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My Boyfriend Broke Up With Me Because His Mother Thinks I’m Too Fat, I’m Hurting Please Help

my boyfriend mother thinks am too fatFile photo

June 27, 2016 – My Boyfriend Broke Up With Me Because His Mother Thinks I’m Too Fat, I’m Hurting Please Help

Sad story of a plus size lady who recently got dumped because her boyfriend’s mom wants her son to marry a slim lady.

My boyfriend’s mum made him break up with me because she thinks I’m too fat! I have recently split up from my boyfriend who I know is the love of my life! We were perfect! We were together for two years. We had problems but always seemed to sort them out and carry on.

After two years, his mother suddenly decided that she doesn’t like me and forced us to split up. She doesn’t like me just because I’m fat but her son says he likes me the way I am but his mother is bent on breaking us up.

I’ve tried to lose weight a couple of times but it’s very hard because I come from a family with long history of fat people. I’ve now gained confidence but I’m yet to get over the hurt this break up has caused me. I feel like I’m dying inside because he’s the one I’ve chosen but he doesn’t want to upset his mother so has ended it.

I’m struggling to cope and don’t know what to do! Please help, I’m hurting inside.

Olajumoke from Oyo state



  1. fifelomo

    June 27, 2016 at 5:12 AM

    Olajumoke believe me you are wonderfully made. You are beautiful the way God created you. Whatever belongs to you, will nt be taken away from you. Let God sort you out. One question for you, despite the fact that you are fat, Are you smart? If not work on that and always look good.

  2. Star baby

    June 27, 2016 at 7:01 AM

    That guy doesn’t love u atall if not his mum won’t be a barrier. He’s just looking for an excuse to dump u and pls ladies should not enter a relationship only to view it as a do or die affair! Just have ur fun if it doesn’t workout move on for Heavens sake!abi una wan die ontop of man matter? Build ur career,be the best at what u do! If ur relationship doesn’t workout well move on with ur life! Don’t show a man that is not married to u the whole acrobatics in bed only to please him so that when it happens like this u will hold ur head high and walk away!go get a life babes! Stop languising in self pity! That guy is not worth the stress biko!

  3. sola olaniyi

    June 27, 2016 at 7:28 AM

    Olajumoke, don’t worry yourself rather put all your hope in God…you will surely get a man that will love you just the way you are

  4. Staycul

    June 27, 2016 at 10:22 AM

    With all due respect, so parents are relationship breakers. They dont even care if you as a person finds happiness with your choice, most times they never even care to know more about your choice of partner.

    Miss poster, since your guys refuses to stand and fight for you, just let them be.
    You may enter such marriage now, and the mother wont let you rest.

    You are beautiful and wonderfully made in God’s image.
    Move on with your life and God will give you that man who will appreciate and see God’s beauty in you.

    If everybody is slim i wonder how the world will be.
    If everyobody is fat or tall or short, i still wonder how the world we be.

    God does not and will never make a mistake in making us the way we are.

  5. Big Aunty Koks

    June 27, 2016 at 11:47 AM

    If your boyfriend leaves you because his mother says you are not good enough, then you are better off without him. Even if he marries you, he will still be pushed around by either opinion of his family, his friends or by any other weak excuse he wishes to invoke to leave you. He does not really love you so move on. Time will reduce the pain and the person who truly loves you will eventually come along.

  6. Endure

    June 27, 2016 at 12:20 PM

    Mothers of grown up men should be careful ! Or else they will incur God’s wrath. Why is it that you have now become a spokes person in your sons and daughters marriage? Why not teach your sons and daughters realities and problems that is attached with getting married in the future to their prospective wife or husband and how to manage Or overcome them? On the other hand,sometimes parents are being used as a speaker by their sons and daughters as a means of putting an end to a relationship they feel they are no longer interested in. This is quite bad. Mothers especially have this long standing attitude toward there children’s marriage. Don’t be used by your sons and daughters to quit their relationship. As experienced parents,guide them toward a successful marriage. So my dear don’t view yourself as having a very huge problem that can’t be overcome. If you want to change your stature,fine! There are things you can use, do and avoid to limit your weight. But if you feel you can’t do them,don’t think you can’t have a successful marriage.

  7. lalala

    June 27, 2016 at 1:03 PM

    Ur words sounds like u don’t like being Fat,but u r taking solace in it being a Family heritage.
    My Advice to u is , if u look in the know u r Fat,please do something about it cos not a lot of Guys like u Fat.
    Break away from that family yoke and create a new trend for ur family to emulate.

  8. lalala

    June 27, 2016 at 1:03 PM

    nne try and shed does weight

  9. Endure

    June 27, 2016 at 1:12 PM

    Mothers of grown up men should be careful ! Or else they will incur God’s wrath. Why is it that you have now become a spokes person in your sons and daughters marriage? Why not teach your sons and daughters realities and problems that is attached with getting married in the future to their prospective wife or husband and how to manage Or overcome them? On the other hand,sometimes parents are being used as a speaker by their sons and daughters as a means of putting an end to a relationship they feel they are no longer interested in. This is quite bad. Mothers especially have this long standing attitude toward there children’s marriage. Don’t be used by your sons and daughters to quit their relationship. As experienced parents,guide them toward a successful marriage. So my dear don’t view yourself as having a very huge problem that can’t be overcome. If you want to change your stature,fine! There are things you can use, do and avoid to limit your weight. But if you feel you can’t do them,don’t think you can’t have a successful marriage.

  10. RAPO

    June 27, 2016 at 2:56 PM


  11. buzu-k

    June 27, 2016 at 3:12 PM

    truly speaking that guy dont love you,the guy has gotten enough of u and his tired of u, so he decide to use mummy-said excuss to dump u,so u gonna let him go.and even if what he told u dat his mother said was true,u stil have to let him go,bcus even if he decides to marry u tomorrow,u should know dat u r not getting married to him alone,u r marring the entire family which his mother play vry important they say fall in love with ur mother-inlaw,and ur husband will fall in love with you.

  12. Maryf

    June 28, 2016 at 4:51 PM

    First all, you should know that, that your boyfriend never loves you or even have the intention to marry you. Tell me, is he not a man? is he not old enough to know what he wants? These are clear reasons that he doesn’t love you for marriage, but for friendship. Obeying/not wanting to hurt his mom is just an excuse to discard you.

    My dear, God who created you, made you unique and so, for this reason, pray for your own better half to locate you. The blind, lame, dwarf, short added with fatness, stammerer, etc gets married. You are beautiful the way you are and please, appreciate yourself.

  13. Metu Nyetu

    June 28, 2016 at 11:12 PM

    The man who would cherrish you because of your plus size will surely come by. I love Fifelomo’s comment.

  14. Stellaeze

    June 29, 2016 at 10:59 AM

    So sorry about that you can put in more effort and shed some weight guys no longer fancy fat ladies maybe your Guy didn’t like the idea of you been fat but didn’t no how to tell you so his mum did that for him. Shed some weight girl and move on with your life your Mr right is on his way

  15. Norman Ngwenya

    July 14, 2016 at 9:13 AM

    Say thanks God saved you from that stupid man before you saw worse from his stupidity,he has no backbone and doesnt know what he wants.

    If you wee proposed by his mother then believ me,more that hundred of very handsome and established guys only in one village/city are looking forward to having a permanent share of you.Just wait God will show you and you`ll be thankfull TO loosing a boy for a Man

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