Subuhana Wata Allah grant us grace to make heaven. Jazacumulahi Kairan.
February 17, 2015 at 12:35 PM
Bidemi I don’t even know u u are my cousin and u don’t know I av a daughter and not 3 kids like u claim. For ur information Bidemi d liar I av never Attended Pastor Itohan’s church before neither a close contact to this man of God. I av not converted bcos of any Alhaji neither am I in a relationship with an Alhaji or planning to b a 3rd wife. Subuhalahi. U don’t believe all u read. I av never said u need a pastor to pray. I converted to Islam cos I love Islam nothing more. I did not condemn xtianity I av read d two holy books and I av more knowledge. May Allah direct our paths.
February 17, 2015 at 12:49 PM
I kept cool all this while just to let all d noise about my converting to Islam calm down, I av never conderm xtianity. I converted even before liz I just. Don’t go about granting interviews a journalist saw me during a Ramadan lecture he asked me if a iam a Muslim I told him I converted it’s not for a man, how can I worship God cos of a man and I don’t need a rich man to get married I am not rich and not poorto those dat made mention of been a Yoruba actress needing money, I av always been contented my parents are not rich but comfortable I tnk God I don’t worship wealth. My ex hubby knows I love Islam even wen I was little. D bible says do not judge y don’t we leave religion aside it’s only God dat knows who is worshipping him sincerely. Well to all of u dat encouraged and to those dat condemned me I love u all its all bcos u love me pls leave my religion and continue to support my career. Tnx so much I love u all.
February 17, 2015 at 4:50 PM
DON’T BE DISTRACTED. Matthew 6:22-23; Hebrew 12:2. Luke 9:62 “And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”. Everybody meditates. Some just don’t do it by choice. They allow all kinds of thought take root in their minds and later cry for help when things begin to spin out of control. God wants His children to meditate on His word consciously. We are instructed to meditate on the Words of God daily (Josh.1:8). God’s Word must be object of our meditation. The Word was given to us to enable us reason like God; it is our divine configuration. Through meditation on the Word of God, we can restructure and reconfigure our minds to reason like God. Meditating on the Word is fellowshipping with God. When you meditate on God’s Word, you say it to yourself, while in deep thought of it, to create an inner consciousness (an inward image of God’s Word) until it becomes a reality in your spirit. You say it to yourself until your inner consciousness comes to term with its reality. When the image is fully formed through meditation, it will take your thinking over, and you will begin to think like God thinks, that is, in line with His Word. The result of this is a thought life rich with God’s thought of prosperity, healing , peace, increase and so on. Think of God’s thought today and you will see them leap into being for you. Refuse 2 b distracted. Refuse to take your gaze from God’s Word. Distraction is attention on the wrong things. Stay your focus on God’s unchanging Word as you daily meditate on it and make it part of you in thoughts, words and deeds. (Psalm 119:148). DOLAPO’s DESK
March 1, 2015 at 6:29 PM
pls moji where can i get that white hijab you use at your movie monsuratu very nice pls email me at [email protected]
March 1, 2015 at 6:33 PM
i mean [email protected] islam is best ever
Olubunmi Energy
January 19, 2016 at 2:21 AM
Moji is a free world,just do d right thing……Energy of Washington
okolo h Tajudeen
November 1, 2016 at 3:34 PM
Moji I’m very happy for you because you are now came my muslim sister it’s great. Please don’t think about what Lanre Ibrahim said, just focus on your new religion. Remember that islam is not composary for anybody almight allah continue to bleSsing you. Islam is peace and unity thank. I love you
Jamiu Adegboye
May 11, 2017 at 10:31 PM
Islam is a religion of peace and the only religion accepted my our creator, lucky to be a Muslim is not by one power but the will of our Almighty Allah. Actress moji, u re highly welcome to the religion of peace.may Allah accept it For you as an act of abada
May 19, 2017 at 10:41 PM
Leaving the Light and moving into Darkness was a very grave mistake made by the lady – Moji.
She was born into the family of Jesus Christ who God Almighty gave all the power to over Satan, Death, sickness and all storm.
She then moved into the darkness where the leader of the religion even said he didn’t know where he was going after death.
Anyway, she’s gone without Christ Mesiah who is ready to redeem her soul not to go to hell.
You readers, you had better take this opportunity to accept Jesus Christ now before it is too late.
Is it not in Quran that Jesus was conceived and born of Holy Spirit,
Or does Quran not say He is the Mesiah.
That is the blatant truth the devil cannot conceal to deceive people.
You can’t talk to God directly if you don’t go through Jesus Christ.
Why do you talk to demons thinking you are talking to God.
Everybody had been rejected by God due to our sinful ways, but the grace is brought back to man through Jesus Christ, and you people are just allowing satan to deceive you.
You had better seek God when you can find Him before it’s too late.
Jesus is the only way to see God Almighty. Stop talking to the demons thinking you are calling God.
Satan is too cunning !